Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why is Kirtanananda being buried in Vrndavana?


  1. As usual dilettantish, stupido journalism: "Kirtanananda, a well known Pedophile...."

    Was he ever convicted of pedophilia, nil return. Now this man is dead and people shit on his grave as if Srila Prabhupada would have selected the most crazy, obnoxious perverts to be the leaders of his movement. And even awarding them sannyasa. Very good preaching, perfect praise of Prabhupada! You should write this to all newspapers, wherever Prabhupada went, he only would chose the most abusive thugs and install them as leaders to spoil the lives of all rank&file devotees. And when Naara Narayana says, please don't destroy Prabhupada's global movement, reform it by introducing elected leaders, you call him ill names without end. In any case, US authorities have reached a decision, no support for Hare Krishnas, put them on the list of extremist groups like Taliban and al-Qaida.

  2. What? Kirtanananda was a pedophile, he had people murdered, his schools had all kinds of molesting, his place was busted by the combined FEDS, FBI and Sherriffs for all kinds of crimes, and so on an so forth. All this is factual and has been reported in all kinds of medias all over the planet.

    Similar things happened in 1936 in the Gaudiya Matha. A little late to contain the story at this point, it was ALREADY in all the media, New York Times, Monkey On A Stick, Rolling Stone Magazine, and so forth. The time to contain these deviants and stop the media parade was when we first started to protest in 1978-9, that is when we needed help and nothing substantial appeared.

    As for Nara narayana dasa, when I was distributing papers in the park at a festival saying: we need to get rid of these Kirtanananda's, NNV almost drove over me in his BMW and he stepped out with his Japanese gal pal showing zero interest in my idea of getting rid of the bad gurus.

    NNV has never shown any real interest in helping us get rid of the bad guys, he still says they are the golden body of Prabhupada. Nor is he getting rid of any bad guys now, we are! Because we are taking them to court and EXPOSING THEM. That is the best and only way to rmeove them, and its working, the numbers of their GBC gurus is dwindling because of our onslaught of expose.

    Srila Prabhupada was counting on people like Naranarayan to help us contain these problems, but he was too busy chasing skirts to even notice there was a problem. Srila Prabhupada gave us all a duty to make sure the mission did not go off the rails, not just me, I simply did not get help or all this could have been averted in the early 1980s.

    The best thing now is to show that Prabhupada was poisoned and FORCIBLY taken away from the scene by a core clique of rogues, it was a smash and grab take over, this was not his plan at all, they got rid of him. Sorry, that is the only way our now, we have to tell people what really happened, the truth will set us free, he was poisoned by a coterie of these deviants and that is what happened, so he is not responsible for the ensuing mayhem. If NNV was serious, he would help us expose and rmeove these people, instead he defends them at every step by saying our expose is not good for his golden bodied bogus messiah pals. ys pd

  3. Prabhupada was aware of this could happen, but he took that risk. "By a coterie of these deviants", by your leave, this "coterie" were Prabhupada's appointed leaders.

    Prabhupada could have run the whole movement without GBCs and without TPs. At that time it would have worked. But Prabhupada insisted upon having leaders equipped with all kind of power to negotiate. Prabhupada took that risk of handing out mandate to questionable people.

    Empower laymen with armament. Prabhupada could have also said, no, these folks are too neophyte, we cannot have GBCs, TPs, it is presently too dangerous. Basically this whole fiasco happened because of two devices, corrupt GBCs and corrupt TPs.

    It is like appointing questionable people to officiate as police cheif, minister of defense. That things can go wrong in this way is rather predictable.

    Again, Prabhupada took that risk in order to get the Sankirtan movement global. Now to say these are all gangsters, perverts, criminals is directly push the blame toward Prabhupada, after all, he installed this managerial system of fully equipped GBCs, TPs.

    What Naara Narayana says is simply to not throw out the baby with the bath water. To reform by installing elected leaders and gradually things will improve.

    ISKCONites are slow, it took them 20 years to figure that Harikes isnt bonafide, etc etc. In France many devotees still have a pic of Bhagavan on their altar. So these folks are kind of thick-witted to figure for example if SDG is a bona fide sannyasi, yes, or no - will take them another 20 years.

  4. At this point it really does not matter "how" the sewer pipe was broken, we just have to deal with the fact -- it is broke, that's all there is to it. All we can do now is try to fix the pipe from making worse smell / mess and clean up the spill.

    That is what we are doing, we are in court with these bogus gurus fighting to get the name of ISKCON cleared up, we are exposing that they are not gurus, we are exposing that they were not appointed by Prabhupada as gurus, and we are getting people to worship Srila Prabhupada instead of bogus gurus. I am not seeing anyone else's plan having a greater impact on the situation anywhere else?

    That's all we can do at this point, get the sewer rooting tools out there, and start to root out the mess, its gonna stink for awhile, but there is no alternative if you want to get the mess fixed. Sitting around and pouting about the stink is not going to fix it. I am not seeing any other plan working even slightly, our plan is at least doing something to clean out the bad guys and bring in the proper process of worship in ISKCON.

    If someone else has a better plan, we gladly want to see it in action. Naranayana's plan to get folks like Bir Krishna on board with the DOM is like saying: we are going to fix the sewer smell by tossing an orange sannyasa robe over the sewage spill? Its just going to make the smell worse, cover up the source of the smell for another 20 years, instead of routing it out, and its not going to clean a thing. Simply rubber stamping the sewer smell as cleaned up with the DOM is not only foolish, it prolongs the smell. That is NNV's intention, NNV wants to keep the sewer flowing in ISKCON for another 20 years by keeping the sewer in power and attacking the exposers / ritviks, he has not exposed and removed one of these bad guys ever, we have exposed and removed many, and we are exposing and thus removing more all the time. In any case, show us a better plan and we can see what that is. ys pd


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