Sunday, July 21, 2024

Lokanath Update / GBC Begs for Legal Funds 07 21 24

 Lokanatha should have been a registered sex offender ...


Akshay Ramachandra Prabhu, the CFO of ISKCON Mayapur, just informed me that
he has "paid in full" Rs. 20+ lakhs, for the B'lore Court case fees! If Mayapur can pay, every ISKCON center under the Bureau can pay. Simple logic. No exemptions. No excuses. (Mayapur owed the most! Rs. 20+ lakhs
is major amount!).

ISKCON Kanpur just deposited Rs. 5 lakh and have promised to pay the balance
of Rs. 6+ lakhs after Janmashtami. This is acceptable. But paying the fees is compulsory for all ISKCON India centers. Please comply. Thanks!

Basu Ghosh Das

Home Base: ISKCON Baroda
Camp: Newark, Delaware, USA

Dear Bhakti Vinoda Maharaj,

Yatibhyonamaha. Jaya Srila Prabhupada!

Dayaram Prabhu just reported to me that you are refusing to pay the fees for the Bangalore Court Case for ISKCON Coimbatore. He reported that you told SIDC Chairman Yudhishtir Govinda Prabhu that you are dealing with "X" number of court cases, so you don't feel the need to pay the fees. This is your excuse for not paying the fees, it seems.

The Excel Speadsheet chart compiled by the Bureau office team for the SIDC shows that ISKCON Coimbatore owes Rs. 4,95,600/- in fees for the past year. Fees are being assessed for ALL ISKCON temples in India according to the income of the individual temple. This was agreed to by the Bureau and was voted on and passed.

Maharaj, there are no exemptions given by the Bureau for paying these fees to any temple. Mayapur and Vrindavan are also assessed and are expected to pay the fees. There are many temples that have litigations pending and they are dealing with them. The Bureau has not given any of them exemptions towards paying the fees.

I do recall that during the pandemic, back during 2020 when there was a totaly lockdown, Mayapur was suffering a total collapse of income, and at that time the late Bhakti Charu Maharaj and other MEB members raised funds internationally to help Mayapur meet it's financial commitments.

On the other hand Dayaram Prabhu mentioned that ISKCON Coimbatore has some CRORES of Rupees in fixed deposits in the bank! Maharaj, in view of all of the above, and in view of the fact that you are a Bureau member, kindly consider that it is a duty and obligation -- what to speak of being "the need of the hour" -- that you arrange to pay this rather small amount of Rs. 4.95 lakhs, to clear the pending fee for the court case from ISKCON Coimbatore.

There is also the logic of "yad yad aacharati shreshtas". If you refuse to the pay the fees for ISKCON Coimbatore, others will themselves make excuses and claim exemption from paying the fees. Please do introspect and do the right thing and pay the fees at the earliest.

No temple is exempt from paying the fees. Kindly consider. Hope this meets you well. dasanudas, 

Basu Ghosh Das General Secretary ISKCON India Governing Council (Bureau)

Cc. to all ISKCON India leaders as a notice that they are ALL expected to pay their court case fees as assessed by the Bureau office team as per Bureau resolution. There are no exemptions. Further, this is a humble request to all of you to please pay promptly. Thanks for doing so. If you need to know how much you are expected to pay, then contact your respective DC Chairman and ask him to send you the Excel spreadsheet showing the amount due from the centers in your DC. The Excel spreadsheet was posted in the WIDC and NIDC email conferences, and by SIDC Chairman Yudhishtir Govinda Prabhu in the SIDC conference (he reported).

Facebook: Basu Ghosh Das
WhatsApp: +91-94260-54308

PADA: OK as soon as we had the GBC sued for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse, including not feeding their school children properly, the GBC launched what is evidently a $20,000,000 lawsuit against the directors of Bangalore's Akshaya Patra -- a charity that feeds millions of children. And some of the GBC people said "we need to put the directors in jail." Oh great, you are being sued for not feeding children, so let us spend another $20M to make sure we can stop feeding even MORE children. 

It never ends with these folks. And Prahlad, HKC Jaipur and Kailasa ilk are infuriated we helped Bangalore with documents -- to help their case, which has left the GBC unable to make a win. All of these "let us keep children starving" folks stick together! I forgot, there was all sorts of other mistreatment going on, improper food was just the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah, they sent Bhakti Caru over here to collect for their lawsuits, and he ended up getting fatally sick and leaving his body. And he looked sort of bewildered, in anxiety, and even scared, in the last photos they took of him. Perhaps he was starting to realize that his promoting an illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club; that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas; is not a good plan. Like seriously, is there anything else they can do to further infuriate the Yamaduttas? And then some Bengalis were upset that they dragged his toxic body back there to pollute the holy dham.  

We only had Krishna's devotees banned, beaten, molested, sued and -- killed, what is the problem? OK the first problem is, Srila Prabhupada says Krishna will judge us by the way we treat His devotees. 

I got news for you guys, you are not going to win this issue by spending millions and millions in court. You have lost the hearts and minds of the Vaishnavas, and you cannot get them back for trillions and trillions of dollars worth of lawyers. The Vaishnavas are done with you guys. 

Someone from India chastised me --  I am like the Western Christians, who want to promote a pure devotee as the acharya. Well yep, just look at ISKCON, it is a ghost town. People here have no interest in worshiping a predator like Lokanath, or his enablers, and they NEVER WILL. So we either get on board with the plan to worship the pure devotee or ISKCON will continue to deteriorate into a Hindu hodge podge. Even Ravindra swarupa said that these new age programs are philosophical "ghoulash." Agreed. 

So I dunno what to say, the GBC keeps thinking that tossing buckets of cash at the feet of lawyers will give them credibility. It's not. It is just making them look more like politicians, businessmen, bullys and gangsters all the more. 

But this is good news, their legal funding process is having renegades quitting their payments. Maybe their laywers just want another $1,000,000 and Jayapataka was asking for funds just before they sent Bhakti Caru here. But is there $1,000,000 to help the gurukula victims, the elderly, the women collectors who gave tons of money and are now poor, to start cow farms and varnasrama? Well nope. 

Meanwhile there has been all sorts of rioting in Bangladesh, it is not going well for that place, and it is no wonder because of all these offenders going on there. The temples of India should BOYCOTT sending any more money to the GBC. Use that money to care for devotees and not lawyers. 

ys pd  

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