Tuesday, October 8, 2024

AI Krishna Movie / Brahmacaris Beaten Up / Sridhara etc. 10 08 24

Some people like this AI stuff, some people don't. But I think it is part of the culture now, and we should dovetail, adapt, adopt and use it -- if it can be done favorably. Some people said these AI arts make them ill, some people have said it makes them feel ecstatic, and there are a lot of people in the middle. What can be done? Anyway check this out. ys pd


PADA: Why do people keep telling me -- all this was fixed a long time ago? There was just recently a violent fight, a number of brahmacaris were injured. ISKCON temple Patna president Kanhaiya Yadav is accused of molesting a girl. OK the un-official and alleged version is that a girl was raped, and the temple brahmacaris were upset -- and came to her defense, so they were attacked by the temple president's goondas. 

Yep, in India you can be right, wrong, a saint or even a servant of Satan, but if you have enough money, you can get some thugs to defend you in any case. Very corrupt place.

A group of sadhus released a video claiming that there is an objectionable video in which Kanhaiya Yadav is trying to molest that girl. Apart from being accused of moral degradation, Kanhaiya Yadav is also being accused of financial irregularities.
When a group of brahmacharis went to inquire about this matter, they were attacked by Kanhaiya Yadav's goons. They were brutally beaten. Many brahmacharis were injured in this.

Many videos of Kanhaiya Yadav victims being beaten up by his goons have gone viral. Such people have also defamed the ISKCON temple. Apart from taking legal action against them, the temple administration should also take action.


ISKCON Patna released the following statement to the media, “A video of some altercation at ISKCON Patna surfaced yesterday night. It is unfortunate and painful that some differences between different members of the community escalated into something that doesn’t represent the teachings and values of ISKCON, which are practiced by lakhs of its members across the world.

The affected members from yesterday have been offered support by ISKCON.
Being a responsible institution, all grievances are taken seriously and looked into fairly to ensure justice is done to every concern/issue and the faith of lakhs of devotees in the movement is preserved.

A team of four senior members of ISKCON in the region are looking into matter and will present a report to the leadership to help them take the necessary action.”


PADA: The temples nowadays are being handed off more and more to the Hindus, which the GBC itself has admitted -- 75% of their preaching is going to be focused on India and Indians (Hindus). My friend works for a temple and he says he personally knows 50% or more of the Hindus who visit, are meat eaters. And some of the prominent ones own meat restaurants, and some of them are managers of Subway sandwiches etc. 

And many of them are mayavadas. And now ISKCON is inviting in more and more of these Hindu God men etc. In other words, the temple congregrations are gradually becoming Hindu-ized, and Srila Prabhupada warned us about that a number of times. If the Hindus take over my miisson, it will become a business. There may be some sincere people in all this mix, but more and more the temples are turning into Hindu enterprises. 

Also since most of "the managers" are often gurus, they are creating waves and waves of guru scandals, which is making the name of the society deteriorate, and is making people have no faith in the mission. I know hundreds of ex-ISKCON folks around here, who will never visit ISKCON, because they don't believe these managers are gurus, and they are misusing these titles etc. 

And most of these exiled people are sincere, they just cannot tolerate hypocrisy at the acharya levels. ISKCON is generating more of these Bhagavat Sapta guys and professional sadhus, and Srila Prabhupada would never approve of any of that. ys pd

PADA: Srila Prabhupada accepted fallen people as his disciples -- is not what we are discussing. We are discussing -- the GBC and their senior most vaishnava on the planet advisor Sridhara Maharaja were advising that these fallen people can "wear the guru uniform and it will show them what to do." And the GBC showed me Sridhara Maharaja's other statement, that more gurus can be added. Like me? 

And therefore they offered to add me as the guru of Ireland under the Sridhara scheme. My point then, and still is, if people want to worship lusty and intoxicated people as God's successors, they have to conduct that worship separate from children. Even in my recent interview with the "Monkey On A Stick" Movie folks, they fully agreed, only adults should worship debauchees as God's successors because they have an adult choice to make. Just like adults can go to the liquor store and kids cannot. 

I said this worship of debauchees will contaminate our society's children. And training children to worship debauchees is not only contaminating children, my lawyer friend says he is convinced it is illegal "corrupting the morals of minors." The first thing they did for the children at the Manor was to place a three foot square giant photo of Jayatirtha's face in the school room, and I said that if you adults want to worship this, go ahead, but now you are implicating innocent children and that is going to cause them grief, and -- it has. 

I said that this process will harm the children, and -- it has. Did I forget to mention I had to help have Sridhara's "wearing the uniform" gurus sued for $400,000,000. And then we have Paramadvaiti, another wearing the uniform, and we cannot even discuss how disgusting his behavior became in public forums. I said the worship of debauchees will harm the children, and so far, none of you has given me the slightest counter argument that it has not been a peril to these children. ys pd

PADA: I am not on a campaign against anyone, or any individual. I simply said, right out of the gate in 1978, that it is wrong to have children worship conditioned souls as their gurus. After a short time they were clearly deviating, so I said children should not be participants in the worship of deviants. Jayatirtha was one of them, and the children were being told to worship him as their guru, and this is a mistake. 

And the GBC and Jayatirtha told me so what, Sridhara Maharaja is backing us up, and they showed me documents from them talking to him. Again, children should not be encouraged, and even forced, to worship deviants as their gurus. I went up to the Jayatirtha farm when he was renting it to pick up an associate when he was in the USA, and there was a bunch of little kids there in the middle of his program, and the people there still had photos of Sridhara on their altars. And they told me, Sridhara is still encouraging Jayatirtha to be a guru. 

And Hansadutta still had a HUGE photo of Sridhara in the temple hallway in 1985, and they were citing him there. Anyway, that means those little kids on the Jayatirtha and Hansadutta farm were being encouraged to worship a deviant. Meanwhile, I told my kids to never worship any of Sridhara's "wearing the uniform" gurus. They were not gurus, are not gurus, and could not have been gurus. My prestige or not prestige is not relevant. But yes, Srila Prabhupada told us to avoid Sridhara Maharaja because he has a tendency to make false gurus, and as we can all see quite clearly now, that imperils children. 

The child of Sridhara's 1936 guru was eliminated because he was going to expose the scandals, so children have been victims of his process from all along. According to shastra, the people who encourage bad things, are implicated as accessories, in the karma of enabling those bad things. Meanwhile you guys cannot answer the question we had in 1978, is it authorized for Sridhara Maharaja promote the worship of deviants to ISKCON's children? And what will be the result? ys pd


PADA: This is good news. Mathura Pati is with PADA on the 1972 Gita issue, except evidently -- he also said he is making his own German Gita from various sources. And he is with the cheer leaders of Saint Radhanath / Kirtanananda on the child abuse issue, and against PADA's idea of saving children from abuse, which has made a number of PADA readers very upset with his group. 

Fine, he is at least right on one point, that is a start. So this is the problem with him and guys like his pal Mukunda das, they are with PADA -- sort of, but they are also with Radhanath's cheer leaders, thus they are simply confusing people -- which is why people keep asking me what is up with these guys. 

And since BLISS is in illusion on this issue, why has Mathura Pati been hanging out with them and not us? Shouldn't he be working with the original people who brought up the changed books issue in the first place? ys pd


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