Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PADA reply to SLT dasa

SLT: The guru-disciple relationship is based upon mutual examination prior to formal diksa.

[PADA: Exactly correct. On the one hand, Srila Prabhupada says his followers are not even fit for sannyasa in January of 1977, while on the other hand, a short one year later (January 1978) the GBC and their "shiksha guru assistants" like Sridhara and Narayana maharaja, they conjointly issue a sort of "no objection" guru certificates to all kinds of people -- who are not even fit for sannyasa. Clearly they do not bother examine their guru candidates, never mind thousands of other flaws in their system, for example: people who are falling down cannot vote for more acharyas either etc.]

SLT: That mutual examination should be based on the sastric and acarya elucidations of the Vedic standards required for the guru-disciple relationship.

[PADA: Right, as soon as a person finds out his guru is participating in a guru lineage that since 1978 has been making position papers saying acharyas fall down, and even their acharyas fall down into illicit sex with men, women and children, the prospective devotee has to reject that lineage wholesale since it has no basis in shastra. As a matter of fact, even cannibal witch doctors do not have a system of worship of illicit sex with men, women and children, even their religion has a higher standard for the representative of God.]

SLT: If two souls subsequently wish to enter into a guru-disciple relationship, then that is their business.

[PADA: Yes, if its done outside of ISKCON you can even worship a magic frog. Unfortunately the program of worship of illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs and acharyas has hi-jacked the property of ISKCON. Thus, people who want to worship a pure devotee are then banned, beaten and sometimes murdered if they want to worship a pure devotee in ISKCON. So its basically, you either have to promote their worship illicit sex project or face being banned, threatened with death, being chased with baseball bats, having friends assassinated etc. -- as I was treated.]

SLT: However, when an organized ‘religious’ institution gets involved with all the normal politics and power trips, then everyone starts pontificating and inventing systems of appointment and twisted rationalizations that deviate and cover the actual sastric system of mutual examination.

[PADA: Right, as soon as someone cites shastra and says gurus are not engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children, then these poor suckers will be given all sorts of twisted rationalizations for how that is bona fide. You are correct.]

SLT: To avoid being misled, one should study and adhere to the direct words of the Vaisnava Acaryas and be very careful about the institutional policies created by the persons enmeshed in the power structure of any so-called organized religious institution, knowing well that “power corrupts,” particularly when it is wielded in “the name of God.”

[PADA: Right, the bannings, beatings and murders, and $15 million dollar lawsuits against us etc. are all ways the corrupt hold power, and have done that since forever, just look as Kamsa, the medieval Papal system, etc., they all use violence and coercion to remain in power.]

SLT: At the same time one should be careful that one does not become overly focused on the inevitable institutional politics of an organized religion. One’s focus must not be on the attendant politics pervading every part of the material world, but rather one’s focus must be directed towards realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

[PADA: Of course this is impossible in ISKCON, as soon as one says, we follow Krishna's system that acharyas are not engaged in illicit sex with men, women and chidren, one will be given the boot, as we have seen in thousands and thousands of cases.]

SLT: Politics and the imperfections thereof will always exist, don’t ever think that they will ever go away, for this is the material world. However, leave the politics for the political, and rather spend one’s energy for the realization of Sri Krsna. That is the means to enter eternal life.

[PADA: Right, one should avoid all these politics and worship the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada, and this idea is spreading all over the place because it is backed by shastra: acharyam mam vijnanyam. ys pd]

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