Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sridhara and Narayana maharaja's church ideas


PADA: Here we find another person advocating for Sridhar and Narayana maharaja's (Gaudiya Matha's) idea (a) that some souls originated with Krishna (the chosen ones). Whereas (b) other souls, ok those of us who are here in the material world, we are "the less fortunate souls" who were destined to come to the material world (we are the "not chosen" ones).

Basically, Catholic Church idea, i.e. some people are destined to be with God eternally, and some are destined to be dis-connected and to end up in a fallen state here in the material world. Catholic Church says essentially the same thing: God has His eternal associates -- who could have never left the spiritual world, and then there are us: the "separated from God" fallen souls, the second class citizens in God's kingdom who did not originate with God, and so we were destined to fail. God's mercy is unequal: some people get born with the golden spoon and some are born with the rusty metal spoon. Why would God's mercy to His own children be un-equal like this?

In sum, they say God is biased towards some of His children and against other of His children? Does this make any sense? No, every child starts out with the same opportunity of serving Krishna in the spiritual world, some of us souls self-evidently rejected that superior post and we fell from there to here. God is equal to all, so that would mean all of us started off with the same post.

Anyway, Srila Prabhupada said avoid my God brothers because some of them are TINGED WITH MAYAVADA, i.e. saying the souls do not come from Krishna but come from some impersonal origins. Sridhara Maharaja is very direct here, he says we do originate in brahmajyoti, so this is mayavada. (Gaura Govinda Maharaja said Sridhara Maharaja is correct). Of course Sridhara and Narayana also supported the voted in guru system for the GBC, is this like the voted in Pope system? ys pd

1 comment:

  1. Prabhupada: "Just like the gopis. They did not know that Krsna is God. Or the cowherds boys, they did not know. Even mother Yasoda did not know that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

    This whole fall doctrine is over emphasized. Devotees in the spiritual world do not know that Krishna is God and sometimes they get jealous. Prabhupada: "Those who are jealous and envious, they are within this material world. And those who are not jealous, they are in the spiritual world. Simple thing. You test yourself, “Whether I am jealous, envious of my other associates, friends, everything?” Then I am in the material world."

    Since one fourth of Krishna's creation is the material world, one fourth of those living in Vaikuntha come here to get rectified. A quite normal procedure. Since everything is purnam, once having returned to Vaikuntha it is as if you never have left. Only difference, after having experienced the material world your love of Krishna has intensified a million times.


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