Friday, January 3, 2014

Illuminati Program Protects Bogus Gurus

Your troubles all started here! Who knew!

Thanks prabhu. Yes, you are correct, the Illuminati program first of all makes all of the devotees of Srila Prabhupada look very foolish for endorsing the group that is saying "the serpent people are running the universe." Where does Srila Prabhupada say that? Is there even a shred of evidence this is true?

Where does Srila Prabhupada say we need to listen to DVDs made by these "serpent people"ilk?

He never did.


We really have to thank you for pointing this out, yes, you got it, there is a much more sinister program afoot here, saying that the Illuminati is the cause of all "the troubles" in ISKCON means -- there is a nameless, shapeless, faceless, phantom non-entity, somewhere out there (they say maybe in the Draco constellation) that has to be addressed and attacked to correct these problems. They are changing the target of the source of the troubles. In other words, there is really no one to bother attacking here on planet earth, since there is no proof the Illuminati even exists here.

So do not bother fighting, because there is no actual person to fight here on earth, its a non-existing group that is causing all the problems here, and worse -- its the people living in the Draco Constellation that are causing all the trouble for ISKCON, so you have to fly there and sue them out in space somewhere.

And you got it, that protects the GBC gurus because it deflects the whole blame away from them and onto a phantom group that has no existence at all. Now we are blaming the non-existing phantom group, that cannot even be proven to exist at all, and which cannot be attacked in any way much less sued, or course never mind you cannot even write them a letter. So if we go to court and say "we are suing the Illuminati" they will call the men in white suits to take us away, because no one can sue a non-existing program. Especially, since we are also telling the court the people we are suing are being controlled by serpent people in the Draco constellation, they will tell the men to give us some tranquilizer shots too boot.

So these Illuminati folks are trying to get people to attack a phantom organization that does not even exist, so that the GBC gurus, who really do exist, can continue on. Yep that is their plan. That is why these Illuminati people told me not to sue the GBC to get the original books, perhaps they wanted me to sue the Illuminati, which does not exist at all.

So you are correct, when these people say we need to address the Illuminati, they are making a huge smokescreen to protect and defend the GBC gurus. Brilliant analysis. "Fight the phantom that has no existence" -- so the real bad guys can get away with literally, murder. You have put your finger on the whole program they have. Yep, fight the phantom guys who do not exist, so the real bad guys are not in trouble, that has been a technique of crooks since time immemorial. Thanks for sending me that, you nailed it! ys pd


  1. Seems a majority of Vaishnavas are into believing all this conspiracy stuff. Just checked Gaura's facebook blog ( and striked home. Gaura pr presents himself as highly educated follower of Prabhupada and rejects any heavy words against GBC. He claims that his approach is purely - philosophical, backed up on - sastra. Yet he promotes what he calls - truth websites - websites which only tell "truth". Yet when looking at his daily source for "truth" info - - it is rather an anti-Semitic smear campaign against an ethnic minority:
    So preaching spirit is gone. People in general won't support Vaishnavism anymore when they find out that Vaishnavas are into this conspiracy illuminati stuff.

  2. Correct, many of these Illuminati sites promote anti-semitism. For example Bhaja Hari was promoting one recently about "the Jewish bankers." And now Prahlad wants to force all of us to join this Illuminati campaign, which has members that promote these anti-semite views, And instead of saying, lets stop the bogus GBC gurus, these guys want to make a side show smokescreen issue, lets stop the Jewish bankers. That will never happen in any case, there will always be Jewish bankers, Mexican bankers, Swahili bankers, .. and in any case, stopping the world's banking system, that's not the priority issue of the Krishna religion, but these folks are making it the priority -- so they can make a smokescreen side show issue, and that keeps the GBC in power. The GBC gurus love these Illuminati program folks, it takes them out of the target and makes a false target. They love these guys.


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