Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dear Manohara dasa (letter by PADA)

Dear Manohara dasa. No, the topic here is that there is hardly any women's facility? In addition -- none  [or at best]  barely functioning farms; Many barely functioning temples, and some temples have rats, bed bugs, mice, and even rats on the altars at night. Two women recently told me they will never enter their local temple since they saw rats there. These facilities either: do not exist; Most of the USA farms were shut down and sold, Most of the gurukulas were sold or shut; Most of the restaurants were sold or shuttered; And some temples have some very bad facilitiy even for the deity, meanwhile the GBC is spending 4 million dollars on a lawsuit against Bangalore so they can bring their rats and bed bugs program there, and the GBC has also spent about 3 million suing us in Long island. Its pretty clear that your folks are spending vast sums of money on buying mansions for lawyers rather than helping get these women facility / farms etc. programs going. You could have made a huge facility for women with the 7 million you spent on making mansions for your lawyers, but you are more interested in lawsuits than helping the vaishnavas. That is the topic here, you are using vast sums of money to buy many more new Mercedes and mansions for your lawyers and you are not facilitating women, which is what you are supposed to be doing. And now you are in Delhi high court and your spokesman said he would be there "for the next 100 years if needed" so your plan is clear: to spend actually billions of dollars for the next 100 years, buying mansions for lawyers, most of whom eat meat etc., and spend little or zero on these other problems. That is the issue. ys pd    

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