Tuesday, July 2, 2024

CPO ISKCON Mayapur / Advaita writes 07 02 24

RE: CPO Mayapur

Dear Maharajas and Prabhu's.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is with regard to an accused sex offender named Banamali Krishna Das who is a resident of Mayapur but also serving in other temples of the east zone.

He has been accused of sexual abuse of his own son since the child was 5 months old. Presently, the victim boy is 16 years old and staying with his Russian mother in Mayapur. Banamali Krishna Das is a Bengali from Assam and was doing sewa as a priest.

This case was referred to the representative of CPO-Bharat, by HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj in February 2023. After an interaction with the victim boy and his mother, the police were informed by the Mayapur temple authorities as per the provision of mandatory reporting stated in the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012.

Further, the statement of the victim boy was also taken by the police and Banamali Krishna Das was arrested. But within 3 months, he was bailed out by the community people. The court case is in process and he is trying to influence his son through many sources to drop the case.

As he is under police investigation and the court case is pending we would request you to kindly not permit him to do any service or reside in your temple or center. The authorities of Sridham Mayapur have removed him from any services he was previously performing and recently he has been living in a gaudiya math temple.

He is not taking any financial responsibility for his wife and son and they are living in Mayapur outside the Temple, struggling to maintain themselves.

Your servant

Pancaratna Das

On behalf of CPO Bharat.

PADA: I would like anyone with any further details / confirmations to let us know. Yeah, many ISKCON women with lousy men -- and they have a child, and no one to really care for them. So they are struggling. Heard that over and over. But many of the gurus have Saudi Prince opulent luxury lifestyles. Very sad. ys pd 



Great. Except Bhakti Caru's program has been kicking out devotees
Left, right and center. And spending $20,000,000 trying to kick out the Bangalore devotees. In sum, BCS is the tornado storm -- and inside ISKCON -- himself.

He is driving people out, then saying they need to stay. Hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, he is currently under the jack boots of the Yamaraja team, so he is realizing he has no authority to boot out thousands and thousands of Prabhupada's people, just to establish his pedo guru process, and thereby create mass child mistreatment for ISKCON's children's citizens. He has no authority to orchestrate any of this.


Achyutananda das said: On 30 June 2024

A neophyte needs this VAPU of the spiritual master. Unlike the "ritvik" group that says, “Prabhupad is here now.” Yes he is, but you are asking a complete newcomer to have the transcendental vision of a paramhamsa or Uttama-adhikari!!

** ** *** *** *** ***

Advaita das says:

This is a total nonsense statement.

The new student does not need vapu. He has Prabhupada in his books (‘I will live forever in my books’) and the association of at least one of His disciples to guide him.

As he is purified by his chanting he is assisted by HDG & Krsna from within and the devotee representative from without. Everything necessary is available to him.
Just like we all were awakened in the very beginning.

Oh that’s right! You folks had HDG’s vapu from the start so you don’t know the method HDG established for the rest of us who came via a devotee acting as HDG’s representative. You know what I mean? The true ritvik method HDG established and used till the end.

The method that produced thousands of sincere devotees that were not confused about who was the Spiritual Master for all of the devotees in the movement.
The devotees that were trained to preach exactly what they heard from HDG and were distributing His books to the innocent as He wanted.

If you don’t stick to the method it is called deviation. That is a big NO NO!

PADA: Yeah. The newcomers won't be expected to have proper vision, because you senior people like Achyutananda were supposed to give them that vision, and you failed miserably. ys pd

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