Sunday, June 30, 2024

Achyutananda Speaks Up About Guru Tattva 06 30 24


Achyutananda das 

PADA: The newcomers only need to hear from ISKCON's living gurus, not from us neophytes. I forgot, there are no living gurus in ISKCON, just a bunch of guru wanna-be clowns. The newcomers are thus left to fend for themselves without our help, and often end up worshiping deviants as their gurus. Great. Where do I sign up?


PADA: And the poor cows are often eating garbage. One of them got all the plastic and other waste pumped out of its stomach in Vrndavana -- and still died from all the stress. Oh Krishna! ys pd


Dear Friends, Acyutananda prabhu is not on Facebook, but has asked me to present this brief article for the assembled Vaisnavas. Acyutananda prabhu was requested by several ISKCON society leaders to write something about the possibility of Vaisnavis (ladies) initiating. He also requests that any comments be sent to his email box:

He promises to respond immediately. Please share and correspond.


By Acyutananda das (ACBSP)

l: For anyone to accept the position of Guru / acarya in the Madhwa Gaudiya Chaitanya and Rupanuga line, one must be fluent in explaining by logic and scriptural quotation the sublime superiority of Acintya Bhedabhed Tattva over the tattvas of other Vaisnava sampradayas. This includes Vashistadwaita of Ramanuja; Sri sampradaya / Sudhadwaita of Rudra / Visnu Swami sampradaya; Sridhar Swami Vallabha or Pusti Marg; Madhwa' Dwaitavad or Tattvavadi; and Nimaditya's Dwaitadwaitavad. As well as the Adwaita vad of Sri Adi Sankar.

ll: They must be able to defeat the Buddhist (Bodh Dharma) the general athiest and agnostic.

lll: They must be able to defeat the six philosophies of Patanjali's Astanga yoga, Kapila's Sankya, Jaimini's Karma mimamsa, Kanada's "atomic" Vaisesika, Gautama's Nyaya, and Veda Vyas's Vedanta.

lV: They must be spiritually empowered to plant the seed of Krishna Nam Bhakti in the heart of their disciples and vow to take birth as many times as the disciple needs to be delivered.

V: As Rupanuga's, they must present Madhurya Rasa as the ultimate inspiration that will enrich all the other rasas that the jiva can attain and that Prema Bhakti is superior to any other purusarthas.

Vl: They must be qualified to bring their disciples to sadhana bhakti. (Having good character and following 4 regs alone is not evidence of achieving Krishna Consciousness. People have given up bad behavior by becoming Christian, Muslim, and Buddhists.)

If the Guru is on the Uttama-adhikari platform and has accepted the role as teacher, he or she can bring the disciple to know their svarup identity. If they are Madhyam they can bring them to an Uttama-adhikari when the disciple is ready. 


Four kinds of saintly people come to Krishna: Those in Brahmajnan, eg: the four Kumaras; Those seeking wealth, eg: Druva Maharaj; The inquisitive, eg: Maharaj Pariksit; and the distressed, eg: Gajendra. A madhyam-adhikari can bring any of these to Krishna Consciousness, enough so that these desires are fulfilled or until they see that Krishna Bhakti is more desirable, even if these four lesser desires are not fulfilled.

Vll: Guru must always know what position the disciple is in (see BG 12 chap verses 8 thru 12), lest they perform mundane karma and mistakenly say it is being done for Krishna. This is known as sinning on the strength of chanting (and the 3rd commandment of the Bible).

Srila Prabhupad has said, "IT IS ILLEGAL TO BECOME A SPIRITUAL MASTER IF ONE IS UNABLE TO DELIVER THE DISCIPLE.”(SB 2.8.7p).  A realized soul must know if an applicant is requesting initiation for any mundane ecclesiastical ranking or is genuinely striving for spiritual success. Srila Prabhupad would always make this statement after diksa ceremonies, "So, are you going to stay and practice and learn or just take initiation and go away?"

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada said, “A person will get a guru according to his destiny. People of different types vary in their disposition. Krishna Bhagavan manifests Himself as guru, being pleased with such simple hearted sincere devotees. To the deceptive He may, by His maya potency, send them a 'guru' to cheat them. There is no impediment for one who is sincere; He will very quickly meet a bona fide guru"

Although rare, women have been accepted in our line as gurus. Srila Prabhupad said "In general the acaryas are men because they should be seen as the eternal father." A neophyte needs this VAPU of the spiritual master. Unlike the "ritvik" group that says, “Prabhupad is here now.” Yes he is, but you are asking a complete newcomer to have the transcendental vision of a paramhamsa or Uttama-adhikari!!

Genuine, as well as bogus, 'gurus' have appeared in both male and female forms. If genuine, even a sincere illiterate can be empowered to give Krishna to the whole world. Taking the title of acarya is to sit in substitution of Veda Vyas and to call to the world, "Come, I will give you complete understanding of the absolute Truth. I am making myself a public figure for you to see, by my example, how a realized soul acts".

PADA: This has been a problem, people like the GBC and Acyutananda say the ritviks are bogus, because the new people need to have a living physically present "VAPU" guru to give the newcomers proper guidance. OK but the newcomers going to ISKCON now are being told that the guru is often a fallen debauchee who is inclined to fall into illicit sex and worse deviations. 

Only "the bogus ritviks" are telling newcomers that the guru must be a pure devotee. In other words, only the ritviks are steering the newcomers in the right direction of guru tattva. Acyutananda argues that the newcomers would need to have to have the complete vision of an uttama person. 

Well no, not exactly. 

The more experienced devotees should know what is a pure devotee, who is a pure devotee, and act as representatives (or ritviks) to inform the new people who is pure -- and what are the standards for purity. In sum, the neophytes (like us) should act as preachers and bring people to the platform of worship of a pure devotee. To say only a pure devotee can give this instruction is false, thousands of neophyte devotees were giving these instructions when Srila Prabhupada was here, and the movement was growing nicely as a result. 

Addditionally, the pure devotee may or may not be fluent in all these philosophical tattvas, but he has to be eternally connected to Krishna as His pure devotee. There are a lot of scholarly people out there -- who are not lovers of Krishna -- and they are disqualified from acting as Krishna's pure acharyas and agents. 

Sure. Extensive book learning is good to have for preaching purposes, but it is not a requirement to be a pure devotee of Krishna. In other words, having learning degrees or book learning certificates is not the first consideration of a pure devotee. The gopis are all pure devotees, but not necessarily well versed in all these divergent tattvas. A person who loves Krishna can instruct others in that process, and thus even an illiterate person can be guru.

Wait? The neophyte needs the VAPU of a spiritual master? Well maybe, but that is not always part of the actual process. The neophyte needs to first of all understand the VANI or instructions of the guru -- before he even knows what to look for in a pure person. 

Worse! All kinds of people had VAPU -- or physical association -- with Srila Prabhupada, but then they went out and made an assortment of deviants -- if not illicit sex with men, women and children debauchees -- as -- the "living successors" to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. 

That means their so-called VAPU association was incomplete, it did not guarantee factual realization. Or worse, VAPU associated people can feel overly familiar with the VAPU guru, and think they too can also be a guru successor to Krishna, easy peasy! You just wear an orange robe, you carry a danda, you sit on a big seat, job done!

Of course, even the average hamburger eating mundane man knows that deviants, drunks, pill popping fools, Reno gamblers and / or illicit sex predators are not, were not, and could not have been God's successors. That means the followers of the VAPU of Srila Prabhupada fell down to less realization level than the average karmi, and they began to promote blatant deviations. 

As far as the need for having a living guru, the ritvik is a type of living guru. We have more and more people now saying that the Vaishnava guru parampara line is carried on primarily by a "bhagavat parampara" -- or shiksha guru line mainly -- i.e. a line that is continued by many preachers -- who may still be neophytes or conditioned souls -- but they are preaching the right siddhanta of surrender to Krishna. 

And Acyutananda is one of these conditioned souls who is preaching his realizations, but he is not an uttama devotee. So he can guide people to some extent -- as a shiksha guru type of preacher. In other words, Acyutananda is at best, a ritvik, or a neophyte preacher who is preaching to his limited capacity. 

That means he is a type of ritvik or representative himself. This is a big problem, many people tell me "we need a living (debauchee?) person to be the living guru." OK fine -- the "living guru" guys are all living, and you are also giving living advice to follow these conditioned soul gurus, but -- your advice is -- wrong. And no small amount of dangerous. Just because a person is living, does not guarantee his advice is valid. We need a living person to give us living guidance, fine idea, therefore the living neophytes should act as representatives or agents for the pure devotee.

So Acyutananda is telling us we need to have a living pure person to advise us, but he is himself giving us living advice. And he knows he is not pure. That means he is acting as a ritvik or proxy, de facto. He wrote something about this previously, and when I posted it, he said he did not give me permission to post his materials. Dude! Whatever you post on the internet is public information. 

In any case, with all due respect -- you are contradicting yourself. 

1. We need to have a self realized VAPU or bodily present soul to advise us. 

2. We cannot have conditioned souls giving advise because that would the ritviks system. 

3. Therefore, I am following the ritvik system, and giving advice despite being a conditioned soul.   

And that is why ISKCON's system is so full of holes and contradictions, and no small amount of dysfunction. 

We claim ONLY the liberated soul can assist people, us foolish non-liberated cannot give instructions on behalf of the acharya. Therefore -- we non-liberated are going to go ahead -- and give people instructions anyway. Ummm, you just went around in a big circle and came back to where you started. 

Sorry, the non-liberated CAN and indeed MUST instruct others as our DUTY to our FELLOW human beings. And, as the Sri Isopanisad says, we cannot nominate one of our fellow conditioned souls to pose as an acharya artificially. That has caused chaos. We need all the conditioned soul devotees, or neophytes, to preach on behalf of the acharya -- aka the ritvik or proxy system. 

As for females being diksha gurus, generally that is not the practice. However, anyone -- male or female -- who is pure -- can be a diksha guru if Krishna empowers that person to act in that capacity. There are already women car mechanics, carpenters, bull dozer drivers, pilots, doctors, and so on and so forth. 

A woman can -- in many examples -- do the same job as a man -- if she is capable and qualified, and that should be the standard for our Vaishnava society as well. Having said that, no conditioned soul should act as a diksha guru, or there will be severe bad reactions, for either males or females. 

Anyway, congratulations Acyutananda. You are a non-liberated person giving living guidance, you are thus acting as a ritvik or representative. You are doing what we are doing. 

ys pd

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