Thursday, October 17, 2024

Monkey On A Stick / Giriraj / Patna 10 17 24


Giriraj Swami: Consequences of Hypocrisy on Bhakti

A person's state of consciousness reflects their spiritual life, regardless of its outward appearance..

When someone like Giriraj faces senility, their interior reveals a lack of affection for the spiritual -- and fixation on the physical. No medical certificate required to prove this.

He has also not submitted a medical certificate prior to his scandal with Michelle, which reveals the usual GBC cover-up to maintain appearances.

The GBC itself has admitted "highly inappropriate relationships" an  understatement to describe sexual agitation poured into their social relationships. While some argue that their service justifies any behavior, the fruits of the service should be peace of mind and inner satisfaction, at a minimum. And not causing total confusion, frustration and mayhem for the people around them, as often happens.

Sri Chaitanya movement is not based on famous personalities, worshipped by innocent public, but on sincere preachers. A devotee like Giriraj the grhastha, could have served Srila Prabhupada better and advanced properly in his spiritual life. Hypocrisy stops spiritual progress.

Examples like Satsvarup, Jayatirtha, Kirtanananda, Harikesh and now Giriraj show that those who present themselves as gurus without being one, lead a life of deception and consequently end up unbalanced and insane. Take note those who follow that dangerous path.

PADA: Srila Prabhupada said that people come to Vrndavana to stay overnight in the areas where the rasa dance took place, hoping they can enter the rasa dance, but instead, they go mad (insane). But mostly, the GBC gurus all went insane, because for starters -- promoting oneself as a pure devotee, when one is a conditioned soul, means insanity right out of the gate.

Padmagarbha Das

Giriraja, [along with ALL of ISKCON's other gurus] all fell down the day they unauthorizedly accepted the role of initiating guru, period!

As a matter of fact of the original eleven 'gurus' EVERY SINGLE ONE of them did fall down to breaking at least one of the four regulative principles [either having illicit sex, and / or taking intoxication]. And of the so-called 'gurus' added later, after Srila Prabhupada's departure, around 50 of them have also confessed, or were caught breaking the principles [including Giriraja], further proving that NONE of them were EVER < properly authorized > by Srila Prabhupada to act as diksa gurus!

"The spiritual master must never be carried away ['fall down'] by an accumulation of wealth or large number of followers. A BONA FIDE SPIRITUAL MASTER WILL NEVER BECOME LIKE THAT [fall down]! But sometimes, if a spiritual master is NOT PROPERLY AUTHORIZED and only on his OWN INITIATIVE becomes a spiritual master [self-made], he may be carried away [fall down] by an accumulation of wealth and large number of disciples." [Nectar of Devotion]

"Guru cannot be self-made. No. There is no such single instance throughout the whole Vedic literature. And nowadays, so many rascals, they are becoming guru without any authority. That is not guru. You must be authorized. As soon as the parampara is lost, immediately finished. The spiritual potency finished. You can dress like a guru, you can talk big, big words, but it will never be effective."
[Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.7 -- February 27, 1977, Mayapur]

PA Dasi: Well said. My heart goes out to everyone who had a relationship with Giriraj Maharaja. I for one am extremely pleased he's been exposed. Krishna hears my prayers. Keep it coming. I won't stop praying. They all need to be exposed.

KKD: My response to the Giriraja ‘Swami’ situation.

At this point I can imagine some of you advising me, “Shame about your third guru! Aspire for your fourth institutional guru! As long as you’re still in ISKCON!”

If I get a suggestion like this, I’ll call you insane! I’ll ask you readers: Would any of you aspire for a fourth guru? Would you? Would you aspire for a third or second guru even? I think I’ve seen enough of this guru circus to say "No Thanks"! Am I going to go through the ritual of supposedly reconnecting with the parampara a fourth time?

I tried to be a good ISKCON citizen and this is what I get. It is what you get. I’m not the only one. ‘Gurus’ who act like they’re someone they are not -- play havoc with the lives of spiritual seekers. That’s why I write my awareness posts. Don’t dare preach to me about loyalty to ISKCON if you haven’t had three gurus and counting. If I sound angry, who wouldn’t be?

As for Giriraja ‘Swami,’ I’ll still respect him as a Vaishnava and the wonderful service he’s done for Srila Prabhupada, but not as my saviour. Can you blame me? What would you do?

After Jayatirtha was exposed, his disciples had a choice to either keep worshiping him as a guru in the hope he’ll recover, or follow Srila Prabhupada until another guru comes along. Jayatirtha had sensuality difficulties and what did the GBC do? They forced him to take sannyasa against his wishes. What a rash, counterproductive thing to do! Later in 1982 in Kathmandu, Jayatirtha broke down and cried. One of his many grievances was that the GBC imposed sannyasa upon him.

PADA: OK but the same GBC ordered me to be the guru of Ireland, and I did not accept. No one had to accept their bogus orders, no one is forced to. Jayatirtha went along with them, because he wanted status and position from them. 

I’m not buying a dementia excuse to cover for any individuals natural desires that surfaces as sensuality with a female. Not fully anyway! He is expressing what other sannyasis dare not express. False or premature renunciation only worsens the situation. Besides, additional actions cause doubt for me.

I’ve been around long enough to make decisions in response to institutional follies. You have to do the same. No one should be telling you how to live your life. Don’t continue to worship gurus if you’ve lost faith in them. If you do, it’s like an atheist worshiping a toaster.

Although I’ve been through this repeat spectacle three times now, it’s still sad and disappointing. This time around, I’m a little forthright. I’ve had enough! I should have said this years ago. I’ll carry on as I’ve done for the last few years. Keep a safe distance. Broaden my outlook to appreciate different mathas, sangas, sadhus, faiths and people who care.

I hope the disciples of Giriraja ‘Swami’ process their feelings and move on. Don’t dally in the uncertainties of what the guru may or may not have done. If your faith is impacted, let go. Move forward! He’ll be taken care of health wise. If only general devotees could receive the same amount of care. I wish Giriraja ‘Swami’ well and all the very best.

Ys KK Dasa.



This article is a poor whitewash.

This wasn't an isolated incident, the physical abuse had been ongoing.

In this video clip Devakinandana das is giving a class in Hindi where he addresses the violence at the ISKCON temple in Patna.

He is endorsing the 'right' of authorities and school teachers to use physical violence to discipline their subordinates.

Corporal punishment on children was made illegal in India in 2010, it is outrageous that Devakinandana is openly advocating its use here.
Devakinandana das is a member of the ISKCON India Bureau, the highest managerial body for the Hare Krsna Movement in India.

PADA: I heard that the abuser is a relative of Devakinandana. Anyway, this is the state of the India ICC committee. What a bunch of losers. They need to hire some of us mlecchas to teach them about basic human moral principles, and what is animal behavior and what is human behavior. ys pd

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