Friday, September 27, 2024

Srila Prabhupada Poison Issue (VIDEO) 09 27 24


PADA: This is a question we get all the time, why does Krishna allow people like Srila Prabhupada to be poisoned? Why does Krishna allow all these ISKCON children to suffer and be abused? Why does Krishna allow all sorts of evil things to over take ISKCON, or even -- overtake the entire world at present -- He seems to be allowing all sorts of evil famines, wars, floods, fires and so many other evil things. 

There is no simple answer -- except maybe, Krishna facilitates the desires of all living entities. And even when those desires are evil, they are sometimes allowed to be manifest. At the time Srila Prabhupada was being poisoned, more than a few people knew something bad was going on, but they remained silent. One of them was in fact the very same person who later on gave me the tape. Evil was going on, a number of people knew, but those folks -- did not act.

Early on, a lot of people knew these 11 were not behaving like acharyas, so they could not have been given that post. But those people remained silent or worse, tried to attack those of us exposing these things. I mean almost the whole society knew Jayatirtha was going off the rails, and he could not be any form of acharya, early on. Widely known.

Many also knew that Kirtanananda was lecturing that the real Jayatirtha is serving Krishna purely, and the false Jayatirtha is not a real problem, just like there is the real and false Mother Sita -- and this was a total concoction and insult to Mother Sita. But people were handing me his tape of that lecture telling me it explains everything nicely. OK so these folks wanted to be in illusion, and God allowed and facilitated their illusions. 

Same thing with the child abuse issue. I was warning about it in the early 1980s, and almost all the people just did not want to hear about it. And so, evil prevailed. Then again Jesus was crucified because evil was allowed to take over. In any case, I think a lot of people went along with the ISKCON evil doers, and that expanded their program exponentially. 

And then a lot of people just sort of surrendered to allowing the evil to take over, as it did. In sum, man proposes and God disposes, and so we have to be careful what we propose.

Of course, no one, absolutely not one single person anywhere at any time, is actually getting away with participating, supporting or acquiescing to any of this. The people who did the evil, and the people who co-opted or assisted the evil, and the people who compromised with the evil, and the people who just walked away without protesting the evil, will all be taken into account, in their karma bank account. 

Their crimes of commission or omission will not go unanswered. In sum, evil people do evil things all the time, and unless the good people check them, restrain them, oppose them, contain them, they will eventually take over. 

My friend said ISKCON is the same thing he has seen in prison. Five or six guys form a gang, then they have a lot of combined power, and then others join the gang -- to siphon off the group's powers for their own agendas. And then more and more people eventually join the gang, and the gang grows and grows, and finally is running the whole prison. Not enough people opposed, and many materially benefited by working with the gang. 

Anyway, we are where we are now, and we have to deal with it. Yes, this is what Krishna has allowed, but that does not mean He agrees with any of it, or that this is what He wanted. Some evil people wanted evil, and not enough people opposed, and the gang took over the prison. Not a surprise actually. 

ys pd 

Sridhara Maharaja: "None should protest":
Our program of having people
worshiping pedophiles and poisoners as God's messiahs.
Amazing layers and layers of illusion here.


It is, of course, vital to understand that Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance pastime is transcendental n the same way that Sri Bhismadeva left his body at will, in a cocreated pastime with Sri Krsna. Thus, we use phrases such as, “Srila Prabhupada was given poison with homicidal intent by persons close to him”, and in the subject line we place “assassination” in quotes. 

The more we delve into the details of Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance pastime, the more we’re moved and awed by the compassionate Jesus-like qualities he showed, fully aligned with saints in our line of bhakti, such as Sri Prahlada Maharaja, Sri Vasudeva Datta, and Srila Haridasa Thakura.

Often during the past 27 years or so, we’ve heard things like, “Srila Prabhupada couldn’t have been poisoned because he’s a pure devotee”. While we certainly appreciate the recognition of Srila Prabhupada’s pure, divine, and fully transcendental nature, there doesn’t seem to be much of a logical or sastric argument in the statement quoted above. 

Sri Krsna and His pure devotee can arrange disappearance pastimes through, crucifixion, a bed of arrows, apparent physical disease, or in so many ways. So, we ask rhetorically, how is it that Sri Krsna and His pure devotee are not capable of enacting transcendental disappearance pastime through apparent homicidal poisoning? 

It might seem unfathomable to even conceive that Srila Prabhupada could have been poisoned by persons close to him who rendered him so much service. We empathize with those feelings, and simultaneously, it’s true that studying Srila Prabhupada’s words, it’s actually not especially surprising that such a horrific event could have occurred. 

Srila Prabhupada often used the English expression, “Familiarity breeds contempt” (for example, April 20, 1972 Room Conversation; Sri Caitanya caritamrta (CC), CC Antya-lila 13.39 purport; CC Madhya-lila 12.212 purport). Let’s hear further from Srila Prabhupada.

“So as Krsna was attempted to be killed…And Lord Jesus Christ was killed. So they may kill me also.” – Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, May 3, 1976, Honolulu.
“…in this Age of Kali, there are many mundane persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described them as disciples of Kali. He says, kali-cela…” – Sri Caitanya caritamrta Madhya-lila 1.220 purport 

“There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaisnavas in this Krsna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaisnava.” - Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta (CC) Madhya-lila 1.218 purport

“The poison is personal ambition.” Letter from Srila Prabhupada, Nov. 1, 1970

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