Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Krishna Kanta and IRM attack Bangalore

RE: Recent IRM paper which attacks Bangalore for accepting the poison issue. See for details on the poison issue. ys pd


Dear Leal prabhu, We are not at all surprised to find that Krishna Kanta Desai is still in bed with the poisoners of pure devotees, lets face it, he loves them and he always has defended them from the get go. Naveen Krishna has for the past few years now been preaching about the poison case in Bangalore and he would know, his father Dr. Khurana was one of the Kavirajas attending Srila Prabhupada in 1977. Of course who cares for the testimony of the doctors, not the GBC and the IRM. They hate "the facts."

That is why the GBC and IRM always defends the the poisoners of pure devotees. The fact that Bangalore has accepted the poison issue and rejected poison lovers like KK is making KK go mad. Notice, as soon as someone starts to worship Srila Prabhupada, as they are doing in Bangalore, Radhanatha and Krishna Kanta join forces to start propaganda to stop the worship of the pure devotee, they both hate to see a pure devotee being worshipped. In any case, we are not worried, the acceptance of the poison case is growing, and people like Adridhanra writing documents to defend the GBC is not working, our idea is being accepted more and more daily. ys pd

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