Friday, June 7, 2024

Mahatma Das "Devotee Care" / BVKS / Vrndavana Kirtan VIDEO 06 07 24



PADA: Devotees don't care enough about themselves? Well yeah, thus they did not sue the GBC for fraud and take them to the legal authorities when they discovered all the child abuse. They should have cared enough about ISKCON and the children of ISKCON -- to take these issues into the hands of law enforcement / courts / media / etc. At the very least -- they could have organized a public protest with signs, as the victims of the Catholic church have done. That would have brought in media and others. One complaint I get all the time, the parents who knew remained largely silent, setting up more victims to enter the mess.

Thus, it looks like they did not care enough to resolve these issues, and so they had to be resolved -- in part -- by public scandals, fall downs, assorted beatings, murders, police raids, bad media, and by a Texas law firm -- who did a case on behalf of the victim children pro bono. 

Evidently because -- no one else even wanted to start a class action / go to lawyers / go to the police / go to the media / make public protests etc. -- to address even the single issue of the mass molesting, because --yeah -- they did not care enough. True dat!

But in the end -- they did care enough about themselves, at least enough to leave ISKCON. Hey! We are going to take care of ourselves, so we are outta here! Bye bye bad gurus! 

And so -- perhaps 99 percent of the original followers -- and 99 percent of the subsequent Hansadutta followers, and most of the local Bhagavan and Bhakti swarupa damodar folks etc. are ALSO almost all gone. And we have a mostly Hindu type group at the temple now. 

In sum, they devotees left EN MASSE -- and then took care of themselves -- albeit too little and too late to save the society and the children of that society, or in a number of cases, they could not even save themselves -- and they fell into various troubles themselves. And many of the ex-children victims are taking care of themselves, because they learned a long time ago, relying on ISKCON is faulty and even dangerous. 

ISKCON folks say they are distributing books and preaching, allegedly. But millions of books were already distributed, and yet many of the temples often have one poojari with a couple of stragglers doing the morning pooja program. The temples are generally empty, and that is because -- almost all of the former members left -- to take care of -- themselves. 

So Mahatma is partially correct, they did not care for themselves, at least initially, but eventually, many or most of them did care. They thus left Mahatma's molester messiah's program and took off -- and abandoned ISKCON. And it is easy to understand why they all left the scene of these crimes. 

Bhakti Vikas swami is discussing civilized life, forgetting -- that no civilized society worships BVKS's illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs club. Worshiping illicit sex deviants and their enablers is not done in human society. 

My Christian friends say to me that BVKS must hate God, because only a person who hates God would make deviants into God's successors. And one of them believes BVKS is a subterranean Satanic being sent to this world to drag people back to his original home on the lower regions. Is there a better explanation? Hee hee.   


Bhakti Vikasa Swami

The Vedas are for civilized, responsible people —
A civilized human being is very much responsible life. The chance is given to get out of this cycle of birth and death. Therefore, for civilized human being, these Vedas, these scriptures, are made for them, not for the rascals and fools, those who are in the lower stage of life---only for the civilized.


From Srila Prabhupada's lecture on SB 6.1.39-40 — Surat, December 21, 1970

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