Thursday, November 3, 2011

ISKCON's gurus not giving credit to Srila Prabhupada

Truth or Fiction? 
Guru Websites Visited (by Nrsimhananda das)

[PADA: Rather amazing! Since 1977 the GBC and their cheer leaders like Nrsimhananda das have been promoting several hundred people like Radhanatha swami as their messiahs aka "ISKCON gurus," but here we find clear evidence -- that the members of ISKCON -- like the GBC and Nrsimhananda -- are not even reading their "gurus" books and web sites to see if their gurus are acting properly?

Worse, Radhanath swami is implicated in being Kirtanananda's right hand manager / leader, supporting the corrupt and criminal program of Kirtanananda's at NEW VRNDAVANA, which was raided by the FBI and local Moundsville police. Why would we make a person who was Kirtanananda's main henchman and palanquin carrier, the next leader of ISKCON? Didn't Radhanath already display a tendency for deviations and aiding a criminal empire, when he created the Christian monk robes deviations and so many other deviations under Kirtanananda?

And when these sleepy time folks actually read the web sites of their gurus, they find there is deviation. So the GBC and Nrsimhananda das are promoting deviated people as their messiahs -- by their own admission -- without even doing the basic homework to see if their "pure as God" saints are actually qualified to be gurus / acharyas / messiahs? And they only figure out that their gurus are bogus when WE [the outsiders] report these deviations in public and bring it to their attention! Otherwise, their gurus would simply go on deviating unchecked.]


Nov 02, 2011 — LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA (SUN) — Piqued by recent observations about Radhanath's official website not saying anything about Srila Prabhupada, I thought it prudent to do my own research.

[PADA: Amazing, the GBC and their pillar supporters like Nrsimhananda are promoting all sorts of deviants and even peodphiles as their ISKCON gurus / acharyas / messiahs / and now he is finally going to do some research to see if his gurus are bona fide? Why not investigate your messiahs BEFORE you start promoting them as the sum totals of the demigods? And why are you only "piqued" into action because of us outsiders?]

ND: Sure enough, there is not only no picture or biography on the Homepage, but no mention of ISKCON either!

[PADA: Wow! After promoting Radhanatha as their ISKCON guru / messiah and allowing him to take over sectors of ISKCON's money, life members, properties and disciples, turns out Radhanatha is not even a member of ISKCON, nor is his property in the name of ISKCON? Nor does he even mention ISKCON, but he is the messiah of ISKCON? And Nrsimhananda is just now figuring this out after being asleep since 1977?]

ND: You have to go into the archive pages and read the voluminous text to find buried references to Srila Prabhupada (7) and ISKCON (1). Of those seven mentions of Srila Prabhupada, 2 are indicating that another devotee present at some event was a Prabhupada disciple. You would never know from a light reading that Radhanath Swami was a disciple of Srila Prabhupada or has anything to do with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The "About" Radhanath Swami page, however, does mention two saintly people from whom he took association:

"A spiritual stimulator" maintains that those who become aware of their spiritual identity share an imperative to reduce suffering in the world - employing all means at hand and stopping at nothing to do so. This truth was slowly revealed to him by teachers he had met including the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa."
Hello? Who? No mention of Prabhupada?!?! See for yourself.

[PADA: Why didn't you and the GBC "see for yourselves" before you began promoting him as one of your messiahs?]

ND: Gosh, I thought that Srila Prabhupada was very insistent that his name be present on all ISKCON communications as the "Founder-Acarya, International Society for Krishna Consciousness." In the 1972 MacMillan Bhagavad-gita, the added honorarium, "... and greatest exponent in the western world of Krsna Consciousness" was personally approved by him, (unfortunately, edited out of the revised edition).

[PADA: OK, so you are allowing these people to write their own books which do not even mention Prabhupada, and to promote these bogus books in ISKCON, and you are allowing these people to change Prabhupada's books, erasing credit due to him. Why has Nrsimhananada allowed all this to take place for the past 35 years without joining us to protest?]

ND: There are numerous stories of Srila Prabhupada becoming angry that his name and title were not present or properly displayed on various literatures, signs, etc. Perhaps readers can share some of those pastimes.
I decided to check out the "official" websites of a few of my other guru-godbrothers. I was certain that they would not exhibit the same consciousness. I was expecting to see Srila Prabhupada glorified with great fanfare, gratitude, photos, etc. I was stunned by the fact that Srila Prabhupada was either omitted or "barely mentioned" in most of the ones that I perused.

[PADA: OK so there is a pattern here, your gurus are minimizing Srila Prabhupada, which we told you all about that 35 years ago, why has it taken you so long to catch on?]

ND: I can't give statistics because I only had time to do a small sampling. I was disappointed not just from a disciple's point of view, but from a resignation that Srila Prabhupada's immense influence and kripa were going unheralded by our godbrothers' disciples.

[PADA: Right, they are creating their own personality cults and erasing credit which should go to the founder acharya Srila Prabhupada, that is what we said all along.]

ND: My understanding is that we are all nothing compared to him, and without him, we'd all be confused, bewildered seekers - at best. Prabhupada isn't just "another" acarya, and his books are the "lawbooks for the next ten thousand years." Yes? His books are the ones that will endure - at least, are supposed to. We are pebbles that disappear in the ocean; he is that ocean of mercy who will remain. How is it that there are not prominent detailed introductions to His Divine Grace on each and every one of these "official" websites?

[PADA: Because people like you are compromised with these guru frauds and you allow them to prosper while cutting down those of us who want to give credit to Srila Prabhupada.]

ND: In all fairness, Radhanath Swami may be unaware of how his editors have shaped his "official" website.

[PADA: Radhanatha wrote his own books, he is certainly aware of what he himself wrote.]

ND: A Prabhupada disciple's knee-jerk reaction may be to blame the guru, but the problem may or may not be with him. Disciples, after all, are surrendered to their gurus, not Srila Prabhupada. Perhaps they don't understand the difference between someone like him and their own guru.

[PADA: People are in ignorance because they are trained that way, and Nrsimhananda is one of the people keeping people in ignorance by promoting the people creating the ignorance.]

ND: We just need to do some compassionate education about how their guru would be pleased by the glorification of Srila Prabhupada even more than that of themselves. Some of you may say that I am wishfully thinking, but, really, it's the most effective way to influence. No good will come from berating these servants of the servants just because they don't understand that their guru only has stature because he is standing on Srila Prabhupada's shoulders.

[PADA: "No good" will come from promoting Srila Prabhupada as the guru and berating his bogus guru imitators? This is like saying -- no good will come from keeping counterfeit money out of circulation?]

ND: Prabhupada alone can keep us all - including the 75+ ISKCON gurus and those who left ISKCON - from drowning. I would be interested if others would take up the task and looking at some of the "official" websites of the ISKCON (and non-ISKCON) gurus and give some critique. We can read some of the reports here on the Sun; I doubt other websites would entertain such an open discussion. Many ISKCON and other "authorities" sneak a peak anyway. If we analyze with constructive criticism rather than guru bashing, I think that we can send messages that can help promote the understanding of Srila Prabhupada's position relative to ours (theirs). The research can only benefit everyone by shining lights on these websites that have, for the most part, avoided inspection since they generally are only read by the disciples of the respective gurus.
YS, Nrsimhananda das
P.S. I only looked at a handful of sites. I'm desperately sure that many of my godbrothers' disciples did Prabhupada's position justice.

[PADA: Wow, he is just now looking at a handful of websites of the people he has been promoting as his and ISKCON's messiahs for the past 35 years, and just now he is figuring out what they are saying is bogus. Sheesh! Well 35 years later, at least he is doing some looking finally, better late than never. ys pd]

Nrsimhananda defeated:

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