Sunday, January 5, 2014

Harivilas: Kicking Out More People?

[PADA: Harivilas has been giving lectures in Vancouver against the ritviks, because we have a nice independent Prabhupadanuga program there and its gaining popularity. He is also making a new temple in Seattle with the Hindus and they are going to be the managers, and its not even in the name of ISKCON. 

Unfortunately, this all proves that its better to work outside ISKCON properties since they have a tendency to overly abuse the citizens in their program. There are now problems in Philadelphia with Ravindra, problems in St. Louis with the government shutting down their restaurant, troubles in Gita Nagari with not enough people to manage the cows, and so forth, and yet notice that Harivilas says he will kick out another 100 people. The good news is that more people are waking up to this pattern of abuse and mis-managing. ys pd]        

Hari Vilas - The "Kicking" GBC


Word is quickly spreading with congregation devotees here in Phoenix Arizona, that GBC representative Hari Vilas from Seattle is boasting to others that he is willing to ban 100 devotees from being able to visit the Phoenix temple, if he thinks it necessary or he doesn't get his way. Because some congregation devotees are disagreeing with management of this temple, already five long-time devotee Indian families have been driven away and banned by Hari Vilas. Without personally meeting with them to hear their complaints, Hari Vilas and the Temple President, Prema Datri Pratibha Somaiya have forbidden these families, including their innocent children, from coming to the temple for darshan of the Deities of the Lord, Sri Radha Madhava Hari.

This behavior of Hari Vilas and Temple President Prema Dhatri does not seem consistent with the mood of the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who was able to attract thousands to ISKCON with his divine love and compassion. How is this Seattle man showing divine love and compassion, by threatening to kick out anyone who disagrees with him? How does this man think he is representing the guru-parampara of Lord Caitanya?

In psychology, arrogance is generally shown by someone whose behavior is insecure, or who may have been spoiled in childhood by his parents. Or maybe he was just a bully who would bully other children and was not checked from bad mentality, thus carrying this kind of mentality into his adulthood. However, one may think that by joining ISKCON and chanting Hare Krsna, the heart of Hari Vilas would become cleansed from this arrogant tendency. We Indians know very well, more than he, that what goes around comes around. Maya will surely treat this man in the same manner he treats the real Vaishnavas. How can the GBC allow such a person to pose as a representative of Lord Krishna? He is acting very much a disgrace to Sri Prabhupada's movement.

Another GBC authority, Nityananda from Dallas, who also comes for visits to Phoenix, during ra ecent visit said to the devotees that Hari Vilas is saying he will also close the Phoenix temple if he likes, and the temple president can then worship our beautiful Deities in her own home. This is crazy talk. Deities do not belong to Prema Datri or Hari Vilas. They belong to the temple and are for worship by everyone, no matter if we do not agree with what we feel and see in their management.

I am thinking this man should be checked by the GBC and thrown out of their association. He does not know how to treat the Vaishnavas, the Indian families who live here in Phoenix and support the temple. He is giving a bad name also to the GBC and ISKCON. He is representing maya, not Sri Prabhupada. He wants to simply boss and get glory for how big he is. But such language shows he is simply big nonsense. If he is a real man and real ISKCON Vaishnava, then he owes an apology to everyone he has offended. Otherwise this arrogant attitude shows what kind of person he really is.

The Indian lady who manages our temple also, Mrs. Somaiya Prema Datri, if she cannot behave like a humble ISKCON Vaishnavi, should also resign and let someone else manage, who knows how to treat the devotees. Sri Krishna's affairs can be attended to only by special persons who are humble and pure. Krishna does not like anyone thinking they are devotee to be puffed up or treating His devotees disrespectfully. This is more like karmi business mentality.
Let them do business outside if that is really what they want, and let a devotee run Krishna's temple in Phoenix, someone who knows how to serve the devotees and Sri Krishna. We do not need especially this arrogant man from Seattle ISKCON, Hari Vilas. Is he treating other devotees in Seattle the same way? Let him go away, chant and become pure, humble, compassionate. We also hear this man Hari Vilas is soon to become an ISKCON sannyasi? Amazing things happen in this Kali yuga.

1 comment:

  1. Kshamabuddhi is a Gaudiya-matha troll


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