Sunday, March 9, 2025

PADA re: Bangalore's FOLK Folks VIDEO 03 09 25

PADA re: Bangalore's FOLK Folks VIDEO. 

For starters their Ritvik Video -- has already around 5,000 views and 300 likes in a short time. It is definitely hitting home with a lot of people. The video gives most of the PADA highlight points: 

The 11 gurus were not appointed. 

The 11 gurus were never qualified to be gurus. 

Maybe some of these 11 gurus poisoned Srila Prabhupada (and they put in an audio clip of the poison complaint at the starting intro).

Why does Srila Prabhupada have to complain of poison -- at all?

The deviated false guru who takes sins without authority becomes a snake in future, who is eaten alive by ants -- who are his disciples reincarnated as ants.

The guru must be an uttama adhikary.

The guru must be a resident of Krishna loka.

Many -- OK most -- of the GBC's gurus fell down. 

Guru voting is not authorized.

The Vedabase, letters, conversations, the appointment tape, the July 9th letter, the will, the DOM and other documented information was not widely accessible for a long time. Documents and statements were hidden (includes the poison tapes). Persons forwarding lost documents were persecuted, if not assassinated. 

The July 9th letter only authorizes ritviks.

Only a resident of Krishna loka can take us back to that planet.

A neophyte guru can only take another person to their lower neophyte level.

Srila Prabhupada's books are giving pure divyam jnanam i.e. diksha. Therefore diksha is still available from his vani.

And so on and so forth. 

Overall, this is one of the better researched and documented videos out there IMHO. They did a lot of homework and it shows. And the conclusion is -- only a person like Srila Prabhupada can be the acharya currently, and for the forseeable future. 

All these are points PADA has made all along. So we are pretty happy with it overall. They do address that there are various ritvik factions out there, which is true, however all of them agree that Srila Prabhupada is the acharya. So perhaps the various ritvik groups should form a sort of grass roots alliance. 

Does that mean PADA agrees 100% with Bangalore's program? Well no, none of our "ritvik camps" are pure, but we do consider them to be an ally. And some of their people have helped out PADA in different ways. And some of their people have wrote and asked me good questions. 

Whereas the false ritviks, like for example HKC Jaipur folks, challenged me for "supporting Bangalore" and not supporting them in promoting Radhanath's cheer leaders, Bhavananda's bucket boys, and their whole idea that we need to unite under the IRM idea -- that PADA should stop all writing and take a vacation in the Carribean under the authority of Jayapataka, head honcho of the child mistreatment program in Mayapur. OK I never would have come back alive from their "vacation in the Caribbean." This is foolishness on steroids, and no small amount of dangerous. 

So they are against Bangalore because self evidently they are still clinging to the GBC's molester messiah's program. Thus they have been crying that PADA is taking money from their homosexual and pedophile pooja program. So these type guys are crying that the GBC lawyers will have to wear Nikes and not Armanis. 

For his part HKC Jaipur pal Mathura Pati says, the reason he is promoting his pals, the cheer leaders of a child beating and child raping program is "they oppose PADA." We have to kiss the jack boots of a child beating and raping program cheer leaders to -- defeat PADA. OK and did you defeat us? Or did you make yourselves look like pedophile guru program boot kissing lovers, and defenders of criminals?  

Whereas no one from the Bangalore program ever writes to tell me I need to help them support cheer leaders of a pedophile's in samadhi guru program, they know better, and they know that is bogus. So Bangalore has a better understanding of these things than some of the other alleged ritviks, who are really GBC infiltrators trying to hijack the ritvik process. 

Anyway, overall this is progress. If we look at the comments on the video, the GBC folks are NOT making good counter arguments. For example they are saying their homosexual and pedophile guru parampara "follows shastra pramana." What shastra? 

What is really sad is that so many / most of our so-called "senior God brother associates" could not make these types of presentations, and put these arguments together a long time ago, and thus we need to rely on the so-called second or even third generation people to put these arguments together. Worse, Ravindra swarupa was complaining that 300 "senior Prabhupada families" were still supporting Kirtanananda -- when the GBC was trying to remove him. They not only did not promote the right idea, they promoted the wrong one.

OK the seniors as a group failed to promote their acharya properly, and that lead to a flood of false "Prabhupada successors," "rati keli siddhas" etc. with devastating consequences for ISKCON, its citizens and especially -- its children. This simply created a giant process of mass victimization and criminalization, from which ISKCON will take decades to recover from. 

Anyway, what they said in their video is what we have been saying since 1978, there is only one real Mc Coy acharya for us at the present time, and that is Srila Prabhupada.

Accept no substitutes! 

ys pd      

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