Monday, September 6, 2021

Anuttama Credits PADA? Shantipur / M.R. Write

G.A. Dasa: Lokanath is making ISKCON into: 
A guru "clown circus."

PADA: Anuttama and other ISKCON GBC leaders are now crediting me (PADA editor) -- and the others who helped me with the child molesting issue -- with the "birth" of the main child protection process in ISKCON -- because we encouraged having them sued for $400,000,000 for child abuse. 

That means evidently, the suicides would have continued, the many (several hundred?) children who were pulled out of GBC's schools would have remained there, and the young girls who thanked me for having them yanked out of GBC controlled camps -- so they would not "get married off to a creepy older man" would NOT have been saved. It looks like Anuttama is crediting us for "saving the day" for these victims (and not him or his GBC pals). 

Of course -- Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Nararanyan Visvakarma folks were also unhappy that ISKCON children were being saved from their pedophile lover's process. Then again, the pedophile messiah's lover's club has always opposed PADA, nothing new here! 

Meanwhile Anuttama says the GBC were "not aware" of the abuse, with no explanation why us "molesting whistleblowers" were shunned, banned, removed, exiled, vilified, demonized, chased with baseball bats, sued, and in some cases -- assassinated. Your team did not know about us whistleblowers? Nope! You were well aware of us self evidently. 

And thus, self-evidently the Anuttama program went through very exhaustive measures and means to remove us "dissenters" and made intense efforts -- even violent efforts -- even homicidal efforts -- to eliminate and neutralize our complaints. How did you folks "not know" about our complaints, while taking all sorts of extreme measures to nullify our complaints?

And we were banned and blocked from going to temples, banned and blocked form talking to temple residents (so we could warn them), banned and blocked from the PAMHO GBC communications network etc. And as soon as we started a web site, it was getting massively spammed. And the little teeny woman managing my IP site service was getting death threats and she said -- "I know this is all coming from your opponents in your ISKCON religion." She said "I would call the police but I do not have time to waste dealing with a**holes."

Astonishing. How can these same people claim, they did not know we were complaining about the child abuse now?  

Anuttama says he will train his gurus with a "guru seminar." He says, many of these gurus are not trained. We have so many diksha gurus -- who are clueless. so I will take charge of Krishna and His parampara and personally train the acharyas myself, since Krishna is not doing a very stellar job of dictating to His gurus. Really? 

Meanwhile another devotee wrote to tell me -- without paying millions of pounds salary every year, UK ISKCON would collapse. They are all making bundles of cash.

Meanwhile another devotee wrote to tell me -- Lokanath is a village bumkin who has no idea what the Vedas are teaching -- and he never learned anything from Prabhupada. He has always thought that God's incarnations are perhaps pedophiles, because there are all sorts of debauchee incarnations over there. And that is why his followers are saying now -- a pedophile is "God incarnate," because he is training his followers that way -- because that is what he has always thought. LNS never understood word one of the Vedas. 

And therefore PADA is correct, the average sewer cleaner man in the USA knows that pedophiles are not God's successors, while Lokanath and his ICC are drooling on themselves wondering what is God's successor? They have no idea because they are ignorant people. 

ys pd


This is a letter that I wrote to the GBC email list a few weeks ago (I received replies from two people). It has taken me over a month to gather the courage to post this on Facebook; can you imagine how difficult it is for a survivor of abuse to come forward?

My intention in sharing this is to practice speaking up for what I believe in, and what I don't believe in. I hope you do the same! Thank you other ladies for setting the example of bravery in the face of adversity.

PM me if you want to talk about it.


June 22, 2021

Dear members of the GBC,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am an educator and second generation member of ISKCON. I taught at the Bhaktivedanta Academy in Alachua and have volunteered my free time to youth ministry tours and sangas. I have completed numerous child abuse prevention trainings during the course of my service. 

I have learned that child abuse is most often perpetrated by someone that the victim 'knows, likes, loves or lives with' and that it is difficult to speak up and painful to prosecute. I have learned that, unfortunately, abuse can flourish in situations where there are hierarchical power structures, such as religious institutions, school settings and even within families, and that there is a tendency towards secrecy and shame and cover-ups in these situations to save face.

The handling of the Lokanath Swami case to date has severely damaged my faith in the Krsna Consciousness movement. Please, please promptly handle this case with care and integrity. Please don't allow people with a history of misconduct, especially towards children, to hold leadership positions in our society. If nothing else, please at least stand aside and support the CPO in its invaluable service.

This is a painful situation, but it's not complicated. If we don't prioritize the protection of children, what use are the most beautiful buildings in the world, the most ornate decorations on altars, the most lavish feasts? We'd be like any other corporation in the world that prioritizes profit and image over integrity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal. I trust that Krsna has a plan; may we all be His instruments in bringing the world closer to Him.

Sincerely, Shantipur DD


My comment to the Kaunteya/Anuttama video (posted in the ISKCON GBC Strategic Planning Team group), in case anyone is interested.

MR Dasi: It's been a while and it was nice to "see" you both again.

I know that you didn't want to talk about specific cases, but in the absence of specific illustrations, these discussions tend to get a bit too abstract and theoretical. As you know, I was involved in child protection, starting in the mid-90s and was asked by Badri to provide feedback on his initial child protection proposal before it was to be presented to the GBC in Mayapur. At the time, we (the Chakra editorial board) pointed out that there was always going to be a risk that the GBC step in and interfere with the work of the CPO, if they were unhappy with their work in specific cases. 

We also noted that there was a problematic power dynamic inherent in the proposed system, since, as devotees, all CPO members were technically operating under the authority of the GBC. We therefore suggested the following (in addition to working with local police for cases that could still be handled by them):

1) the GBC gets to decide what kind of crime should have what institutional consequence (what services can they do, are they allowed to visit temples, if so, which temples and when, length of time that these restrictions would hold, etc.)

2) an outside group of professionals investigate each complaint and render a verdict.

3) the GBC and TPs apply and implement the consequences that they had determined (in #1 above). This should be done consistently, transparently, and across the board.

As noted before, this process would be in addition to any reports or consequences to police or child welfare authorities and only apply to consequences within ISKCON.

Unfortunately, the GBC didn't like our proposal, probably because it would mean a loss of control. Instead, they set up their own CPO and put in a clause that their decisions could be overridden by a 3/4 majority of the EC. As flawed as that system is, it now appears that they weren't willing to follow even their own rules in the case of Lokanath.

It is absolutely crucial that the GBC stays out of the investigation process and allows the CPO to do their job. The Lokanath case is one of the best illustrations of why this is so important. The facts don't seem to be under dispute: Lokanath sexually molested an 11 year old girl. Yet, the GBC has still to allow their own CPO to investigate the case and instead chose to "handle" it by themselves. Unfortunately, they did not handle it well and failed to enforce even their own minimal consequences. As a result, hundreds (thousands?) of disciples are now going to get hurt as well. This is all on you, GBC.

If you had simply followed your own rules, this mess could have been avoided. Instead, you have chosen to come up with yet another "solution" that was never a part of your original decision and shows yet again that your responses are nothing but crisis management based on fear of loss of control. Appointing a panel to vet this case to see if it needs to be sent to the CPO is a ridiculous idea that clearly stems from your desire to make the case go away. 

It also shows that you were never serious about child protection in the first place. You have absolutely no right to talk about "systemic child protection" as it's clear that what you are really trying to accomplish is "systemic institution protection" or "systemic protection of fellow leaders."

Contrary to what you're hoping for, this case isn't going away. A new generation has joined us old timers and are expressing their outrage. They have more energy than both you and me, so why not do the right thing... finally? Please stop your ridiculous attempt to cling to control, follow your own 1998 rules and send the case to the CPO. Now. That's the only way to make it "go away."

The beginning of the end.


  1. 72-01-10 Letter: Aniruddha
    The children should be trained in early rising, attending mangal arati, some elementary education: arithmetic, alphabet, some of our books, like that. They should go to bed by 8 p.m. and rise by 4 a.m. for mangal arati, getting 8 hours sleep. If they take 8 hours sleep, they will not fall asleep during arati. When they get up they should wash with a little warm water, at least three times wash face. They may sleep one hour in the afternoon and there is no harm. Encourage them to chant as much japa as possible, but there is no question of force or punishment. If there is need you may shake your finger at them but never physical punishment is allowed. Try as far as possible to discipline them with love and affection, so that they develop a taste for austerity of life and think it great fun to serve Krishna in many ways. Rising early and mangal arati, this is enough austerity. Besides that, let them learn something, chant, dance, eat as much prasadam as they like, and do not mind if they have playful nature–let them also play and run, that is natural. It is nice if they eat often–if children overeat it doesn’t matter, that is no mistake. Boys and girls should be educated separately.

  2. SD Dasi: Oh my goodness! LOL! LMAO! Gopal Krishna's chair is bigger than Prabhupada's. He looks like a little kid who got lost .. and went into the adult size chair. Don't the GBC realize how stupid this is making ISKCON look to the public?

    Anyone who sees this will burst out laughing. It is stupid-ness to any sensible person. And this is the guru for the ICC in India. That figures. Kirtanananda used to call GK "goofball Krishna." Then the India ICC decided to make that same goofball into their acharya of ISKCON. They have no idea what is an acharya. A goofball is the successor to Krishna for these idiot ICC India people.

    Yes this looks like a comedy clown show. That bad news is ... these people take themselves total serious. They think their clown show is really a parampara from Krishna. Total idiots.

    No wonder they are sending out death threats to people who challenge ... they could not defend this clown show with any shastra ... so they have to support it with their goondas. This is getting more foolish by the hour over there. It is like ... the total insanity seems to be getting worse every day with them. They think Gopal Krishna swami is the successor to Krishna ... because? They are foolish ... bogus ... false religionists ... and blind owls ... as Srila Prabhupada explains. That is why Srila Prabhupada says ... the false religionists are cast into the darkest regions of hell. And we can see why ... they make a clown show out of Krishna's religion ... and that makes Krishna very angry with these clowns posing as acharyas. This is ... a clown show. We all have to suffer ... so they can make these clowns into their acharyas.

    Good news is? They are being exposed more and more ... and more ... and that means the greater mass of devotees are laughing at their clown show acharyas. They are on their way down.

  3. KD: I hear that Gopal Krishna favors his wealthy disciples and some of his "lesser fortunate disciples" have to beg to get free food hand outs in Vrndavana. He tries to cater to the money donors and not give much help to the lesser class. Oh yes ... and that is one of the less problems he has made for people. For once Anuttama is right ... his guru parampara is full of clueless neophytes.


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