Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Has Rocana won the debate?

[PADA: Thanks for the question Miriam prabhu, Yes, our idea is that we ALL need to worship the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada. Rocana dasa says this is not possible because Srila Prabhupada is "posthumous," and worship of a departed person is "not in the tradition." Who should we worship instead? Well no one really. Worse, Rocana claims some of our writers have spelled the word "ritvik" differently in various articles, "proving" that it is no longer required to worship a pure devotee? Ummm, some of us have written to word ritvik differently and this proves that it is no longer required to worship a pure devotee? Wow, anyone who does not have a spell checker can change the whole siddhanta of the Krishna religion by mis-spelling the Vedic word for "priest"? This is why he never debates with us. ys pd]  

GS: Since the publication of his excellent "Word and a Staple" series of articles, Rocana dasa has informed me that he hasn't heard a "peep" out of the Rtviks. A pity, makes me think that not any of them are any more committed to their positions than Madhudvisa das is, or that Rocana das's terrifying ability to reason much, much better than they ever seem to have been able to has simply frightened them all into hiding under their chairs. Come on, get up here Rtviks, you Yasoda Nandana, or any of you. Don't make me do your fighting for you. More than likely Rocana dasa will bat me out of the ring with a flick of his wrist, but on the odd chance that he falls asleep during the fight or I can get a good sucker punch in and win, you will loose.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna
Ys George Smith

[PADA: Rocana has not "heard a peep" from us ritviks because he does not post our articles on his site, ever, for the past five years or more. PADA challenged him to a debate about five years ago and ever since then he refuses to post anything we say. Rocana does not allow us to post any articles EVER from us rtiviks, and the few that he posted many years ago -- he "edited out" entire pages of our writings. So he completely changes / edits what we write, and then he makes a straw man argument of what he himself changed our posts to become. No, he has not defeated us, he simply does not allow us to post things there, he never allows any of our posts there. Of course the GBC does not allow our posts either, this is extreme censorship. The good news is that we have many new sites now that do post our stuff, so we are gaining traction everywhere else. But yes, Rocana never debates with us and then he crowns himself as the winner of the debate, and unfortunately, this is a technique of the GBC folks. ys pd]   

[Yasodananda dasa: Exactly Rocana refuses to publish articles by many Pabhuapda anuga devotees such as: Puranjana, Praghosa, Pratyatosha, Gauridasa pandaita daa, Damaghosa dasa, Mahesh raja, ISKCON Bangalore devotees, Kurma dasa, Vidura dasa, Sri Mukunda dasa, and myself and many others. And then he claims he has defeated the ritviks Hummmmm. But if you ask him one simple question as to what arrangement Srila Prabhupada did for initiations for His students for the aftermath of his departure then he has no reply!
ys ynd] 


  1. Rocana is pretty much a contradictorily ruffian. The ritviks did not write anymore because everything is said already over the past 20 years. Now Rocana feels bad about having nobody of the Ritviks sending him articles anymore? And his spokesman G. Smith should tell us that Rocana feels sorry about that mess he created?
    Look at this weird writing of G. Smith, Ritviks are wrong but ritvik is right:
    "There is nothing in the conversation here that even hints at the thought that it is Srila Prabhupada's intention that this Rtvik system of initiation that he has begun is ever to stop. Therefore, it seems to me that Rocana dasa's conclusions based upon this excerpt are just as speculative or even more so than those of the Rtviks whose conclusions he is writing against. "

  2. Puranjana Prabhu,

    Rochana Dasa is a # 1 Hypocrite and Prejudiced Person. I sent him my own experience as to How I was Initiated By His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada after passing his test and asked him to publish the same in the Sun, and he blocked my e-mail ID twice. I then published it in my blog.

    Ask Rochana to read this and he will know if he is correct or Ritviks are correct and if Prabhupada wanted a Ritvik system of initiations to continue after he left.

    Refer http://zaysen.blogspot.com/2010/09/how-i-was-initiated-into-mahamantra-by.html

  3. Rocana Dasa refuses to publish any article which contains a link to http://rtvik.com/ because he knows that he cannot defeat it.


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