Saturday, January 4, 2014

Its Our Retirement Account (GBC guru program)

[PADA: A devotee who is friends with some of the GBC gurus says that they are more and more saying; Yes we messed up ISKCON; Yes the God brothers hate us; Yes the women hate us; Yes the kulis hate us; Yes the Gaudiya Matha hates us; Yes the public cannot stand the stench coming from ISKCON under our mis-managing, but hey, now we are stuck. We made ISKCON into a huge garage sale where we sold off just about everything so we could live nicely, yep, sorry but that is what we did.

We are too old to go out and get a job. Our parents and family members are either dead, or too old themselves. We have nowhere else to go. We have to stay on as ISKCON managers because, this is our retirement fund. So, we have to stay here until the day we die because, there is no other place for us to go to, we would be homeless bums if we left. So its come down to, its all about the money and assets. Incidently, the effort to get Radhanath to stop using his separate charity is not going well. He is apparently siphoning off funds meant for ISKCON to his independent charity. No honor among thieves?

Well the good news is, now they are living like Saudi Princes. The bad news is, that every farthing that is stolen from Krishna has to be paid back with interest compounding by the second. That is what they do not seem to realize. ys pd]    

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