Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How Human Baby Is Created (Animation VIDEO)

[PADA: Srila Prabhupada says, we were once packed up tightly in our mother's womb -- and it is a lot of suffering. And we take repeated births  (and deaths) -- for millions and millions of years -- on many millions of planets -- in many millions of species -- also from the various mothers of these various species. 

And! This is something we should not forget. Anyway, this is pretty well done IMHO. 

And Srila Prabhupada is right -- we should never forget -- what happens to us -- when we forget Krishna! At the same time, it is quite a divine miracle how this repeated birth and death process is working. 

Only Krishna can make this amazing and magical "life creating" process, and we should always be in awe and respect of His Supreme -- and amazing -- super powers and abilities. As Srila Prabhupada says, life comes from life. And we are little teeny ocean drops samples from the vast ocean of Krishna's living presence.  

ys pd] 

Someone is making all this work ... 

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