Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cow Slaughter Problem in India

Vrndavan das: Going by the numbers, the cow protection aspect of modern india is a bigger part of the reality than the cow murdering that is going on.

Also as the news article states most of this cow killing is being done for halal markets in the muslim world. the entire indian cow killing operation is being sustained by petro-dollars, who are also major funders of global jihadi terrorism. socio-politically, spiritually and financially these forces are intentionally using cow killing to undermine india. in between bombings at temples, malls, trains and hotels.

all through history cows have been used to either sustain or destroy dharmic civilization. the british also would institute cow killing after conquest in order to emphasize their control politically and morally. we see a case of this in the history of jhansi. after they claimed jhansi and 'legally' annexed the kingdom through the 'dalhousie's lax' proclamation, first thing they did was start killing cows and usurp 2 villages, who by the royal decree, had only paid taxes to the local temple. by annexing the villages the british claimed all revenues and thus the city's primary temple's ongoing stability and functioning was severely disrupted.

the same thing is happening in india today on a grander scale than ever. cows are being intentionally slaughtered, temple donations are looted by the govt and holy places of india are overrun with pollution. Srila Prabhupada highlighted this

"Here in Vrndavana so many pilgrims, they come from all parts of India; now all parts of world, they're coming. But it is kept in such unclean state to discourage people not to come here. That is the idea, so that people, educated people, modernized people may not come here. They do not want. That is the policy, I am seeing. They are introducing in the Vrndavana area so many industrial things so that the spiritual atmosphere is to be killed. That is the policy is going on. Nobody... The chur..., I mean to say, the temples are neglected. No question of improvement. The whole idea is not to come here: "Please do not come."

"Rising Beyond The Modes"
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.24
November 4, 1972, Vrndavana

the good news is that there are millions of indians that are seriously applying themselves to protect and revive its spiritual foundations and culture.

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