Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gaura Govinda maharaja's Babaji connections

Gaura Hari dasa: I also had my indirect experience with Gaura govinda maharaja which sheds important light that he also did not make it through the putana obstacal who kills young devotees who are not mature and feeding from the pure milk of the order, to make disciples on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. Because of this puttan caught him and was feeding him poision of the highest grade. I was deviated once, taking initiation from a bogus Radhakunda baba from Orrisa, who was proclaiming himself to be the highest pure devotee in the world. I became one of his three most close disciples and got to see the true nature of this humble wolf in sheeps clothing. He was accused of molesting a young female child of a disciple and he also molested my wife kissing here and feeling her carresing her breasts, who became his disciple also. He petitioned her again and again to sleep with him and he was in his late eighties. She never did so and eventually she secretely rejected this debauch. He told me secretely that he was initiated in Bhaktisidhantas siddhanta's line but rejected our line. This was the secret shiksha guru of of Gaura govinda maharaja and when he departed the planet he had a bunch of his disciples secretly in his basement doing bhajana. Narayana Maharajas disciples also went to him to do a healing on Narayana Maharaja. So these are the authorities over fools or those who become contaminated, deviated by offending Srila Prabhupada, by not carrying out his ritvik instruction and become Guru. Puttana kills them spiritually. When I woke up I felt like had been poisoned big time from association with that hypocrite Orrisa babha and it took me days of journaling to get it out of my system. 

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