Thursday, July 30, 2020

Kailash Chandra's Ground Breaking 1990 Position Paper

Writing "Position Papers" for the GBC's Gurus?

pada @ 

Bhakta Ernest : It is always interesting to know more about those early actions against the deviations. Recently Eric Johanson prabhu posted an interesting comment (shared here with his permission):

[PADA: Right. Kailash Chandra wrote a paper for the GBC in 1990, saying that our idea of promoting Srila Prabhupada as the acharya is "the ritvik deviation." And that is why various GBC folks circulated his paper as a wonderful example of the correct siddhanta (that we cannot worship the "departed / posthumous" pure devotee, we have to worship their "living" conditioned souls).] 

His strategy or hope was that the ISKCON institution leaders would reject it, leading to an ongoing conflict between the ISKCON institution and the, then new, dispensation, something that would sap the energies of both over time. 

[PADA: This makes no sense? Kailash writes a paper saying that our worshiping pure devotees is the bogus ritvik deviation, and that would start a war among the GBC's gurus? Nope, they already united on this point in 1978. The GBC ilk already pretty much agreed that our worship of the pure devotee is the ritvik deviation. 

All Kailash did was pour gasoline on us by calling us deviants, and helped the GBC light the match to take us down. Kailash said the GBC's idea is the right idea (we need to worship the living person) and this helped the GBC's attack our program.] 

Being kind of prescient about the potential of deviations to become popular, Kailasa foresaw the benefits of the institution taking on rittvik. 

[PADA: Hee hee! Yep, there are many benefits to stopping people from worship of the pure devotee and have them worship half baked neophytes instead. Of course, this what also happened in the Gaudiya Matha, they attacked the worship of the pure devotee and established the worship of conditioned souls as gurus. This is amazing, Kailash helps the GBC with their idea that we need to STOP the worship of pure devotees, and worship conditioned souls instead, and this is going to benefit ISKCON and human society.] 

This was way back when the ISKCON institution was still requiring mandatory "reinitiation." Indeed his sense of how things might go turned out to be correct as the institution has now made reinitiation voluntary with the idea that so-called disciples of disgraced "gurus" are still linked by "virtue" of their service to the GBC. Of course there is no virtue because there is no sastric backing for such people to serve some questionable institutional governing diplomats in the place of a self-realized soul. 

[PADA: OK but Kailash says we need to replace the worship of self realized souls with his living conditioned souls. And worse, he writes a paper favored by the conditioned souls gurus, and the fake gurus circulate his paper as a foundational position paper to back the GBC's conditioned soul guru's system.]

Anyway the real reason the GBC made reinitiation voluntary was that almost everyone whose "guru" became disgraced was going to the rittviks instead of accepting another neophyte institutional appointee. 

[PADA: So we cannot worship Srila Prabhupada, then de facto, people will go to worship the neophyte institutional appointee. PADA's friend in India lives near an ISKCON temple, who said anyone who does not worship the local institutional guru there is banned, vilified and kicked out. "There is no other option, we all have to surrender to the local temple's neophyte guru, or we cannot participate in ISKCON." Of course, this friend is glad to meet PADA and find out this process is totally bogus.]

What has resulted from dropping mandatory reinitiation, however, is what even some institution inmates admit is a kind of "soft rittvik," thus proving Kailasa's point. I am proud to have played some small part in this pivotal moment in ISKCON history.

[PADA: Pivoting to what? The GBC says we cannot worship pure devotees, Kailash agrees and says we cannot worship pure devotees, and both of them are part of the club that says pure devotees are -- posthumous, post samadhi, post mortem etc. 

And worse, worship of the pure devotee is "the bogus Christian's idea." Oddly, Kailash has largely removed himself from the Krishna devotee's association and he lives in American cities -- full of Christian ritviks? If you can't beat em, join em'? Hee hee. So their ground breaking major new position paper, is simply recycling the same old same old GBC stuff around. Been there, done that. ys pd] 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

India has the Virus cure, but does not allow its use?

PADA: OK some devotees, actually more than a few, sent me a link to the Dr. Stella Immanuel video, claiming she has the whole virus problem figured out. She seems to be blending some sort of Christian Evangelical materials with various conspiracy theories about: Illuminati serpent people running the planet; science making a DNA vaccine to make you reject religion; science using alien DNA, witches and demons attacking us in dreams -- and maybe impregnating women in the process -- and so on. 

Dr. Stella Immanuel speaking about the use of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment and preventative for the novel Coronavirus. 

So this drug is the cure. Fine. Yet, there is plenty of this same exact drug found readily all over India. In fact this drug is manufactured there. So its readily available and cheap, and they are not using this drug there -- so their people will get sick and die? 

I am not sure that is a good argument? 

Already China, India, Brasil, UK, USA etc. has tried every drug in the book including this one, and every combination of drugs, and tossed in the kitchen sink, and there seems to be no verified record of tons of people getting better. Or else, everyone would use the known cure -- if one was readily available?  

If this drug is a readily available cure, and its widely available in India, the only reason they would not use it is -- to make their people die. I have not understood why that is a good argument. I simply do not believe they are not allowing a known cure, which is widely accessible there. 

Why would India not allow their own people to use their own in house manufactured drugs, that are made there, and can evidently be purchased off label all over the place there? I don't believe this drug is a cure, or they would use it there. A known cure, widely available, is not being used, so their people will die? And no other country is using this alleged cure either, so their people will die too. OK really?

Or maybe, some of the people pushing this alleged cure, have some problems with their demon sperm "experts" that they are citing? Can we get some actual verified cases of actual verified cures from use of these drugs? And can we explain why places like India would not use it -- if it is a cure? Or wait, I forgot! They are spending $$$ billions on a vaccine, because -- there is no cure? 

Meanwhile these devotees seem to be oblivious to the fact that people who are eating cats, bats, rats, mice, frogs, snakes, lizards, snails, dogs, donkeys, monkeys, alligators, various bugs, centipedes, fish, and everything else that walks, moves, crawls, flies, swims etc. just might make some sort of plague by that process? Yep, that's not the problem! I forgot, these devotees evidently watched too much 1960s TV where its always the mad scientist who makes the zombie formula, its not people's really bad eating process.   

I need to take my percodans now.

ys pd

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tirtha Maharaja is "One Sick Puppy" (Discussion)

Where is this parade going?

[PADA: BV Narayan Maharaja's "guru successor" BV Tirtha maharaja was involved in some sort of scandals. He was being exposed in different forums, but he suddenly died. I still don't have a report on what his actual cause of death is. If anyone has more details to this story send to --

PS Another TV documentary show wants to interview PADA editor. Lets see what happens. ys pd]

MA: It’s not that uncommon for those entering the madhyama stage to have problems with sex desire. The idea is to use the same ground as we have fallen upon to again raise ourselves up. Of course the whole sannyas - guru thing pushes a lot of buttons. Buyer be warned.

[PADA: No, the Madhyama stage is started at "anartha nivritti," where one has conquered anarthas such as attraction to mundane sex. These guys are always trying to telescope neophytes, or less than that, with advanced devotees. And what exactly is a "buyer beware" guru system? Madhyama devotees are also not recommended to take the post of diksha guru, they do not have sufficient brahmana tejyas to burn off the sins of their followers.] 

TD: The whole sanyas guru thing is dangerous ground for a madhyama ...
Or at least not sanyasa.

MA: Srila Sridhar Maharaja explained to ISKCON devotees in 1981 that sannyas is forbidden for Kali Yuga, so its now karma sannyas, not the sannyasa where one dedicates one’s body, mind and words to guru and Krishna.

[PADA: So Sridhara Maharaja thinks that the GBC's conditioned soul "karma sannyasa" folks need to be worshiped as acharyas?]

Sridhar Maharaja considered Jaiva Dharma, by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, apparently a book of fictitious characters, to be a more substantial reality than our current sensual experience. Srila Sridhar Maharaja considered Jaiva Dharma to be sastra because he saw that it was descending knowledge from the divine plane. So therefore a genuine sadhu's words are sastra and the followers of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur consequently consider Jaiva Dharma to be as good as Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta. 

The same thing would therefore be applied to the creation of Tridandi sannyas by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. So this Tridandi sannyas is eternal or sat, sometimes it is manifested and sometimes unmanifest. Of course this is also the mood of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, otherwise why would he have accepted sannyasa initiation from his Godbrother, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja, who he considered an exalted Vaisnava in the line of his Guru Maharaja, Sri guru and Gauranga? This siddhanta is accepted by Srila Prabhupada and all of his Godbrothers. Tomorrow is the Divine Disappearance day of Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhar Maharaja who left this world and entered nitya lila 32 years ago.

[PADA: Sridhara Maharaja endorses illicit sex deviants as acharyas, sorry, that is not nitya leela, that is deviation. And the supporters of false gurus have to go to the lower planets -- with the false gurus they supported. Where does Srila Prabhupada say supporting false gurus is nitya leela?]

TD: If one sadhu makes a statement it becomes shastra.. If another sadhu makes a contrary statement it becomes competing shastra. We've seen a lot of that. How bout the fall from Vaikuntha. I think it best to accept what every you like, but on the basis of logic based on shastra, and know that it is not the last word on any subject. Sanyasa or no sanyasa. The choice is yours.

[PADA: Except Srila Prabhupada says that the people who do not think we fell from Vaikuntha are tinged with mayavada, and are not qualified to be acharyas.]

MA: When one receives Tridandi sannyas they also receive an extra gayatri mantra that gives entrance into Radha daysam or the service of Srimati Radharani. Also, Srila Saraswati Thakur gave this mantra in Babaji initiation.
Gaur Kishore das Babaji left this world in 1915. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur took sannyas from a picture of Srila Gaura Kishore das Babaji in 1918. 
The question is, does one accept that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati can accept sannyasa diksha from a photo?

[PADA: Well there you go, a person can worship a departed person and take diksha from him, that is what we said all along.]

NK: Madhyama stage and sex desire? A madhyama-bhakta has bhava bhakti. Sex desire is a samskara. The revelation of samskara-s is part of the anartha nivrtti when doing bhajana kriya. Failing to uphold vows is niyamaksama which is a symptom of anistha bhajana kriya, far off from madhyama bhakti.

[PADA: Yup. They are not madhyama yet.]

MA: Wasn’t Bharata Maharaja in the stage of bhava when he became too attached to a young deer? That was considered a fall down due to attachment, but sex desire was not an element of his fall. It is also said that Bharata Maharaja’s attachment was to sattva guna. Anyway this pastime shows how one can still fall from the stage of bhava.

[PADA: Bharat Maharaja was not posing as an acharya.]

MA: Sex desire was not the cause. And good point about Bharata. Maybe there is some commentary of Visvanath on this that would corresponds to his analysis of bhakti krama. If material attachment could cause someone in bhava to fall wouldn't that mean that prema would be actual stage of perfection? 

That would be why no one falls from Vaikuntha, because the residents there, all have attained prema. Yet even bhava if beyond anartha-nivritti, and material attachment is certainly a root anartha. So why would it not be possible for someone in bhava, especially in it's beginning stage to fall from sex desire? Also, what about the influences of potential vaisnava-aparaha on a bhava bhakta?

[PADA: The souls do fall from Vaikuntha, Sridhara Maharaja is wrong to say we fall from the brahmajyoti. This is flat out mayavada.] 

TD: I wonder where you copied that from ... one of GM's less enthusiastic fans.
Question: Puri das did a lot of shastra work after leaving I think. I heard the name Puri das a lot but only lately did i find out he was Ananta Vasudev... btw, his samadhi is in Puri, on the same property as BSST's bhajan kutir there ... funny huh?

[PADA: Yes, Ananta Vasudeva aka Puri Maharaja fell down from acharya and created a big scandal in the Gaudiya Matha. Its odd that Bhakti Charu swami was supplying money to the Ananta Vasudeva matha after 1978.] 

MA: Puri Maharaja left sannyas to get married. He was a sannyasi for a brief period of time. From an objective viewpoint SBSST was a revolutionary innovator in Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Ultimately we accept Srila B V Swami Prabhupada based on faith or Sraddha. If we accept him then how can we not accept our Param guru? If you are in another line, each to his own. The cessation of siddha and guru pranali took place in other parallel lines as early as the 18th century.

TD: Ouch!! That's extreme! You love extreme!!

MA: The cessation? who's saying that? There are still pranalis about ... tho not in our faces so much. 

TA: Shit happens ... all over town actually ... if Daddy hadn't kicked him out he wouldn't have gone rogue and started the GM, and then where would we be eh??
Gauranga's non-sectarian sankirtan movement casts a wide net!!!

GG: I thought that sanga was so much more advanced! Don't really sound any different than the other Vaishnava groups.

[PADA: GG worships Satsvarupa, another rogue guru who likes to have affairs with followers.]

TD Don't let old envy creep in there GG ...

GG: Its just a practical comparison. We were told by recruiters that with initiation by sad guru and with higher education we were making the only reasonable choice given the substandard gurus existing in other groups

[PADA: Yes, how can ISKCON attack substandard gurus in other groups, when they are spawning their own substandard gurus?]

TD: Every institution has institutional problems.. I don't have many illusions about that ... it's the words of guru that are important ... and that's a personal thing.

[PADA: Yes, the actual guru says we should never worship substandard people as gurus, and yet Sridhara Maharaja / Narayan Maharaja endorsed the substandard as gurus anyway.]

MA: >>>Every institution has institutional problems<<< 

All of us, all conditioned jiva souls, have turned away from Krishna, towards Maha Maya for almost unlimited births. 

[PADA: But you just said we did not fall from being with Krishna? And yes, the problem of institutional gurus is, the whole idea is bogus from square one. We have to worship the bona fide guru and not the rubber stamped conditioned soul institutional and ecclesiastic gurus.]

TA: The problem isn't so much that we have attraction for non Krishna, but that we have little attraction for Krsna. That attraction is the key and if you find a drop somewhere, then sell your assets and buy buy buy!!!

KP: Sannyas in Kali yuga is mostly an abomination.

PA: Well stated. Every father, every mother, every single person in society should be concerned about such a sexual predator and certainly not glorify such a hypocrite as a saint, despite what wonderful service he may have done.
Those young women he raped will still be traumatised and their devotional development no doubt disturbed.

It is shocking that some devotees can overlook the immense suffering of the victims of abuse and prop up the myth that an unrepentant molester is worthy of ongoing glorification. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. They have a long path ahead of them for healing.

[PADA: Yes, allowing deviants to pose as gurus victimizes others, and often causes the victims to lose faith in the whole process. As this problem was unfolding, some of the other Narayan Maharaja leaders were complaining that they could not confront Tirtha Maharaja -- because his followers would get violent. So that means they are spawning bogus guru cults, which are victimizing others, including evidently minors and / or young adults. So the other leaders were powerless to fix this, because they had already empowered this deviant to the post of guru. They created their own Frankenstein monsters, and could not later on reign them in.]

JH: Tirtha Maharaja never raped anyone.

[PADA: OK here we go, its not really a big problem, its just a little problem.]

PA: The evidence from victims is that he digitally raped them . You may choose not to believe the testimony of the victims. That is your choice. By so doing you invalidate their traumatic experience and cause them more suffering. I am the victim of rape myself and I can tell you that those who chose not to believe me and instead sided with the perpetrator, caused me untold emotional damage.

I have also worked extensively with victims of sexual assault who were disbelieved, called liars and dismissed by those who couldn't face the TRUTH about the true nature of someone they had been regarding as a pure devotee / guru / Acarya. It's painful to face the truth. But it needs to be done if we are on the path of spiritual realisation.

JH: You should shut up ... it was one incident and doesn't wipe out his goodness. You raped a girl and people allowed you back in the community with all your mental problems. No wonder why you suffer.

[PADA: OK wait a minute? The guru is a sexual predator, and that is like a rank and file being a sexual predator? Nope. Its like when a criminal artificially becomes a policeman and robs and kills people. He is way worse because he is using his position of authority to exploit others. 

These folks never seem to recognize that the guru is supposed to be God's representative, so what he is doing has a huge impact on the victims. There is no comparison between and ordinary rank and file criminal and someone claiming to be God's successor acting as a criminal. And that is ALSO why these false gurus go to the most obnoxious regions, way worse than the rank and file ordinary man, because these false guru's crimes are way worse.] 

PA: It was NOT one incident. He admitted to more than one. Maybe you should read all the links before making further comments. And there is a lot more that has not been posted in this particular link.

AS: JH, so you mean to say, raping is fine if you say sorry? I just shudder to think what would you say if YOU were at the receiving end. Even if it is one incident, that does not absolve one from the deserved punishment.

[PADA: Yep, now we are counting victims. Well yep, he is the sum total of the demigods pure devotee, except when he was only deviating just once. Or twice. OK maybe more than that? Its not about counting deviations, a pure devotee is not deviating. Sulochana used to say, "they are arguing about how many dog's stools are in the sweet rice. Well jeepers there is only one dog's stool in the sweet rice. OK that is one too many."]

PA: Yes, what about her daughter, or her sister, or others who are affected?

AS: I just can't think about that. How one can be so insensitive. 

[PADA: Same things happened to us in 1997. We said there is a problem of the victims committing suicide and the GBC ilk and / or their staunch allies like Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad (Paul Coats UK) / Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur types of people said, "well jeepers prabhu only a few of our victims are dying every few months, its nothing to get upset about"? 

Yep, they are counting their dead victims as "not too many." Well sure, we can continue to sell our bug killing chemical, its only killing a few children once in awhile. Jeepers, thanks a lot! Its what some police friends told me, it seems there is a policy to save the perps, and destroy the victims. 

These GBC clone folks are mainly upset that we are asking them ... where did you guys get all this children's blood on your iron clad jack boots? That is their biggest problem, there is children's blood on their giant child stomping jack boots, and we are exposing them. That is why they wanted to get PADA removed from the internet, so they could stomp all the more children down without any accountability.]  

PA: It truly is heartbreaking how many devotees appear to completely lack empathy for the abused and suffering innocent victims of known sexual predators. They close their ears, their eyes and their hearts. May they be illuminated with truth.

[PADA: Yep, so many devotees were aware of the overall policy of banning, beating, molesting, contrived lawsuits, and even assassinations, and almost none of them would ever report any of this to the police. The policy has been to save the perps, and toss the victims under the bus -- or what? An ordinary observer would maybe say this is a heartless and cruel bogus cult, as various observers have told me.] 

JH: I don't lack empathy ... I question the stories.

[PADA: What is there to question? Narayan Maharaja was a huge supporter of the GBC's bogus gurus, and he was thus enabling their program of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. Then he appointed his own wave of bogus gurus, and various problems started going on with that wave.]

JH: But nothing surprises me since Srila Gurudeva left.

[PADA: Narayan Maharaja was already supporting the GBC guru program while he was here ...]

PA: That indicates you lack empathy. Sorry if you find my assessment brutal and unpalatable. The 2 teenage girls mentioned by GJ stated they had been digitally raped. At first the Swami denied it. Then he ADMITTED it and wrote apologies to the girls and their families. After all this, you are saying you are questioning their stories??.? I repeat, please read all the links here on this thread at the very least.

JH: Well I'm so sad if this is true ... so many falldowns since gurudeva left.

[PADA: Wrong, your gurudeva was already promoting falling down guru programs while he was here. This is not all of a sudden dropping out of the sky now.] 

PA: JH -- it is very understandable that you feel sad about all this. The Narayana Maharaja sangham is not my sangham, although I did have his association and found him a very saintly person who was really trying to help shell - shocked ISKCON devotees. This was over 20 years ago. I also have some dear friends who are disciples of Narayana Maharaja.

After my own initiating guru, Srila Prabhupada, disappeared in 1977, we were also distraught at all the fall downs of sanyasis, some of who had taken onl the role of Acarya. It took a long time for things to settle. In fact, although I am no longer associated with ISKCON, I know that things have still not settled.

MK: I have kept out of groups for years so didn't really know. I got to know him years ago and he was my friend and I developed a bond with him and had great memories of him showing love and kindness, so I was saddened to hear of his passing as a personal friend of mine who touched my heart, not vagina nor any of my kids when he came to my house over 10 years ago. Anyway, shame if it's true, hope it's not. As I said, for other reasons I stopped attending group functions and having much to do with groups, so wasn't really aware.

TD: I see he was well liked in the sanga, so my comments are my own experience...

MK: Well as you can see, if you read my whole comment, I haven't had much to do with sanga's, spiritual groups etc etc for a while. I keep out of it, so I hadn't heard. Now I will swear at you, so apologies in advance! That is what these f***ing groups have become to me! A bunch of hypocrites, congregating and being up themselves, thinking they're superior than everyone else on the f***ing planet and then when someone does something wrong, half stand up for them and the other half condemn them and then there's a war on! 

Or, there's a member of the group who isn't totally living up to what everyone expects and they're looked down on and gossiped about, or some up themselves person f***s another person's husband or wife. On and on and on and on, give me a f***ing break! Worse than the Bold and the beautiful! Cause they're supposed to be spiritual! Give me a glass of champagne and some nice music to listen to, a lovely day in my garden and some good times with my kids and pets. Much better imo. Sorry. Just being brutally honest! I chant when I feel like it.

[PADA: Yup, the consensus of many. They voted with their feet to leave the whole mess behind.] 

MK: I mean, they're not all like that but enough are -- to keep me away.

TD: I got alienated from this Narayan Maharaja sanga years ago ... i didn't quite fit in ... I was all into Gurudevs teachings for sure, but it seems no one much likes to discuss philosophy. Just guru, guru, guru all the time ... I'm just not into that. It gets culty. Guru is in his message ... It's the shiksha that is key ...

MK: Yeah I've been in both groups and saw this stuff. Then you get the, our Guru is better and more bona fide than your Guru stuff. 

TD: Not too worry! At one time Bhaktipada was the only bonafide acarya anywhere!

PA: To hear of the ongoing sexual assaults of this man, even after his so-called apology, is understandably distressing for those who felt affection and gratitude towards him. I've seen devotees recovering from this kind of dreadful betrayal for decades. From Bhavananda, to Prabhavisnu and so many others. Recovery is possible. Professional counselling can be of great benefit.

TD: Denial works pretty good too eh!

PA: Denial does not work for long. Those who choose to stay in denial inevitably become that special brand of lunatic - blind to Truth and embracing illusion despite all evidence. Just plain nuts.

LL: This is sooooo sick.

WS: It was a pastime to show us -- although at bhava stage fall down may occur it is exceedingly rare. 

BS: Abstinence from sex as a moral virtue / spiritual credential, might not actually make much sense. Never mind that everybody has been thinking it does for a long time ... how many other things can you think of that are clearly total nonsense that also have "a long and venerated" tradition behind them?

[PADA: OK pilgrims, false guru programs just don't work. Its what Srila Prabhupada told us three thousand times every month for years on end. It causes problems, scandals, loss of faith, and a break down of the mission. 

Never mind distraught, traumatized victims, who are sometimes suicidal and are often just plain dysfunctional people whose lives have been ruined. We need to get back to the basic process of worship of the bona fide acharya, Srila Prabhupada. Then all of these false guru outcroppings would not have occurred in the first place. ys pd]

PADA vs GBC Clone Debate the Poison Issue

KT: pada1008 if you love srila prabhupada then how can you think he was murdered he was a pure soul my only request watch this poison conspiracy debunked

PADA: So Jesus is not a pure devotee? Why are you guys always coming up with the idea that Jesus is not a pure devotee, so he is being attacked? And Maharaja Pariksit is not a pure devotee? And Pradyumna was killed because he is not a pure devotee, and Bhishma is not a pure devotee ... and so on and so forth? You guys really need to start to read the Vedas, pure devotees can be attacked, and have been -- throughout history. ys pd

KT: Who told you that Jesus wasn’t a great devotee? Prabhupada was never poisoned as prabhupada himself stated.

PADA: "Vahi bat ye hamko poison diye," he said he is having mental distress from being poisoned. And the people there are talking about poison, etc.

KT: pada1008 truth is that this nityananda dasa is a traitor and so-called truth committee is misguiding the devotees

PADA: Ok so you have no explanation why they are whispering about poison etc.

KT: pada1008 the whisper is debunked by the audio engineers can they stated it is the swelling is going down not poison is going down.

PADA: No, three separate audio labs all agreed they are discussing poison ... they confirmed.

KT: I am suggesting you to watch this video with full scientific explanation what the actual matter . You can’t say anything without any proof I also used to think same like you that prabhupada was poisoned to death but the I have a proof so I am 100% sure that prabhupada was never poisoned with full explanation.

PADA: Prabhupada says he is being poisoned. (B) He says he has the symptoms of a person being poisoned. (C) He says people around him are talking about his being poisoned (yeh sab friends). (D) One Kaviraja says that he found bone marrow in the urine sample, a symptom of heavy metal poison. (D) Forensically verified whispers show that people around in were in fact -- talking about poison, including sinister giggling. (E) Bhakti Caru is crying outside the room because -- Srila Prabhupada is saying he is being poisoned. (F) A gurukuli there said he suspected poison, at the time. 

(G) Srila Prabhupada says, please do not torture me and put me to death. (H) Srila Prabhupada says -- there is a Ravana in his room, and he needs to leave his room and be on a bullock cart, because he would rather be killed by Rama. (I) Tamal was saying to Satsvarupa that Srila Prabhupada "wanted something to make him disappear" (poison). (J) The entire tape was hidden and not revealed, and we had to obtain a copy by various sneaky tricks -- they were hiding it (reason is self evident). 

(K) I played the tape to a Bengali editor (who did the first transcript) and Brijabasi friends in 1997, the Brijabasis cried, the editor grimaced and and both said -- this man was poisoned. (L) A hair sample reveals heavy metal in the hair indicating "chronic poisoning over a period of time." (M) FBI folks said this would be prosecuted as a homicide if this had happened in the USA. (N) Bhakti Caru, Adridharan and others reported "being shocked at the complaint," thus everyone in the room agrees he is complaining of poison and so on. 

KT: pada1008 haha don’t torture me and put me into death. Have you listened the full audio of don’t torture me and put to death.

PADA: So this is a funny hah hah issue for you guys? The GBC hired no audio engineers? Who did they hire? ys pd

KT: pada1008 not only they have hired audio engineers but also the medical experts who know the consequences and they made a documentary video on cross investigation. I have watched many of the videos and I was also believing that prabhupada was poisoned to death but I found this was a total lie. Why the truth committee lied about don’t torture me and put to death? Why nityananda das is afraid of the courts, he is a coward.

PADA: The main person who helped put together your poison counter video is Amarendra, the person the GBC had assigned to help them get out of their child molesting case. They lost that case, which was a $400,000,000 lawsuit against the GBC. Sorry, the people who are running from the courts are these guys, they pleaded "no contest." Don't torture me and put me to death -- has no good context? ys 

KT: I gave you the link of original tapes of prabhupada and you are not believing. Truth is in front of you but you are so bewildered that you became blind that you can’t see the truth presented to to you. Believe in false propaganda and live in ignorance as I lived for many years. I will challenge you if you are brave enough and want to know what prabhupada was actually speaking watch the video given by me then argue with me.

PADA: OK I have Brijabasi friends and when I played them the tape they started crying and said "they poisoned him." You are crying because we are pointing this out? So the other people who listened to the tape, namely the Bengali news people who translated the tapes, also said, they poisoned this man. So we already had all this -- way before the other evidences came in.

Mayesvara also made no concrete new arguments in his video, we already covered all of his arguments many years ago. The GBC came out with a book ... that had a fake audio expert (he records rock and roll) and their doctor was also a fake, he was only a nurse. Then they came up with this video, using Amarendra, a known faker who defends the child molesting process. Why are we even quoting this guy? He defends evil, and he also lost their case. We already challenged these jokers in court, they lost. ys pd

KT: pada1008 I don’t believe in the rumors like you do as prabhupada said they may kill me also, don’t torture me, why you want to show this clip as a so called evidence which the truth was missing. Yes you know everything because you are a parmeshwar if you have any evidence then prove me how they are fake and how do you know are you all pervading parmatma.

PADA: Yes, "my only request is -- please do not torture me and put me to death." That explains the whole thing in a nutshell right there. My Brijabasi friends convinced me -- way before I even played the tape to anyone else. They speak Braj, and they know Srila Prabhupada personally. They were crying. You are crying because they knew what happened, that's all. 

Why did I have to wait from 1977 - 1997 to even get this tape? If its innocent, why was it hidden? That is the truth, all this was suppressed. 

My Brijabasi friends can understand the tape better than you or Mayesvara ever could, they know Srila Prabhupada personally and for decades. They told me to run with the issue because, they agreed he is being poisoned. Dr. Kurana (one of the kavirajas) was also convinced, and that is why his son Naveen later on came on board to help me with the issue. Mayesvara has no idea what is on the tape, that is clearly evident. ys pd

KT: I don’t know who is that brajbashi and I don’t believe in anyone unless there is an evidence. I said I don’t believe in someone who claims that prabhupada was poisoned sorry your arguments are just a deceptions. It is clear in a full audio that prabhupada said he don’t want die in the hospital he says afterwords let me die here it’s all clear that what prabhupada wanted to say if you just remove these parts from the audio then it sounds like Prabhupada was begging for the life and he had a fear of death so you people think prabhupada was an ordinary person who is afraid of death you people damaged the image of Srila Prabhupada. If you say iskcon hired a fake audio expert then we can also say ritviks and so-called truth committee made this fake audio recording also with 100% proof.

PADA: Before all this started, when I first got the tape, before playing to anyone, I played it to some Bengalis and Brijabasis. They told me -- these deviants poisoned Srila Prabhupada. The Bijabasis know more than all these experts put together, they are Srila Prabhupada's personal friends, and they know what he is saying. This is proof enough for me. ys pd

KT: pada1008 so prabhupada's sons were also kirtanananda swami, he too was personally very close to srila prabupada. So why iskcon kicked him out and no one believes in him he also started his own fake temples. So why shall I believe in that brajavasi who I don’t know is telling a truth or just lying. Sorry this not an evidence. Everything’s is already exposed now Prabhupada didn’t beg for his life he was fearless devotee of Krishna. It was just a rumor caused by misinformation and elaborated by the fraud nityananda dasa.

PADA: OK well everyone is free to believe who they want to. Mayesvara uses people like Amarendra as his reference source, and he has been the GBC's lawyer -- thus very much disliked by some of the molesting victims -- because he defended the regime. In sum, Mayesvara is not even trying to give us a good source. Yes, I believe the Bengalis and Brijabasis over these guys. 

I really started all this with no other sources other than the original tapes. 

The fact that the tapes were hidden proves something is very wrong right out of the gate. I also find it amazing the the GBC people keep saying -- no pure devotees are ever attacked, which means they do not believe Jesus, Pariksit Maharaj, Pradyumna and others are pure devotees. They are totally clueless people who do not even understand the basic points which even the materialists understand, a pure devotee might be attacked, it happens. 

So clueless people are not a good reference for anything, they are clueless and rudderless. The people who do not even believe that Jesus is a pure devotee should not have any standing on any topic. ys pd

KT: pada1008, nityananda das Nicokuyth adliteraly hijacked the common land of 11.54 acres, meant for the building of Temples, Gurukulas etc. And had built his own house on such a huge piece of Land. Something like Nityananda's personal 10,000 square foot southern mansion captured the iskcons property and was dragged into the court where his lies got caught. Real tapes? That’s all editing. Why this tape wasn’t destroyed by the GBC if they knew there was the poison tape and they would be exposed. Sorry this is total hoax.

TkG: Srila Prabhupada? You just said that it is Said that you were poisoned ?

Srila prabhupada: No! These kind of symptoms are seen when the man is poisoned he said like that. Not that I am poisoned !

PADA: The investigation was already going on before Nityananda was involved. We had some Brijabasis on board right at the start. Nityananda is one of many people who agreed with my presentation of the tapes in 1997. 

There are people writing me every day about this issue, and they are agreeing. For you to say that the personal friends of Srila Prabhupada ... who are Brijabasis ... are therefore liars, fools and hoaxters is simply not very respectful. I don't think its your position to attack the Brijabasis as liars, fools and hoaxters -- when these are the personal friends of a pure devotee. 

Its amazing to me how you guys will insult and attack even Srila Prabhupada's personal friendly associates and call them cheaters, liars and hoaxters. Of course a lawyer who defends child molester projects is a valid person, I get it. I got the tape because most of it is in Hindi and none of them knew what was on it. Apart from that, Krishna wanted me to have this tape. I was praying to get it, and He got it to me. Sorry, more people are agreeing. ys pd

KT: pada1008 friends of srila prabhupada's are not liars but the whole iskcon devotees are liars. And all disciples of srila prabhupada are liars. So I am also bogus and all the followers of prabhupada are bogus and out of iskcon. Everyone is pure and innocent devotees and what about the god brothers of srila prabhupada who were very jealous of srila prabhupada. 

In your opinion one who is brijbashi is always pure. Sorry GBC is formed by prabhupada and iskcon is srila prabhupadas body and he is the soul of iskcon. There may be faults and downfalls of some devotees because iskcon accepts all kind people. Srila prabhupada predicted his movement will last up to 10,000 years and iskcon will live for that time. 

No one can destroy the image of iskcon not any silly ritviks who pretend to be disciples of srila prabhupada. Sorry leaving iskcon means leaving my instructions and me prabhupada himself stated so who are out of iskcon are not the followers of srila prabhupada. So you people say srila prabhupada begged for a life which is more insult to srila prabhupada than I did to his so-called personal friends. If prabhupada wanted then the iskcon should should be ruled by his friends not by his disciples.

PADA: OK so the first people I played the tape to are Brijabasis, and they knew Srila Prabhupada personally, and they told me the tape says, he is being poisoned. And ever since then, the GBC people have told me these Brijabasi people are liars, fools and cheats, and INSTEAD we need to listen to the people who defend child molester guru enterprises. 

Does that make any sense to any normal person? 

We do NOT listen to the friends of the person in question, we listen to the defenders of a molester guru enterprise? No normal person would accept that the friends are the fools and the defenders of deviants are the righteous and correct ones? I never said Srila Prabhupada begged for his life, he was not attached to this life. You are making him say things he never said. 

Why would you guys say a pure devotee would beg for his life in the first place? Pure devotees are not begging Krishna for their lives? Why do you keep insisting on making the false claim that we said he was begging for his life, when that is not what any of us ever said? Why are you misquoting us all the time, this means you are arguing with your own shadow. You are making a false claim, then attacking it, you are fighting your own shadow. ys pd

KT: pada1008 you always refer to this clip don’t torture me and put to death just hearing it a normal person thinks that prabhupada was tortured to death but in the full audio the full scenario changes. And you still refer this clip as a evidence what a hypocrisy.

PADA: You lost me when you said the Brijabasis are liars and fools, and a guy who defends child molester guru programs is valid. Ask any person walking down the street, do we trust the friends of a person, or a certified defender of deviants? Srila Prabhupada said ... my only request is, please don't torture me and put me to death. And you are criticizing his statements, saying we are wrong to expose these statements? 

He said that so that when we got the tape, we would know what happened, that is so we would understand the history. He wanted us to know what was going on, and so he made these statements so -- we would know. And we do know, thanks to these statements. 

That statement was not made for those people there at the time, it was made for those of us who would later on get these tapes and -- expose them, and we did. So now you are saying we should ignore his statements? That makes a lot of sense, ignore his statements and listen to people who defend molester guru enterprises, that is superior information? ys pd

KT: pada1008 just because of your propaganda videos and other ritviks videos it made me so depressed that I stopped believing on prabhupada and Krishna consciousness and it ruined many devotees lives and became non devotees just because of you people. This is not a service for srila prabhupada. Prabhupada said preach not to mispreach just as you people are doing.

PADA: Ok so you are depressed to find out Jesus, Pariksit maharaja, Pradyumna, Bhishma and apparently Srila Prabhupada were attacked. That's nice, but we cannot re-write history. What is depressing to most of the ex-children is the molesting empire, and its defenders. We cannot re-write history. 

Srila Prabhupada's astrology chart said he would live for many years ... if he could get over the immediate danger from "juniors and subordinates." That is why later he said "jyoti jnana," he was making a reference to that chart, i.e. danger from juniors and subordinates. So these are all historical events. 

Tamal told Satsvarupa just around the end of 1977 ... Srila Prabhupada wanted us to give him something to make him disappear, ok that refers to poison. And its on tape, we have the audio. So you can try to re-write all this, but Madhvacarya says, in order to be liberated we need to understand the itihasa, the history. So yes, Jesus was attacked, its very depressing, but its also history and none of us little peanut individuals are going to re-write it, it will stand as it is. Its not my job to deny or re-write history, its my job to know what it is. 

These gurus have created a program of banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits and murders, that is poisoning ISKCON all by itself as a separated issue. Would the same people who poisoned his movement also have poisoned him? We think -- yes. Anyway, we keep getting more people to agree, because the counter arguments just don't stand very well. These gurus had already discredited his movement by 1997 when I got the tape, it was too late to save anything at that stage. 

So I could have hid this, but the movement had already been poisoned by that point. His being poisoned as well thus made complete sense to me at that point. I was in 1997 also fighting them over the changed books and the molesting issue, so this was simply another evidence of their malfeasance core. 

I played the tape to Bengalis and Brijabasis as a test run, and the GBC failed the test run and badly. These Brijabasi people had tears streaming down their faces and I will never forget that. Its history. Even the original Bengali man who did my original transcript told me to never mention his name, he fears for the lives of his family in Bengal, he believes these people are dangerous crooks and poisoners. He knows what the tape says, and he told me that right off the bat in our first meeting, "they poisoned this man." ys pd

KT: pada1008 okay thanks for misleading me for many years Hare Krishna! No more debates because you don’t believe in me and I don’t believe in you so I decided to end it up here because it will never end l lose you win sorry as a bogus follower of iskcon I wasted your precious time.

PADA: So you guys have always said that ... the Brijabasi friends of Srila Prabhupada are liars, fools and cheaters. That has been your entire argument the whole time. Meanwhile you send me a link to a video made by some of the same people who defended the child molesting guru empire. Sorry, following ISKCON is not following these deviant people. 

Many folks are coming on board and agreeing because: they see what the Bengalis and Brijabasis saw at the start of all this; way before we had the whispers and all the rest of it; that Srila Prabhupada is himself complaining of being poisoned; and being tortured to death; and being in a room with Ravana; and his yeh sab friends are discussing poison (and they are as the whispers confirm); and his chart says there will be danger from subordinates and he refers to that chart etc. 

In addition, the whispers are incriminating whether we split hairs on their exact content; and Bhakti Charu says someone gave him poison here; and Srila Prabhupada said he is having mental distress from being poisoned, and so on and so forth. And our Brijabasis friends agreed to all this evidence. All all of that is lies? OK so that means you do not have any good explanation, and never have had one the whole time. 

And as soon as we came out with this issue -- immediately GBC poisoner lover guys like the Janardan / Gopijana / Krishna Kirtan / Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad das (Paul Coats) / Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur types of ilk -- all screamed in unison with the GBC's folks -- "PADA is a liar"! Because these people all cannot stop kissing the jack boots of Judas, so they will attack anyone who is exposing their Judas and child molesting guru's program's pals. And they sent me links to listen to their molester messiah program's cheer leaders like Bhakta das.

Of course, saying that our complaints about book changes, molesting and poison are "lies" what these people have always done. Its not a substantial argument. That is how they co-created a massive child molesting program of extensive webs and nests, they said we were lying when we tried to expose them and their agenda. In any case, citing Judas defenders is not going to win the argument in normal circles.

Sorry, if this is all lies, then why is there no good counter evidence? And where is that evidence? More people are accepting our side of the evidence -- every day, because we have lots of it. In sum, the argument that "PADA lies" is losing traction and big time.

The GBC side of all these arguments, is crumbling more each day. Mayesvara is recycling old arguments we defeated more than ten years ago, he has no new arguments. And if he has to get dubious guys like Amarendra as his ally and witness, he loses all credibility right out of the gate.

ys pd

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Moscow ISKCON Property Fight Continues

A split in ISKCON Moscow.

At the moment, there are two warring clans in Moscow, who are fighting for power, followers and money. This is a long conflict between two ISKCON gurus: Bhakti Vijnana Goswami and Gopal Krishna Goswami, which has now grown into a confrontation between Hindus and Russians.

On the one hand, the Indian diaspora in the old temple on Kuusinena, where the leader is the rich temple president Sadhu Priya Das, who owns two restaurants, Mercedes, apartments. His children study abroad. 

He is the pet favorite of his guru, Gopal Krishna swami. Sadhu Priya has special privileges and instructions from the guru: while everyone shaves their heads as it should be when they give initiation, Sadhu Priya continues to wear his luxurious hairdo. When Gopal Krishna tells everyone that they need to give their children to his gurukula, and not to materialists, to Sadhu Priya he says the exact opposite and etc. 

Sadhu Priya was never in the team and acted independently, and this is forgiven him, because he is an "Indian brahmana." While some "Russian sudra" cannot behave like that, he will be removed from his post. Gopal Krishna, together with his favorite, is developing the Indian diaspora around the world, increasing his influence and trying to take key positions in the government of various countries, including Russia.

And on the other hand, there are the beggars in debt, the local Russian -speaking population in the new temple on Nagornaya. This includes: Doyal Caitanya, Parjanya Maharaja, Akinchina, Vrajagour and Shyam and Naresvara, who are in the shadows, who report to Bhakti Vijnana. They do their best to take power, followers and money from Sadhu Priya.

Sadhu Priya has a choice: share or leave. By virtue of his character, the Indian president will never share his money and resources with anyone, and he is also not going to leave, because Gopal Krishna has big plans. Therefore, the group of "beggars" is left with only one thing - to parasitize on the congregation and so maintain their miserable existence, but this does not suit them, they, of course, want more.

The vacancy for the president of the new temple on Nagornaya remains open. This is a key moment in the struggle for influence. The group that puts its own person in this position will strengthen its position in the Moscow yatra and gain access to economic prosperity. The struggle for the presidency of the new temple has began.

[PADA: Sounds typical. Even some of the Jayapataka people are writing to PADA to complain that the "Western jet set sadhus" are taking much of the money to make fancy apartments and opulent situations, while the farm and cow programs are hardly being funded. And there is also the women's diksha guru issue that has split the Mayapur congregation. 

It seems like the "Hindu-ized" ISKCON folks are in various places tying to pry control from the Western group, and this has been going on in different features for quite some time. A Western devotee friend of mine said he was about the last Western devotee at his temple. And he was having to sleep in various office rooms and even closets as the Hindu-ized managers started to put big new locks on all the doors. They really did not want to tell him to leave, but he gradually had no access to any sleeping facility. Eventually they locked him out of every room. OK they wanted him to go. 

So this type thing is going on in different ways. Anyway, we are glad they are fighting over the stolen bread. Criminals will fight each other after they steal something, what else is new? ys pd]  

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sri Jagannath Astakam (VIDEO)


kadācit kālindī-taṭa-vipina-saṅgītaka-ravo



jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


bhuje savye veṇuṁ śirasi śikhi-piccham kaṭi-taṭe

dukūlaṁ netrānte sahacara-kaṭākṣaṁ vidadhate

sadā śrīmad-vṛndāvana-vasati-līlā-paricayo

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


mahāmbhodhes tīre kanaka-rucire nīla-śikhare

vasan prāsādāntaḥ sahaja-balabhadreṇa balinā

subhadrā-madhya-sthaḥ sakala-sura-sevāvasara-do

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


kṛpā-pārāvāraḥ sajala-jalada-śreṇi-ruciro

ramā-vāṇī-rāmaḥ sphurad-amala-paṅkeruha-mukhaḥ

surendrair ārādhyaḥ śruti-gaṇa-śikhā-gīta-carito

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


rathārūḍho gacchan pathi milita-bhūdeva-paṭalaiḥ

stuti-prādurbhāvam prati-padam upākarṇya sadayaḥ

dayā-sindhur bandhuḥ sakala jagatāṁ sindhu-sutayā

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


para-brahmāpīḍaḥ kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano

nivāsī nīlādrau nihita-caraṇo ’nanta-śirasi

rasānando rādhā-sarasa-vapur-āliṅgana-sukho

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


na vai yāce rājyaṁ na ca kanaka-māṇikya-vibhavaṁ

na yāce ’haṁ ramyāṁ sakala jana-kāmyāṁ vara-vadhūm

sadā kāle kāle pramatha-patinā gīta-carito

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


hara tvaṁ saṁsāraṁ druta-taram asāraṁ sura-pate

hara tvaṁ pāpānāṁ vitatiṁ aparāṁ yādava-pate

aho dīne ’nāthe nihita-caraṇo niścitam idaṁ

jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me


jagannāthāṣṭakaṁ punyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ śuciḥ

sarva-pāpa-viśuddhātmā viṣṇu-lokaṁ sa gacchati


1) Sometimes in great happiness Lord Jagannatha makes a loud concert with His flute in the groves on the banks of the Yamuna. He is like a bumblebee tasting the beautiful lotus like faces of the cowherd damsels of Vraja, and great personalities such as Laksmi, Siva, Brahma, Indra, and Ganesa worship His lotus feet. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.

2) In His left hand Lord Jagannatha holds a flute, on His head He wears peacock feathers, and on His hips He wears fine yellow silken cloth. From the corners of His eyes He bestows sidelong glances upon His loving devotees, and He always reveals Himself through His pastimes in His divine abode of Vrndavana. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.

3) On the shore of the great ocean, within a large palace atop the brilliant, golden Nilacala Hill, Lord Jagannatha resides with His powerful brother Balabhadra and His sister Subhadra, who sits between Them. May that Jagannatha Svami, who bestows the opportunity for devotional service upon all godly souls, be the object of my vision.

4) Lord Jagannatha is an ocean of mercy and as beautiful as a row of blackish rain clouds. He is the storehouse of bliss for Laksmi and Sarasvati, and His face resembles a spotless full-blown lotus. The best of demigods and sages worship Him, and the Upanisads sing His glories. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.

5) When Lord Jagannatha moves along the road on His Rathayatra car, at every step large assemblies of brahmanas loudly chant prayers and sing songs for His pleasure. Hearing their hymns, Lord Jagannatha becomes very favorably disposed toward them. He is the ocean of mercy and the true friend of all the worlds. May that Jagannatha Svami, along with His consort Laksmi, who was born from the ocean of nectar, be the object of my vision.

6) Lord Jagannatha, whose eyes resemble full-blown lotus petals, is the ornament on Lord Brahma’s head. He resides on Nilacala Hill with His lotus feet placed on the heads of Anantadeva. Overwhelmed by the mellows of love, He joyfully embraces Srimati Radharani’s body, which is like a cool pond. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.

7) I do not pray for a kingdom nor do I pray for gold, rubies, or wealth. I do not ask for a beautiful wife as desired by all men. I simply pray that Jagannatha Svami, whose glories Lord Siva always sings, may be the constant object of my vision.

8) O Lord of the demigods, please quickly remove this useless material existence I am undergoing. O Lord of the Yadus, please destroy this vast, shoreless ocean of sins. Alas, this is certain Lord Jagannatha bestows His lotus feet upon those who feel themselves fallen and have no shelter in this world but Him. May that Jagannatha Svami be the object of my vision.

9) The self-retrained, virtuous soul who recites these eight verses glorifying Lord Jagannatha becomes cleansed of all sins and duly proceeds to Lord Visnu’s abode.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Prabhupada's Astrology / Mayesvara das / Bhakti Vikas Swami (Updates)

Patita Pava Mithuna Twiins Astrological Services 

We discuss the horoscope of His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada


As a special bonus of this presentation, you can actually hear the discussion!

PADA: Yes, Srila Prabhupada's chart said he would live for a longer time, if he could survive the next period of dangers from "juniors and subordinates." Later, when Srila Prabhupada complained of being given poison, he refers to that chart -- he says "jyoti jnana." (My chart was accurate and knew this was coming). ys pd

TD: So sad. He did say the movement full of demons. 

PADA: Yes, that is why the GBC folks were really not happy with me for bringing his chart analysis out like I did, they have no good explanation for why his chart said that, and why he refers to that chart. Of course that means the chart was a warning to everyone there who knew about it -- to watch out, but they didn't. So there were the bad people, and lots of others who just went silently along to get along. ys pd


RE: Mayesvara Dasa

Mayesvara: You are still living in the past. PBS Television produced an episode of FRONTLINE that clearly confirmed how Jack Mitchel had fraudulent credentials... so will you deprive your readers of this pivotal fact as well... too much truth huh? Your unwillingness to allow others to decide for themselves proves you controlling agenda and fear of opposing opinions. 

[PADA: We never said Jack Mitchell is the pivotal evidence? You are misquoting what I said. Strawman. 

Srila Prabhupada's statements are the most direct evidence. Three different audio labs did a separate analysis, and all agreed on the content. And Gainesville FBI folks said this would be prosecuted as a murder if this had occurred in the USA. 

Apart from that, we can hear the whispers ourselves, we don't need a lab to tell us this is a discussion about poison. The people who first heard the whispers -- knew it was about poison, before any labs were involved. They hired the labs to get confirmation. 

Meanwhile, your lab guy was a bad rock and roll recording studio. I never even knew about the whispers when this all started. I heard the poison complaint -- and played it to various Bengalis and a Brijabasi -- who is a good friend of Srila Prabhupada's, and they ALL told me "this person is being poisoned." 

That was before we had any information on the whispers. I am allowing people to decide, and right away you are making a false claim that I said Jack Mitchell is the main evidence. He isn't. He enhanced the whispers, but so did other labs, but we already knew basically what the whispers were saying -- before any labs were involved. 

You keep splitting hairs when its not required. We know what the whispers are, we can hear them ourselves and they were heard by folks who had a good sound system and they discovered the whispers, before any labs were contacted. You are re-writing the history, and mis-quoting us. In sum, you are not being honest. ys pd]


RE: Bhakti Vikas Swami

PADA: I was complaining that we cannot worship Jayatirtha as the acharya, because he is having sex with followers and he is offering LSD and marijuana to the shalagram deity. And Bhakti Vikas swami took the side of the GBC -- and defended keeping Jayatirtha as the acharya and having his photo on the altar at Krishna's feet. 

So as soon as Bhakti Vikas swami finds some drug addict man who is having sex with followers, he thinks he has found the sum total of the demigods acharya, who should be worshiped as good as God. In other words, he wanted our children to worship debauchees as acharyas. 

I said my children are not going to worship BVKS debauchees, so the Bhakti Vikas program kicked me out. Later on, Jayatirtha had his head chopped off for having sex with followers, so BVKS is responsible for that death also, he should have helped me remove Jayatirtha before it go to that stage. 

Folks also had to sue the BVKS program for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse, so that is how he helped bankrupt ISKCON. BVKS wants us to worship his sex addicts and drug addicts gurus and he thinks that is varnasrama. First, he has no idea what is Krishna and what is His acharya, he cannot establish anything, except debauchee worship. 

Sulochana said: Even dogs do not molest children, so GBC gurus like BVKS are not advanced enough to worship a dog, they promote people who molest children as acharyas. ys pd

ND: Good one.

CM: This sounds absolutely, completely strange to hear. Nevertheless, All glories to Srila Prabhupada the savior of all surrendered souls, Hare Krishna!

PADA: Bhakti Vikas swami cannot establish varnasrama by his program's saying that acharyas are often illicit sex deviants. That is not even sudra dharma, even sudras worship pure devotees. ys pd

KD: It doesn't look good vaishnava fighting on public forum. It pains to see someone criticized when sick and lived a life free from 4 vices. Specifically a person who is in renounce order. My request is you can personally call and settle issues.

PADA: First of all bona fide "Vaishnavas" do not promote illicit sex and drugs deviants as their society's acharyas like Bhakti Vikas swami has been doing since 1978. If we read the Vedas, we find that the people who promote illicit sex as acharyas -- like BVKS does -- are called fools, rascals and even demons. 

If there are any examples from the Vedas of any bona fide Vaishnavas preaching to little children that they have to worship illicit sex and drugs as their acharyas, can we name who that bona fide Vaishnava is? Are there even any examples of bona fide sudras in Vedic society -- that worship illicit sex and drugs as Krishna's successor acharyas? 

Even the mlecchas worship great devotees as their acharyas. 

BVKS is outside the whole purview of the Vedas, there are no examples of ANY bona fide Vaishnavas, what to speak of Vaishnava acharyas, who promote illicit sex and drugs as acharyas. The acharyas are Krishna's successors, and to say debauchees are Krishna's successors is basically saying Krishna is a debauchee, because His successors are debauchees. This is called Krishna-aparadha, its insulting Krishna. So BVKS has dedicated his life to insulting Krishna, that is not bona fide. ys pd

BD: Well said prabhu ji!