Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We have to expose false gurus (Mahesh Raja prabhu)

We have to expose

Mahesh Raja (UK)
This is in response to article “Stay Away from Gaudiya Math” by Jiva Dhara Dasa
In The article “Was Sridhara Majaraja a Bonafide Guru”. I had presented the complete picture as to how actually Sridhara Maharaja was not authorized. It may seem right to say there is so not need to discuss as Jiva Dhara Prabhu as said in his article (“Stay Away from Gaudiya Math”). But my article is presented for exposing. It is not meant for preaching to the converted. The object is to show the article to innocents. There may be many out there who are seeking to understand the truth that Srila Prabhupada is the diksha guru for as long as his books are there - but if we do not do anything to help them then they may get mislead. This is why we need to present the articles on websites etc to enlighten others. If we can expose the demoniac by using Srila Prabhupada's quotes then it is glorifying Srila Prabhupada.  Srila Prabhupada himself stresses the importance of exposing the cheaters in the following conversation:
Prabhupada: No, it is Sanskrit. And in Bengal it is called vane asiya raja.(?) "In the forest a jackal has become king." They are like that. Nila-varna-srigalavat.(?) When... There is big story about this jackal. I will tell you some. A jackal came in the village and he fell in the tub where, what is called, the water? No, no. The water man keeps the water for dipping, making little bluish. For coloring. That blue, blue. So the washerman kept the dye water in a big tub, and the jackal fell in it. So jackal fell in it; he became blue, all blue. So he fled away, and all the animals said, "What is this animal? What is the animal? What is that animal? Oh?" All, even lion became surprised. "We have not seen this." "So who are you, sir?" "I am sent by God to rule over you." "Oh?" So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, "Wa, wa," but the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry, the jackal cannot stop. So he also began to "Wa, wa." Oh, then, they, oh, this rascal is a jackal. Yavat kincin na bhasate. That these rascals are jackals. Now they are talking nonsense. We can detect that "Here is a jackal." So we have to expose them. They are not leader; they are jackals. So jackals cannot anymore rule over. That should be our propaganda. Not only scientific, all political things, social things, everything. They should be all kicked out. They should be replaced by Krsna consciousness. Then people will be happy. This should be our program. Our, this propaganda means to make people happy. It is not a business, to make business and take some money. And so many jackals have been arrested and resigned in your... You know that? Many jackals have been obliged to resign their post in the government. (Srila Prabhupada Conversations March 5 1973)
In my article I had tried to expose the fallacy of Sridhara Maharaja and I have not said he is bonafide.
Hare Krishna
Jai Srila Prabhupada.

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