RE: Jayapataka / Patita Pavana / Narayan Maharaja ETC.

My name is Aniruddha Chandra Das and I was initiated by Jayapataka Swami in 1986. From 1990 to 1995 I was his assistant and bodyguard, I traveled with him all over the world while my family lived in Mayapur. In all those years I witnessed the same things that Prem Sagar das mentioned on his letter and that is why I agree with him.

When I traveled with JPS to Dallas in 1994, the wife of the temple commander of that temple, who collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for her guru, Tamal Krishna Gosvami, and who had their children in that city's gurukula, presented JPS with a folder with a detailed report on the abuses suffered by her children there.

First, her first son was abused, and she reported this to her guru, who told her that he was going to take care of the matter and sent her to travel to continue collecting. When she returned, she found out that her first child had been abused again and that the second had also been abused. 

She told JPS all the details in front of me and handed him a folder containing the full report on both cases. JPS gave me that folder, and in Mayapur he asked me to file it in a cabinet in his office In other words nothing was going to be done about it. The only one who read the contest of that folder was me and that is why I can confirm to what had happened No GBC or authority had access to that information.

On another occasion, when the gurukulis had sued ISKCON for millions of dollars for the abuse case, JPS was upset and complained that why should they give anything to them if he and other GBCs had not done any direct abuse to them, in fact they should sue the abusers directly not the GBC.

At that time I gave my life for him and as his bodyguard in Mayapur I carried a 38-caliber pistol. One day, speaking directly about this matter, he told me that if anything happened, that if I even used the gun to defend him, he would say that he knew nothing about it as a result would be leaving me at the mercy of whatever could happen to me. It was that moment that I realized, I thought that for years I had been giving my life for this person who told me that I would have to take care of myself, I would have to face the consequences by Indian Law if I ever use the gun in order to protect JPS.


Anirudha Chandra das


Patita Pavan Dasa


Shrila Prabhupada, when discussing a devotee who had left his shelter, noted that when a rock falls into the ocean, it goes b-l-o-o-p,. Thus was coined the word "bloop," meaning one who leaves Krishna consciousness, and falls into the ocean of maya.

But, what happens when the organization itself bloops? What about when changed books and invented programmes have become the norm? Or when gurus initiate on behalf of the brick and mortar institution, and thus avoid personal association with neglected "disciples"? We have seen the result when pedophiles stalk the gurukulas. When the milk of bhakti is diluted with the waters of mental speculation--and Mayavada injections, then what?

What happens is that those who do not wish to participate in "blooped activities" leave, only to be dubbed "bloopers." The blooper is left to wonder,. "Did I leave Krishna consciousness, or did (what was supposed to be) Krishna consciousness leave me?

For the devotee in any condition, Krishna consciousness means serving Shrila Prabhupada. And, just as His Divine Grace set an example when he departed Gaudiya Math, sometimes we have to go it alone. Following in his footsteps can be done outside the halls of GBC officiousness. There are sill many stalwart devotees out there who are looked down upon"bloopers" by the very persons for whom a blooped institution is a matter of convenience. 

The unmasking of Anirdeshya Vapu is only one example of too many to count. If you want to know why known pedophiles are still active in Mayapur leadership, you are considered a blooper.

We know that Shrila Prabhupada brought us the torchlight of the Bjhagavata, Krishna consciousness, as the Supreme Absolute Truth. For us, serving His Divine Grace 24 hours a day in thoughts, words and deeds is our life and soul. If we are conscious of Krishna's lotus feet through the blessings of the Lord's pure devotee, there is no question of being blooped.

Yet, on the other hand, who wants to be a pert of a movement wherein saffron "haves," disdain the "have-nots" of the rank and file? Where are the bold preachers to speak up when Mayavadic doctrines are subtly introduced into Prabhupada's houses of devotion? Why does it take 30 years for the GBC to make important decisions? Where is the Shastric Advisory Council when swami "authors" produce plagiarized, or cut-and-paste literature to pose as authors"? 

Why are we expected to agree to mundane welfare activities, when such activities oppose the teachings of the Founder-Acharya? How is it that a simple sannyasa initiation makes one all-knowing. How is it that any initiation immediately makes everyone "equal"?

Are we at such a low level of devotion that we feel those who feast in the ivory towers are "advanced" simply because they are up there and in with the in crowd?
I suppose that, despite my good wishes, I can only be counted along with a thousand other Godbrothers and Godsisters who are still alive, that we are bloopers. Any other organization recognizes past service to the society, and acknowledges it. Not ISKCON. You surrender, you toil tirelessly, you give your lifeblood, and then you are shown the door.

Today, in ISKCON, if you are not willing to go along with the manufactured adjustments to Prabhupada's programme, then your presence is not required And that makes you a blooper.


DKD: Dear Aniruddha Candra Pr. do you remember that time Narayana Maharaja was main siksha Guru in presence of many ISKCON leaders and how he was commenting the child abuse in ISKCON. He named it that this was karma of the child and that SP was aware of this and didnt interfere. I always doubted that this was SP mood. But Narayana Maharajas words are recorded and written down in this regard. Tamal Krishna Maharaja definitely was primarily following this mood. At least in year 1996 when I came close to GM this mood was not more present in him.


PADA: I am not sure if ISKCON can be fixed by media exposes in themselves, however I have already been interviewed by Monkey on a Stick, Rolling Stone Magazine, Time Magazine, New York Times, Fresno Bee, Henry Doktorski's New Vrndavan series, CBS TVS new, Investigation Discovery Channel etc. -- and I am currently being interviewed by two well known medias for upcoming documentaries now. 

Taking the GBC down is not really my main objective at this point, their temples here are ghost towns. I just wanted people to know the history of what went down and how. Of course the only reason I survived doing all these exposes is that I made friends with the local police, and FBI, Federal Marshals etc. And for example, they saved me when the GBC's hit people were coming to get me because the FBI was tapping their phones and so forth. I also gave a lot of testimony to the child abuse case lawyers, and so on. 

I also believe -- one of the reasons I did not get cancer -- or die by many other means already -- like many of my contemporaries -- is that I am expressing myself openly and that relieves the internal anger and rage that many people hold in, to their peril. In other words, I believe exposing evil doers is good therapy and should be done to save -- oneself -- never mind it might also save someone else's child from falling into their tar pit. ys pd


PADA: Yes, NM is only meeting with guys like Tamal, and his henchmen. And after refusing to meet me, he goes and spends hours meeting with his pedophile guru friends like Kirtanananda. Tamal used to often lecture, my two favorite people are NM and Srila Bhavananda. 

NM was also helping Satsvarupa write the whacky "Guru Reform Notebook" in 1985, NM actually believes that acharyas are deviants who need reform. But yes, the real reason he did not meet me was because I had a copy of the November 1977 poison tape with me, and at the time he was still saying that I am bogus for promoting that tape. 

He did not want to hear that tape, because it would mean he was attacking me for no reason. He had no interest in what Srila Prabhupada was saying, but I do. You are right, NM thinks that hearing a tape from Srila Prabhupada is "a total waste of time." But spending time with pedophile acharyas is a good use of time. Could not agree more. ys pd


NH: Again. Any criticism you can sling at Narayan Maharaj can be double slung at Srila Prabhupada (for promoting Kirtananda etc). You cant love Prabhupada who promoted kirtananda but criticize NM for promoting kirtananda. Objectively, Prabhupada promoted him a lot more. That's why the only objective reconciliation is my comments I've already made. Cheers.

PADA: Srila Prabhupada never said conditioned souls are gurus, that was NM. NM also was in Texas defending Tamal when I was in Texas having Tamal sued for mass child abuse. Sorry, when there is mass child abuse involved we have to break away from sentiment and go to the authorities, like the courts. 

So we should give up the GBC's pedophile gurus, and worship the cheer leaders, defenders, rasika gurus, and huggers of GBC's pedophile gurus like Narayan Maharaja? NM was their star supporter starting with helping them write their guru reform notebook. He has no interest in hearing the tape I brought with me. 

It does not matter if anyone would have listened to him or not, he has no authority to be the cheer leader of a pedophile guru cult. Srila Prabhupada constantly said these GBC guys are not qualified to be gurus, and they are not. Objectively, Srila Prabhupada said the GBC might make it a stool society and we need to beware of them. Then NM comes along and becomes the star leader of the stool society. Then after NM helped orchestrate the GBC's mass molesting project, he says so what they go their karma. And goes to hug Kirtanananda and avoid us.

I am a follower of Srila Prabhupada, he told me personally, these GBC people are giving me a headache all the time. He never said they are gurus, and there is zero proof he ever did. To blame Srila Prabhupada, when he is saying he is being poisoned by these people? And then NM was their star advocate and he did not want to listen to the tape, because he was their defender, even when he knew there was a poison complaint he was telling people i am an offender, to get me taken out. Then he goes and hugs Kirtanananda, knowing we just had them sued for $400,000,000. ys pd


Friday, December 30, 2022

Srila Prabhupada's Poison Complaint (2 Volume Set)

Henry Doktorski

I just started looking through these two new beautiful hardcover books, "Srila Praphupada's Hidden Glories," Vols 1 and 2. Very impressive! A veritable encyclopedia--each over 800 pages--of ISKCON history.

The books (the first two volumes of a proposed 12-volume series) were compiled and edited by our friend Nityananda dasa ACBSP, currenty living in Thailand, although it's not easy to tell, as he doesn't credit himself as author on the title page (as usual), but mentions this fact only in a disclaimer on page iii. He tells me the actual author is Prabhupada Truth Commission, a panel of 10 older devotees who worked together on the project.

I began reading through the sections dealing with ISKCON history which I am already familiar with, such as the zonal acharya era of ISKCON, and I must admit I'm learning about new facts and events which I was previously unaware. Extremely well documented and researched. 
Certainly these two volumes are the result of many years of a labor of love on Nityananda's part. He is dedicated to his spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and wishes to know the actual facts of ISKCON history and share them with others. 
Get these books! You only have to pay for postage. The books are a gift to all those following in Prabhupada's line. Order from or
[PADA: Lots of people like the book "Killing for Krishna." Lots of people do not like the same book. Meanwhile! Lots of people never write any history of any type anywhere ever themselves, but they like to armchair advise others. 
"Write this and not that"! OK are you going to stick your neck out and write something yourself? Didn't think so! I am the original person who bought out "the poison tapes" and that is because -- no one else could or would. Could not be bothered. If you can present the history better than us, then go for it! Everyone has the same freedom of speech we do!  
ys pd angel108b@yahoo. com] 

New "Mayapur Task Force" Announcement

Mayapura Task Force Launches

Dear Maharajas, Prabhus & Matajis,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

The Co-directors are determined to have a devotionally vibrant, flourishing community of devotees from around the world in Mayapur wherein every person, be it elderly people, women, youth, or children peacefully & enthusiastically practice Krishna Consciousness.

In continuation of the discussion during istagosti, the codirectors have formed a Volunteer Task Force for International devotees to invoke participation by inviting suggestions on various aspects of their stay in India including devotional -relationship management, seminars on inculcating inter-cultural understanding and other aspects so that people from around the globe can come to Mayapur seamlessly and learn Bhakti Yoga;

We would collate your suggestions and make formal proposals to co-directors.
You are therefore requested to please provide your suggestions for the greater benefit of the international community.

Please send your suggestions within 7 days to the email id:

Yours servants,
Volunteer Task Force
30th December 2022

PADA: Well for starters the Mayapur leaders have been making a homosexual and / or pedophile messiah's / child beating / child abusing / child molesting cult out of Mayapur, and we'd like to see all the people who orchestrated that removed, including all the enablers. Failing that, it looks like this task force is simply another window dressing and nothing substantial. 

We'd also like Mayapura to drop their ban on the people who worship pure devotees and who do not worship pedophiles, such as the Bangalore Prabhupadanugas, and drop their insanely expensive lawsuits against other Vaishnavas. All Vaishnavas should feel welcomed at Mayapur and not just the ones who worship their illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills other Vaishnavas.

Next, when a woman reported to her guru Maha Vishnu swami that her husband was beating her and her child, Maha Vishnu swami went back and informed the husband that his wife was seeking his help. And the husband then went on a violent rampage and destroyed everything in the house and beat up the woman and cracked her spine. 

That is because the GBC supports abusers if they are loyalists, and that explains why the society has been over run with beaters / abusers / deviants / molesters etc. because the GBC gurus just want loyal people and not necessarily good people. This woman's life was ruined just so that some homosexual pedophile guru club leader could keep one loyal fan. 

We have to quit tossing women and children under the bus to protect "guru status" by keeping some of their dangerous fanatics on board. This is not an isolated incident, all sorts of molesters / abusers / beaters / violent thugs are kept on board in all sorts of situations almost all throughout ISKCON with few exceptions. Some of the followers of the GBC have been saying people like this woman and her child are offenders and they just get their karma. Woman and children should be beaten -- to give them "their karma"?

Next, when a woman went to her authority Jananananda swami to ask some questions, his thugs blocked her from commenting. So how can people get help when they are banned and blocked from getting any help? What is the use of a person posing as an authority when he is not going to administrate his dependents? 

Then the GBC thugs blocked another woman from posting on Twitter. And so on and so forth. Unless the leaders start to listen to the subjects, then they are not leaders but frauds who are usurping the management posts for personal gain. So these are some of the things that need to be fixed.

Next, the GBC should make a resolution that persons who have been engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children, watching porno etc. are not, were not, could not have been guru successors to Krishna. Nor could their enablers be successors to Krishna. So lets get this forum going on these issues. The fact that they have to finally make such a forum shows, our pressure is working. ys pd]


PADA: Correct JD. Women and children beaters welcomed, and even protected. Prabhupada devotees? Banned, beaten, chased with bats, molested, vilified, harassed, driven out, threatened with death, called ill names, given vulture death glares, sued and -- shot to death. Yep, that is their whole platform since 1978, no one can even deny this or say this is made up, no kidding. ys pd 

Anon DASI: Mahavishnu Swami was informed that a favoured devotee friend of his was beating up his devotee partner, to whom he was not married and also that this perpetrator was beating up his own son, whilst he was asleep. He would wake up with his father punching his face in. Instead of trying to protect the woman and child, arrange a safe place for them or any such thing, MVS wrote a lengthy email telling the perpetrator that his girlfriend and son are complaining about him. 

The email consisted of many quotes essentially saying don’t follow the mind and be mental. Can you imagine the outcome? The woman ended up with a smashed up house and spinal cord damage. It devastated her. She would be fearful of visiting the temple and doing her service. The son now lives in a far off island. 

They are presented to us as spiritual leaders and preceptors, as divine souls taking us back to Godhead but they can’t even get the first thing right about basic human dignity. Even elementary protection of women and children. 

When I raised this with MVS he shouted how dare I try to correct him cos he’s the spiritual master. Actually Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said it is the duty of the devotee to always inspect the spiritual master, that if he ever acts as a mundane fellow, he is to be soundly rejected. So when they tell you how dare you challenge me, I’m the spiritual preceptor or some such nonsense, one must without hesitation reject that person.

[PADA: Mahavishnu swami is one of the leaders of the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club that has some of their little boy's victim's intestines sticking out when they pass stools from being raped repeatedly by the MVS program. And how dare you question that this is authorized? Yep. You got to take it up the rear, without grease, as Sulochana used to say about the MVS program. ys pd] 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

$100,000 Car For Guru Maharaja (Has Toilet)

[PADA: Hee hee. Here we go again. These old dinosaurs are really supposed to be in an old folks home by now. It is incredible that the GBC thinks this guy is an assistant of the gopis. Oh yeah, lots of child abuse going on in his domain. 

It is sad that his sevakas have no clue they are serving a mundane man, whose domain has a lot of dubious things going on. What can I say? Their generals are getting old and wiped out and they really don't have any suitable replacements. 

Just like for example -- how many people still worship Ramesvara, Kirtanananda, Jayatirtha, Bhagavan, Hansadutta, Harikesh etc.? Nil. OK at best a few or almost nil. Once they are gone, they will be forgotten, and quickly. Except Yamaraja won't forget all the mayhem they caused. This whole thing is just sad, but shows how much power the material illusion potency has -- to cover over people. ys pd] 

Malati Devi Addresses ISKCON's Abuse Issue (VIDEO)

PADA: We should protect the vulnerable. And that is why -- Malati's program crams the worship of her deviant and bogus messiahs down the throats of its women and little children. First, women and children are often psychologically coerced / forced / enforced into the worship her program's "residents of Krishna loka" who many times end up being -- homosexuals, pedophiles, illicit sex with men, women and children predators, drunks, drug addicts, and / or orchestrators of the murders of those who dissent -- and so forth. And then her and her pals like Rambhoru Brinkman offer "therapy and help" for the children they tossed into a wood chipper (according to Sulochana das). 

And she does not see how this is harming women and children?, when a number of her program's victims are committing suicide and going to the hospital emergency room for tranquilizers. Or a number of her victims end up eating hamburgers and hating Krishna.

And one young lady victim tried to stab her mother to death when the victim was only 17. Who made that happen? Guess! Malati and her bogus gurus, whom else? And this 17 year old is only one of THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of similar victims who are suffering all sorts of trauma, PTSD and etc. So they create the trauma producing program, then come forward to save -- the victims of -- themselves? 

And many children who have been in Malati's bogus guru's program have been reporting being starved, beaten, molested, punched, kicked, and sadistically brutalized in ways we cannot describe herein. And then she comes out to tell us the people creating this program are -- gurus, Krishna's successors no less, and the people we need to submit to and surrender to (and surrender our children to). Are furthermore, we should seek help from the pedophile messiah's regime's various women and child welfare "ministries." 

And what about those of us who are being banned, beaten, sued and assassinated for objecting to their pedophile messiah's project? How are our children going to fare?

Yep, these "fix it" ministry programs -- are in fact simply window dressing and smoke screens to allow the orchestrators their program's violent child physical and sexual abuse regime leaders stay in office. Malati! Coercing children to worship illicit sex with men, women and children deviants as God's successors is child abuse. Placing children into a program where they are beaten and molested is piling on the child abuse. Telling children then need to worship the bogus leaders of all of the above abuse programs as their messiahs -- is even more and more amplified child abuse. It is abuse on top of abuse. 

Malati, quit placing more children into your jaws of death and despair program. Quit making samadhis for your child sex predator messiahs etc. Malati! You are one of the reasons this is all happening, because you are one of their big apologists and enablers. Illicit sex deviants are NOT GOD's SUCCESSORS, and were not and could not have been God's successors, and making children worship these deviants and predators as God's successors is a spiritual and material crime. 

And it is a crime that will NOT BE FORGIVEN by Krishna. Not now, not ever. It is unconscionable. And you are feeding bananas to their snake, so it can consume some more victims. Shame on them and all of you who are enablers of them.

ys pd

GBC Investigates -- Themselves? (ISKCON News)


Punished For Addressing Child Abuse

SRD: The GBC Commissions an Inquiry into the Vrindavana and Mayapur Gurukula

“Keep them in the dark and feed them manure”.

Bhagavan das (ACBSP)

An English Prabhupada disciple told me that on one occasion Bhagavan explained to him what he called the 'mushroom management philosophy'. How do you grow mushrooms? Keep them in the dark and feed them manure!

This sentence encapsulates all the contempt and disrespect that ISKCON leaders have repeatedly demonstrated for the 'peasant, commoner devotees'.

There is something particularly demonic about child abuse, it is a violent rakshasa practice that forcefully robs defenseless children of their innocence. When the abuse takes place in a religious / spiritual setting, then it also destroys the child's faith in God and humanity and too often turns the child itself into a perpetrator. 

When the abuse is facilitated or enabled by the actions or inaction of people who occupy positions of spiritual authority, then such acts will destroy the faith of the congregation. Child abuse is the perfect vehicle to advance the agenda of Kaliyuga!

Twisting and misusing the scriptures to try and present such activities or people as being even remotely saintly is the work of the devil, and demonstrates the extent of the bewilderment of the leadership!

In the recent Istagosthi in Mayapur, HH Jayapataka Swami (JPS) announced the introduction of a zero tolerance policy for child abuse in Mayapur Dham!

We have just learned from Dhiragovinda Prabhu that he personally informed JPS about the severe abuse suffered by the children in Mayapur in the late 90s, we also know that JPS was aware of the 1991 investigation report.

The best time to implement this policy would have been 50 years ago, the next best time is today, so in that sense this is good news.

The problem of course is that we've just seen documents from 1991, that describe how already -- way back then -- the GBCs and Temple Presidents had agreed to implement a zero tolerance policy for child abuse in ISKCON. Promises are only good if followed by decisive action, otherwise they are simply a cosmetic fix that may achieve some damage control and crowd pleasing, but won't actually address the root of the problem!

Cosmetic fixes are deeply problematic because they enable the perpetuation of the problem. They offer a deceptive assurance that something meaningful has been done, without actually addressing the root of the issue. Naturally you cannot have zero tolerance with exceptions and preferential treatments for high profile offenders.

I do not believe I will ever understand the rationale that goes into offering a greater degree of protection to the perpetrators of child abuse than to their victims. But this has often been the norm we have witnessed with so many high profile ISKCON offenders.

The list of ISKCON leaders that have known about the abuse perpetrated by AV includes many senior leaders of ISKCON...

The following is not a complete list:

Banu Swami, Prahladananda Swami, Bhaktivikash Swami, Jaya Pataka Swami, Badrinarayana Swami, Sivaram Swami, Indradyumna Swami, Bir Krishna Maharaj, BB Govinda Maharaj, Kavichandra Swami, Tamal Krishna Maharaj, Radhanath Swami, Nareshvara, Dayaram, Bhakti Purushottam Swami, Sesa, Dhanurdara, Bhurijan, Braja Bihari (Vraja Vihari), Romapad Swami and many others. Bear in mind that the 1991 report on the Mayapur Gurukula was sent to the entire GBC body.

During the recent Istagosthi in Mayapur the names of Bhavananda and Satadhanya were brought up. In spite their track record of child abuse in Mayapur Dham itself, they still occupy positions of honor and respect. JPS replied that they are working in the TOVP and that has nothing to do with Mayapur management. He invited concerned devotees to take the matter up with Ambarish. I understand that this is a VERY delicate topic, but the reply given by Maharaj was unsatisfactory at best. Essentially he avoided addressing the elephant in the room!

[PADA: Why hasn't JPS taken this up with Amburish 40 years ago?]

This attempt to separate the TOVP from ISKCON Mayapur Dham is disingenuous at best. Though they may be managerially separate, it is obvious to anyone that the TOVP is an integral part of ISKCON Mayapur.

[PADA: Correct, the TOVP is advertised all over ISKCON as an ISKCON project. To say the TOVP and ISKCON are separate entities is false. JPS already knows that. In Los Angeles not only the TOVP but Jayapataka himself are advertised there, and anyone who opposes is kicked out the door by Svavasa's pedophile messiah's club's goondas.]

The point is not to start a lynch mob that will go and drag Bhavananda and Satadhanya out into the streets with tar and feathers. 

[PADA: That would not help because all their sycophants and enablers would remain.]

What is important is that the Mayapur community has an open and honest conversation to establish clearly, what, where and how much engagement, service and fanfare, they are comfortable and happy to offer to devotees with a history of child abuse. This includes Laxmimoni, Bhavananda, Satadhanya and many others.

Is it acceptable to the devotee community that they are treated as honored guests at ISKCON functions and events? This needs to be well thought out and discussed. When there are clear boundaries, it is easier to understand when a line gets crossed.

Recently allegations of sexual abuse of children and young men perpetrated by Bhakti Purushottam Swami (BPS) have re-surfaced, these allegations have been around for many years. He was also accused of participating in the theft of several million dollars from the ISKCON project in Habibpur.

With the Lokanath case the GBC established the precedent that they will compromise principles and purity when faced with sufficient pressure and threats ... when they deem it politically expedient to do so!

Is there any hope that we will see JPS commission a transparent and thorough investigation of the allegations of financial and sexual abuse against BPS and in Mayapur in general? A transparent inquiry into the accounts of the TOVP? Are we going to see another rigged ad-hock panel intended to absolve BPS a-priori as was the case with Lokanath?

The GBC made an exception for Lokanath, why not for BPS? If a riot is what is needed for the GBCs to cower and bend the rules, I promise you that BPS and the local gangsters will deliver you the biggest riot ISKCON has ever seen!

The Vrindavana Gurukula has been directly under the supervision of Gopal Krishna Maharaj since 2008. There have been dozens and dozens of reports of severe child abuse that have come out of that school since he took over. In 2017 presented with extensive evidence of the abuse, the entire GBC body voted to keep the school open, and with the same management!!!

Very recently I was informed that the children in the school continue to get abused and that they have access to pornography. When I released the Cost of Silence, I pointed out that unless ISKCON drastically improves the protection of children in ISKCON boarding schools, the only responsible thing to do is to shut them down.

It is time to find the honesty and courage to acknowledge that the benefits of having these boarding schools open does not justify the tremendous cost in the human lives of our children. At this point I really think that keeping them open is intentionally reckless! Who exactly benefits from these schools?

Surely not the abused children! Certainly not ISKCON, so why and for whom exactly is ISKCON sacrificing all these children? Devotees from around the world wrote public letters to express their concerns and disappointment that Lokanath, though found guilty of child abuse by the GBCs, was allowed to continue to serve as a Sannyasi and authority in ISKCON. Some of these devotees received threatening and intimidating calls to their family members by some of Lokanath's thug followers.

It is reasonable to assume that on account of the recent activism, the physical safety of some of us will be at risk, this is certainly true the next time we visit Vrindavana or Mayapur!

We have to ask ourselves if this is the society we want to live in ... Because this culture of abuse and intimidation is very much a part of ISKCON today and if we do nothing we are directly enabling the perpetuation of this culture.

Just to add to the insanity, there is a flier going around that advertises a youth camp in Pune for the end of 2022 with Lokanath and Gopal Krishna Maharaj as guest speakers! How does any sane and informed person think that they are even remotely qualified to have anything to do with children???

In the last couple of weeks three women have publicly come forward to accuse Keshava Bharati Maharaj of sexually abusing them, one of them was 10 years old at the time! In the recent official statement on AV, the GBC Executive committee sent thoughts and prayers to the victims, but again they made no mention of any decisive actions they intend to take to overhaul child protection...

Abusers are not the problem, they are simply the tip of the iceberg that is the rot that has affected ISKCON's leadership at the very core. As much as getting rid of AV was of paramount importance, removing him is only the beginning of the cleansing that ISKCON desperately needs.

The greater problem is a society where its leaders and members look the other way when children are being abused! What will it take to create an environment where abusive practices cannot thrive? In recent times we have seen a surge in interest in child protection and an outrage at the revelations that followed AV's removal from Mayapur.

Devotees are shocked to discover that so many leaders quietly and knowingly enabled the abuse of so many children! Leaders are running for cover, with most preferring to remain silent, rather than risking to face the understandable bewilderment and wrath of their disciples, hoping and waiting for the storm to blow over.

In this time of unprecedented crisis their silence is deafening and their lack of leadership is conspicuous by its absence and very telling of their own character! If you wait long enough, every storm eventually subsides and things can then go back to 'normal'...

Naturally more of the same 'normal' is not exactly something desirable and beneficial. ISKCON is facing a spiritual and moral crisis of biblical proportions, today more than ever, it is evident that the leadership has neither purity nor bearings.

ISKCON leaders have been busy pursuing and accumulating all the material things that Lord Chaitanya instructed us to avoid. Many have come to value prestige over humility, appearances over the essence, quantity over quality, power, control and money over purity, fancy mantras and straw huts over the precious lives of so many devotee children...

Can ISKCON continue to be relevant as an effective vehicle to transmit the living teachings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu when so many leaders are ostentatiously materialistic? The Mayapur residents are terrified of the local 'devotees' from the land department, some of these guys are real life gangsters!

They have attacked and threaten those who have challenged their corruption and thievery. A couple of years back (2020?) some photos were circulated on the internet of one of these guys murdered with a volley of bullets. It was something you'd expect to see in a wild west movie!

Another young man died in Mayapur under suspicious circumstances around 2016, he was working for Sadbhuj with the TOVP petty cash department. He was found dead in his room on the roof of the Gadha building, he had a head injury and burns in the lower part of his body. The very next day, the police declared it a fire accident and cremated the body without an autopsy.

A few years back a young Russian Kuli died of a drug overdose near the Ganga. The truth is that a comprehensive investigation of the child abuse and the crimes that have taken place in ISKCON in the last 20 years alone, would make the crimes of New Vrindavana look minor...

Mayapur alone has all the elements of a lawless criminal environment! Child abuse, lots of money and power, an authoritarian regime and violent suppression of those who speak out!

Tackling the heart of the problem, this pervasive corruption, is daunting, it appears impossible, at the same time, however difficult it may be, NOT tackling it will likely result in an increasingly higher degree of degradation and suffering for everyone involved.

As it stands there is a lot of rot in the foundations! There is a need for the leadership to find the courage to come clean and let the chips fall where they will.

ISKCON devotees deserve and need an honest and true account of what has happened. From the ashes it may be possible to build something authentic, on solid foundations. However painful and devastating it will be, it is still better than continuing to live a lie!

It is both poetic and significant that Mahaprabhu has chosen to start by shining the light on the horrendous abuse of the Vaishnava children in Sri Mayapur Dham, His sacred birthplace, at the very heart of ISKCON's headquarters.

His will is unstoppable, the only choice we have is to decide whether we want to grab this opportunity to cleanse our heart of all the dishonesty and anarthas or if we want to continue deceiving ourselves. Each one of us has the responsibility to shape the society we live in.

The GBC just announced that they have commissioned an Inquiry into the Mayapur and Vrindavana Gurukula, headed by Navin Krishna prabhu from London. It appears that they are intending to carry out a 'confidential Inquiry'. Meaning that they are hoping to keep the devotees in the dark of whatever details they do not wish to disclose.

There are a number of problems.

Navin Krishna is a nice and capable devotee, he has done an amazing job with the Krishna Avanti schools, but he is very much a company man! He is not an investigator, what are his qualifications to carry out this Inquiry?

He is certainly not a gun slinger, which is what will be required of whomever hopes to carry out an adequate investigation in Mayapur!

This suggested Inquiry lead by Navin Krishna looks too much like a band-aid to try and plug a dam, it looks an awful lot like the rigged ad-hock panel the GBC set up to make the 'Lokanath problem go away'.

It's a cosmetic fix, more of the 'Keep them in the dark and feed them manure' philosophy! An Inquiry headed by someone like Navin Krishna simply does not offer the necessary assurance of transparency and independence that ISKCON needs right now!

These two gurukulas, though very problematic, they are simply the tip of the iceberg of ISKCON's corruption and child abuse problems. In Mayapur alone there are all manners of problems that need to be addressed.

ISKCON does not even have an up to date number of all its affiliated schools and gurukulas worldwide, let alone know what is happening to all those children! In Russia, recently the police shut down a devotee school and arrested the principal for child sexual abuse. I just spoke to a friend in India who told me of recent allegations of child abuse in Bangladesh. These are by far the most horrific accounts of child abuse I have ever come across! The perpetrators are senior disciples of JPS and he is aware of the problem, but... he isn't fixing it!

It is incredibly naive or dishonest to think that the same system/method that has failed and enabled abuse for the last 50 years can now magically fix itself! A bit of money, another committee or a new resolution are just not going to cut it!

What is required is a Public Inquiry into the child abuse, crimes and corruption that have taken place in ISKCON worldwide. Governments commission Public Inquiries when there is a catastrophic system failure. As the name suggests, such inquiries are public, devotees would be able to participate and submit evidence, but also the findings are made public.

Understanding and acknowledging the extent of the problem is the first necessary step to finding solutions. If we have learned anything from the last 50 years, it is that minimizing and covering up problems does not solve them, but rather enables their perpetuation. Some of the objectives of this Public inquiry would be to establish:

-What is the extent of the child abuse, corruption and criminality problem in ISKCON worldwide.

-What went wrong.

-Who is responsible.

-What measures need to be put in place to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated.

After this ISKCON will probably need something similar to a large scale Truth and Reconciliation operation

Such Inquiry would only be possible and effective if it was completely and visibly independent of the GBC. It would require a very large budged and both devotee and non devotee professionals, who are suitably qualified for the job and whose reputation is unquestioned and impeccable!

If such Public Inquiry will require 1 million dollars, it would be money very well spent, if it helps stamp out the rot and corruption that has been eating at the core of ISKCON's leadership.

This is a decisive moment, if the GBCs do not take substantive and direct action to address this cancer that has been eating away at the purity of Srila Prabhupada's institution, there will be nothing left to save, ISKCON will become just another one of those dead religious organization that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur warned us against!

Unless these recent events somehow motivate a fundamental change both individually and socially, a shift in consciousness if you will, to create an environment that is not abuse friendly, then all of this uproar will eventually fizzle out and nothing will actually change. 

[PADA: Here is the first problem. The GBC already has made fifty + different "committees" on all sorts of issues, but if you look at the names on all the different committees, it is the mostly the same maybe 35 guys wearing different hats. The guy on the Sannyasa Ministry is the same guy on the Guru Ministry who also is on the same guy on the Health and Welfare Ministry and so on. 

The same maybe 35 guys have just been switching hats for 40 years. And they only allow a few second tier folks to participate if they are "yes men" for the core group. That is why nothing substantial gets done in 40 years, there is no new blood and its the same core cadre. And even the people who "resign" like Hrdayananda, Satsvarupa, Ravindra Swarupa and others are still manipulating things from the sidelines. 

The core cadre has resisted any substantial changes in 40 years and they are always making some window dressing "new committee" which nearly never comes to positive fruition. This is their standard "new rabbit out of the hat" trick, but it is the same rabbit being recycled. 

We just need to continue to expose these people and cut off their resources and ability to accumulate manpower, and convert their manpower over to support us and our cause, that is the best option. And that is happening de facto in any event. 

They are losing this battle because, abusing children or even allowing and enabling child abuse is the lowest crime even among criminals in jail. The ISKCON leaders cannot win this one and they are starting to realize that gradually. They are being viewed as the lowest of the lowest of criminals, and therefore their status as gurus and spiritual leaders is being lost and dismantled every day, and it will only get worse for them.

ys pd]

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Open Letter to the GBC (G Das)

From a Dasi:

BB: Holy sh*t people. Whole house of cards is coming down ... fast. A lot of these bogus guru guys not only ... knew full well ... about the abuse, they were grabbing candy from under the table themselves. The abusers were in charge of monitoring the other abusers. 

And all of that is "according to ISKCON law." A law is only as good as the people in charge of enforcing it. They made ISKCON into a cesspool and they are the ones dumping sh*t into it. 

These people are the ones Srila Prabhupada always warns us about, rogues in sannyasa dress. "These rogues are the most dangerous elements in human society." Meanwhile they will lecture us about "the dangers of female temptation." The hypocrisy of these people knows no bounds.   



(Trigger warning: references of child sexual abuse and suicide.)

You know … I haven’t even started the conversation yet; a conversation about a beautiful, ancient, culturally-rich tradition rooted in the largest and most developed body of literary knowledge known to humankind, and I had to preface it with a trigger warning of child and sexual violence.

How unfortunate it is that the level of damage that’s been done over the past forty years to a lineage dating back thousands, now requires a warning before discussing.

Don’t get me wrong. I feel truly fortunate to have discovered the path of bhakti at a relatively young age, and to have embraced it to the level I did as a strict brahmacari (celibate monk) for a time, as Lord Nrsimhadeva’s pujari (priest) and as a sankirtana man. I sincerely want to thank the leadership of the movement for your pioneering spirit and the endeavors you made in the early development of our mission. Certainly, your contributions have been invaluable and will remain in the history books of the Vaisnava sampradaya.

So, too, though, will all the heinous acts that you all (yes, all) had a hand in covering up. These will never be forgotten; not by your victims, nor by their advocates; certainly not by Krishna.

Of course, I’m referring to the decades of brutal pastoral abuse of children in Vrindavana, Mayapur, West Virginia and Dallas, as well as farms and gurukulas around the world; farms and gurukulas that Srila Prabhupada worked tirelessly and painstakingly to develop and that you systematically hijacked and made a mockery of, through carefully twisting our teachings to serve your own self-aggrandizement, creating celebrity ‘sub’ cults where you ‘humbly’ adopted a God-like status and accepted the level of worship that that entails, repeatedly failing at your own positions of renunciation while criticizing others in their pursuit of the same.

Shame on you! 

You all knew what was going on all those years and did nothing to stop it, while doing everything to hide it. 

Even I, as a young brahmacari in the early 90s post-Kirtanananda-era ISKCON, had some awareness of the abuses that took place in Vrindavana and Mayapur. 

I can refresh your memory, if you’d like:

For forty years after the passing of our beloved guru, Srila Prabhupada, some of his leading disciples; disciples like Kirtanananda, Bhavananda, Dhanurdhara and Anirdesya Vapu (formerly Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami) engaged in the most atrocious demonstrations of severe physical, sexual and psychological abuse of children, leading to several high profile court cases and, sadly, to the suicides of several members of our movement’s youth. Of those abusers, the latter, Anirdesya Vapu, was, by far, the most severe (trailed by Dhanurdhara Swami) and longest-sustaining.

How is it that I, a lowly bhakta with no position or voice in the movement, was made aware of these atrocities within the first year of joining the ashram, before I was even initiated, yet some of our leaders, whose sole responsibility and purpose was to know the goings-on of our movement, somehow or other, didn’t?

I call your bluff.

There can’t possibly be a single devotee who has ever served on the GBC (Governing Body Commission), who was not, at some point, made aware of the reported abuses. 

Not one of our "gurus" can claim absolute ignorance on this subject. It’s been a topic of conversation at every GBC meeting for the past 40 years, if not longer.

Yet, now, in the wake of countless allegations resurfacing, as the worldwide congregation of devotees begins to call you out, one by one, some of you have decided to save face and release statements about your complicity; less for the advocacy of the victims and more for your own defense, while some of you flat out defend the abusers, asking for “financial packages” for those being excommunicated from the institution (because the forty years and millions of dollars they already took from the movement wasn’t enough).

Essentially, we’ve got a bunch of old white guys who think they’re Indian and a bunch of old Indians who think they’re gods, many of whom were involved in some pretty dicey transactions over the years. This is not new knowledge.

They’re all part of the “good ol’ boys club” and they all hate women and they’re all pushing this agenda that was nowhere in Srila Prabhupada’s plans.

While they continue to struggle with their own ability to follow a strict, monastic, celibate lifestyle and to pastor to a fledgling congregation, they still question a woman’s  inherent equality and ability to lead and, to this day, refuse to endorse female leaders. 

Of course, they’ll say I’m “making the movement look bad” by bringing all of its abuse into the public spotlight.

But, guess what…

YOU made the movement look bad, not us! 

YOU abused its members, not us!

Don’t blame us for your dumb decisions. We followed you. This is where you took us.

Devotees are starting to wise up and understand how you’ve weaponize our philosophy with the fear of committing ‘vaisnava aparadha’ (offenses to the devotees) by daring to question you, their infallible leader, and they recognize it for what it is; essentially, spiritual gaslighting in its grossest form.

The time has come for you all to step aside.

Our movement can no longer survive and flourish under the guardianship of old, misogynistic, out-of-touch MEN with questionable pasts and damaged reputations. The ship is sinking and too many of the life rafts are punctured.

We need to train the current generation on managerial, pastoral, financial, political and operational duties NOW and transfer the reigns. Somehow, I think they may know better than you already.

Any smart business person would look at the current state of our movement and recognize the dire need for a restructuring, rebranding and rebuilding. Without a complete overhaul, there is no chance for sustainability within our ranks.

The path forward has to recognize and prioritize our shortcomings as a movement. Only through rectification and reconciliation can this sankirtana mission move forward, lest we continue to perpetrate and protect decades of unfathomable, brutal abuse at the hands of our most trusted spiritual authorities.

PLEASE, please, please - leadership of ISKCON, I implore you! For the future of our movement, for the benefit of the world and for your love of Srila Prabupada, you HAVE to start making rational and sensible decisions on how you’re going to deal with abusers, uplift your congregations, empower your women and protect your children!

You can’t undo what you’ve done, but you can still atone for it.  You must! 

The world is watching. 

Srila Prabhupada is watching.


(G dasa)

PADA: Yup. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Indradyumna Swami "You Need Professional Psychotherapy"

PADA: Wow. So Indradyumna swami ilk helps destroy ISKCON in the West -- and helped bankrupt the ISKCON society in the USA and most of Europe. Then he flees to places like the Baltic states where no one knows their sordid history, and he exploits those poor ignorant souls. Then, after he exploits the second wave of victims, he advises them to seek professional help.

Yeepers pilgrims! You could not even make this up! We are your messiahs, and we (according to M. Dasi) mind f**ked you guys, now you need to go get a therapist. That's going to fix the mess we made of your lives, you need to get professional help.

And some of the devotee therapists are our best recommendation, because they are part of our hiding information process, and they are de facto our apologists. What could go wrong? The good news is, more of the victims have had enough of the liars club and they are expressing their doubts. We said they are destroying children's lives and they are.

Notice, this person says there are hundreds of children victims of abuse. And other victims tell me there are over a thousand victims. And other victims tell me it is over two thousand victims. And no one knew there was a problem, for decades? And now the poor people who are facing the reality of what these cheaters have been doing -- need a psychological evaluation? That is the solution?

And that is what they have told me for years, oh Mr. PADA, you need professional help. Ummm, well maybe, but the problem is, the professionals largely agree with me, worshiping deviants is a horrible experience for children, especially when a number of these deviants are pedophiles, or their enablers.

ys pd

"There is a saying in Bengali, that whenever there is scandalous talk, there is something to it, so we must be careful always to avoid even what may be mistaken by others for scandalous situation. You know how the things are taken in India so be yourself very careful to always avoid these things and instruct others how to do it also."
Letter to: Acyutananda -- London 5 August, 1972

This is an exchange between one of the girls that were in Sri Radhe's gurukula and Indradyumna Swami. Where she reminds Indradyumna swami that she and many others had personally informed IDS about the abuse the girls in the school were suffering and she asks IDS to stop lying...


My family lived in Mayapur from 2000 untill 2016, I am one of 5 siblings me and my two sisters all went to the Mayapur girls school under Bhakti Vidya Purna / AV.  My two brothers were also in the boys school. (I left the girls school in 2006)

My younger sister and sister in-law where in the school for years, it was a constant battle trying to help them both break free from all the Mayapur abuse. My husband would constantly have arguments with his sister telling her to leave. I left mayapur in 2009 I would visit my family and Mayapur regularly once or twice a year for at least a few months. The abuse simply got worse and no one would listen ... or do anything. All the girls of the school had become robot slaves to Sri Radhe, Madhava Gauranga and BVP / Anirdesya Vapu Das. The fear they had was horrible to witness.

I spoke to Indradyumna swami many, many times over the years. He had a very close and strong relationship with my younger sister Xxxxx, one of his favourite "little girls." He would constantly say she was like his real daughter and that she was such a good disciple and that what ever he told her she would reply with "yes Srila Gurudev".

This constant special treatment keeps her very loyal to him still now, like many other young girls / women her age. It really felt like a stab in my heart to read IDS letter on FB. It had a deep impact on me the way he dismissed it all publicly so smoothly "it cut deep." I was then added a few days later to a Whatsapp group by Indradyumna swami called (reaching out) with most of the girls that had attended the mayapur girls school.

"Dear team: Just to let you know I am here and eager to continue our healing process. I think our initial meeting was a good start.

(He spent a whole of half hour on his last two week visit to mayapur to meet and talk with the girls (victims) about the abuse)".

I sent him the following letter.

(I wanted to share this with you to help fill in the dots and give you more insight information of Indradyumna swami. I have a voice recording of my darshan with him from 2015 that I referr to, due to the sensitive of the victims names and personal health problems I don't want to share the recording publicly).


Dear Indradyumna swami

This was your instructions you wrote to me.

You have the "best friend" (in one sense) in your relationship with your spiritual
master. You should be turning to him for guidance. You have to be honest and upfront with me so I can guide you through the ups and downs of life.

Again, not everyone has such an opportunity. When I accept someone as an aspiring disciple I take that responsibility very seriously - and so should you. I'm extending myself to you. You should accept that shelter and take advantage of it.)

Fast forward 15 years and here we are today..

Honesty would help to start my healing, the last few months have been far from easy. And especially after reading your statement. I grew up worshiping and admiring you we had a personal relationship and friendship. The last few days I have been shaking with anxiety and fear, (My whole entire faith has been turned upside down).

I wasn't able to attend your meeting in Mayapur with some of the girls. But I can't stand quietly on the side lines anymore, as generations of devotee children continue to get manipulated and abused.

Sivarama swami's recent letter was shocking! But the recent letter from you, Indradyumna swami, was total heartbreaking. Its extremely disturbing and disappointing the way you openly lie to say you unknownly contributed!

I personally spoke with you, Indradyumna swami, in a darshan I had with you in Prabhupada's room in Juhu temple, Bombay, January 2015. I shared my ongoing concerns for the welfare of my little sister, and the other girls! My sister wasn't doing well nor were the other girls. They were suffering with health issues and depression. You told me that you had also heard this from other student that had told you crying about having no qualifications and feeling lost.

I told you how scared the girls were and that they were developing serious health problems, I told you of an example of what one of the girls was going through and feeling, Your reply was "IT'S REALLY THAT BAD!"

You told me that you had tried to talk to Sri Radhe but she never listens and she gets very defensive. You mentioned "my generation has failed the gurukulis."

I expressed that my sister had been counting down for months till the end of school, regularly saying "I can't do it any more." She couldn't wait to graduate and finish her [prison] sentence. One of the students finally had the courage to leave the school and put an end to all the pain and abuse only to have you personally call her to send her back to the school.

This wasn't the first time.

I had come to you with concern about the school and for the girls. I had told you that the girls where all fully under Sri Radhe's spell and that I had been trying to convince my sister to leave for years! But she had a lot of fear of Sri Radhe, she knew she would also loose her friends and I shared my own experience of how Sri Radhe had treated me in the school and when I had left the school.

I know I wasn't the only one who had turned to you about the abuse and asked you for your help over the years. You continued to support Sri Radhe even when the school was SHUT DOWN. You never reached out. You did quite the opposite you would go and spend time with Sri Radhe and would stay at her house when visiting Mayapur.

You continued to act like she hadn't done anything wrong when the CPO had closed her school in 2015 and banned her from working with children in ISKCON.
Half of her students are your disciples, for them to come and see you they would have to come to Sri Radhe's house. Some of the girls would struggle to come and see you and for some, it was too much to ask and would choose to stay away.

Your constant support and friendship would throw off our mother's concerns and doubts about Anirdesya Vapu Das's behaviour and involvement. They trusted your judgement of him and the situation. I honestly question many times why no other Iskcons leaders, Sanyasis or GBCs said or did anything to help us and protect us.

My mother was one of the many that reached out to you many times about the ongoing issues with Sri Radhe and the school. You say you never saw any read flags in Anirdesya Vapu Das's behaviour. You visited the school regularly over the years. (Any young child or adult could easily see things were a little wrong in this school in little to no time).

Sadly there was several cases against Anirdesya Vapu Dasa since the 90s and you claim to have missed them all. (All your friends were well aware of what had happened and you say you were kept in the dark about all the abuse. very hard to believe). 

It was common knowledge he had a shady past. You seem to be an amazing detective to finding all the lost information and history about Vrindavan. But yet again you were unaware of all the abuse Anirdesya Vapu Dasa had done to hundreds of Iskcon's children. And what was currently happening in the school on your many visits over the years even though you had been told over and over again. How did you "not know"?

Only now you all try to wash your hands when it blows up in your face. Given that the nature of the comments on your statement you have decided to hide all of them. Yet again silencing the community and the truth, to many who are trying to speak up against child abuse and share how they had come to you for help over the years and told you.

Stop hiding the truth, come clean, stop lying to us all. Show everyone you really care about our movement and its children. You are part of the problem! Staying silent has only resulted in the destruction of hundreds of Gurukuli's lives and in the destruction of faith to many devotees!

I will also be forwarding this letter to the CPO and GBC. I stand by my words, with tears in my eyes that you have brought me to write such a letter. Xxxxxx


This was the quick response I received, He continue to act like the hero like he is looking out for us and quickly change the topic to trying to help and save us and uses the distraction of professional therapy to cover his tracks. His words are insulting.


Dear all: I thank everyone for their recent imput into this chat group including K****. 

K****, I feel your pain and am sorry for failing you in a number ways. My only excuse is that I, along with so many others, were duped and deceived all along by Sri Radhe. Not knowing her deceptive nature, I took her side as she was the “authority.” I hope one day you will understand that. 

I can promise you and all the girls that I am not a liar hiding secrets. Personally, at this point, I feel the focus should be on giving support to all of you and other girls who have been so deeply affected by abuse you experienced. That is the very reason I suggested we open this chat group. Unfortunately, I see it is opening old wounds, more doubts and incriminations. 

Yes, it is healthy to discuss - but I firmly believe at this point that this should be done at a professional level: meaning you girls one on one - or in a group - with a trained professional person, or persons, who knows how and is successful in therapy. That is what is needed now. 

That is why I have encouraged everyone without exeption to search out a professional therapist. On behalf of all you I have been researching this approach which I feel is more healthy than what is taking place now in our group. For example, there is a wonderful devotee in the USA, Janaki dd, who is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in trauma. She serves on the Board of Directors for the NACPO and again is an exemplary devotee.

She recently switched from working in a residential facility to having her own private practice. She is willing to get involved. Janaki dd has long had the desire to shore up a missing piece of CPO services which is 'Victim Support' but there has never been funding for that area.

In addition to individual therapy, she facilitates group therapy. Group therapy can be a good fit for survivors of child abuse that happened in a subculture like ISKCON, what to speak of those who experienced abuse on masse in gurukula. Like Holocaust survivors, gurukula abuse survivors share a unique experience that they often feel others can't relate to and in which they find support in one another.

Are any of you interested? If yes, I will look further into this alternative. Let’s use this chat group specifically for this purpose: giving you all the “professional” support you need and deserve. If this chat continues to be used otherwise then I, like others, suggest we close it down. But I want to say here and now, if we do close it down I will still be available for anyone and everyone on email. From there we can continue the real healing by putting you in touch with professionals like Janaki dd.

My best wishes to all,

Indradyumna Swami


In your recent FB post to IDS you ask about him sending a student back to the school. This is correct, he sent her back after her brave move to finally break free and leave the school. 

BB: He is breaking people's hearts and trying to crush their souls. The first order of business for our therapy is ... for him to quit his lies.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Mayapur Open Forum: Buck Stops with Jayapataka swami

Are Pedophiles God's Successors?

[PADA: Really cannot figure out the Mayapur Open Forum. First of all, it is not open. Second of all, they kick out people who have been involved with the issues, some for decades. Recently they blocked a mother who has all sorts of valuable info. Various victims are not even given any welcome at all, nor are they informing most victims of their program. 

How will they be able to identify all the perpetrators and their enablers without making it fully open? We are going to investigate a crime, without any input from the victims or the people investigating these crimes? There is good news, the truth is very clear -- and even they are going to have to deal with it at some point. 

If the forum is trying to keep all their conversations hidden and secret, then many of the people who are victims -- and who would have valuable information -- will not be able to participate, or even know any discussion about them is taking place. If the open forum truly wants to help the situation, they need to make it truly open, especially for the victims, so they will have a voice in the situation. 

A forum that is going to champion for the victims, without allowing any input from the victims, will fall short of their goal of helping. That said, it looks like they are concluding what a lot of us have concluded already. We said Jayapataka is supporting sexual abusers like Jayatirtha in 1979, and it looks like everyone else is figuring that out now. 

The problem of children's sexual and physical abuse has to be solved immediately, it should NOT be taking 45 years to be addressed.

And there is another problem, equally bad, the Holy Dham of Krishna should NOT be polluted with child sexual and physical abuse. That is like placing a statue of Satan in the Vatican and telling everyone to worship Satan instead of Jesus.

All parties who have enabled and facilitated this odious out cropping have to be identified and put on a permanent black list. The Mayapur open forum does not want to do that, they still want to defend some of the biggest agents involved in this criminal empire. Sorry, right now it should be all hands on deck to fix this, or we are implicated in acquiescing if not empowering the problem. 

Continuing to cover it up as the Mayapur forum is doing, simply allows the rotten sewage to continue to pollute the dham. They don't get it fully, this is no longer a secret problem, all sorts of people are watching, including my friends in the "karmi" media.  

Now some followers of Narayan Maharaja are complaining about me attacking their cow protection program. Wait? NM supported a child abuse program, and one of the results is -- some of the ex-kuli victims of his child molester messiah's program here now eat meat, ok cows. 

One of the victims told me he was happy he got a job at Mc Donalds because now he won't be homeless. In short, NM program needs to first of all defend children, because failing to do that, impacts cows later on. We cannot toss children into a wood chipper and then expect that will save cows. It won't, it will make cows suffer as one of the by-products.

ys pd] 

JPS tried to answer: "we didn't know of his involvement, it wasn't approved by anyone". (he said a little more but I can't remember it).

Everyone else knew except for JPS. Hmm and they let this slide?

On Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 6:57 PM Patita-pāvana Nitāi Gaura Dāsa <> wrote:

[PADA: This guy says he is going to curse me. Wow. So the people who wanted to save children from abuse should be cursed to die, and the people who created the molester empire should be covered for -- by keeping the discussions secret, and that will fix things? No it will continue to enable the problem.]  

One question was "why was AVD allowed to be involved in the Girl's School? Who approved it? Or was it simple negligence?" JPS tried to answer: "we didn't know of his involvement, it wasn't approved by anyone". (he said a little more but I can't remember it).

Now it's up to us simple devotees to try to understand this sophisticated answer. In other words, by this answer it's clear there are secrets that cannot be shared with the common people. Maybe in the future, 200 years from now, the ISKCON X-files will be made public. But not right now. Be patient and tolerant.....

During the last Ista-gosthi on the 18th, to a similar question, "Why are child abusers / child rapists such as Bhavananda and Satadhanya allowed in leadership?" - Jayapataka Swami answered by saying they are just advisors at ToVP and that Mayapur management is not involved in this so we should take it up with Ambarish Prabhu (Chairman, ToVP). 

Well this is not entirely true (he has no knowledge of this as well?) that Bhavananda and Satadhanya are just acting as advisors at ToVP. Both of them practically run the show from behind and control the whole ToVP team and they are seen in the front more these days too.

The only way the secrets can be forced to come out during this generation of devotees and not be lost as a stack of X-files (which I doubt that any proof will be left behind for future generation to dig through and the GBC will NEVER speak up on this portion of the truth) is through a revolution to force our good old Bhavs (Bhavananda) speak on these secrets to make them open to all. This can be achieved by causing his expulsion from ToVP and the Hare Krishna Movement. He is after all the biggest child rapist in ISKCON's history anyways? I do not see any other way out.

Our good ole Bhavs is not a bad guy after all? I am sure he has something genuine left in his heart, a calling, a sincere feeling of remorse, to give back to his Guru maharaja and the Society he has subsisted his whole life upon, though he has destroyed so many lives with his insatiable greed and lust over the decades?

In the past when the child abuse Bhavs was involved in was making a lot of noise in the Movement and the GBC wanted to expel him, Bhavs threatened to spit out the secrets. Tamala and others in GBC were forced to comply with his demands to keep him in the Society and feed him some "biscuits" to quiet him down.

If Bhavs is forced to speak the truth, the greatest curse on the ISKCON institution can be removed; the curse being imposed due to the betrayal of the Founder-Acarya; which is why there is failure on all the fronts on the sincere attempts to carry out Srila Prabhupada's instructions for his Movement by his genuine followers. 

All core issues such as book changes, centralization of power by the GBC, Guru appointments, leadership / management issues, deviations in philosophy, watered-down preaching, child abuse and all other forms of abuse, mafiadom, fearmongering / bullying, vigilante methods / gaslighting, threats, extortion, cheating, coverups, bad politics and diplomacy, etc will simply disappear through a spiritual revolution in support of our loyalty to our dear Prabhupada, which will foster the principles of pure devotional service and Vaisnava etiquette take a higher position in all of walks of life in the Society.

What do y'all think?

Thank you! Hare Kṛṣṇa.

All glories to Śrila Prabhupāda!

Hope this meets you in good health and great Kṛṣṇa conscious spirits.

In your service,

Patita-pāvana Nitāi Gaura Dāsa.


I don't think it's anywhere near the French revolution mentality. The denial by some Iskcon leaders is so extreme that it would take a full-fledged revolution to change the situation. It would have to be a spiritual revolution, where purity and deeply taking shelter of our Lords overpower the dysfunctional leaders and their funny excuses.

- "So why the silence about JPS, the person who is actually responsible?" -

Today 24.12.2022 was a second Istha Gosthi in Mayapur. Questions, written on paper by the devotees, were read out loud.

One question was "why was AVD allowed to be involved in the Girl's School? Who approved it? Or was it simple negligence?".

JPS tried to answer: "we didn't know of his involvement, it wasn't approved by anyone". (he said a little more but I can't remember it).

Now it's up to us simple devotees to try to understand this sophisticated answer. In other words, by this answer it's clear there are secrets that cannot be shared with the common people. Maybe in the future, 200 years from now, the iskcon X-files will be made public. But not right now. Be patient and tolerant.....

On Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 6:28:33 PM UTC+5:30 caitanya101 wrote:

Hare Krsna.

There has been a huge hue and cry as a result of the CPO decision on BVPS aka Anirdeshya Vapu das, AVd.

Campaigns are being waged against anyone even remotely connected to AVd. Heaven help you if you are in a photo with him, even if you just happened to walk by when the photo was snapped.

People like Sivarama Swami, Indradyumna Swami, BB Govinda Swami, and others have been excoriated for allegedly supporting and empowering AVd. They are being hounded to denounce AVd, but their denunciations are never enough and only bring forth more vitriol against them.

The whole GBC is lambasted for their allowing this to happen.

The whole scenario reminds me of the French revolution’s mob mentality led by Robespierre but without the guillotine.

But what seems peculiar to me is that I hardly hear a word about the person who had it in his power to do something from day one, but instead allowed it to continue. The person who is now doing everything in his power to avoid any responsibility and pass the buck to others.

Who is that person? Jayapataka Swami.

JPS has been the GBC of Mayapura since its inception, about 50 years now. Not even a blade of grass moves in Mayapur without his sanction. He knows everything that is going on and has gone on in the past.

So why the silence about JPS, the person who is actually responsible?

The buck stops with JPS.

[PADA: Wow. After 46 years of banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits, and no small amount of disappeared dissenters, we finally get to the root of it all? JPS and his gang of Mayapur thugs. Better late than never. 

Someone wrote to tell me the horrible things going on in the world like wars and the China virus etc. are the result of making Krishna unhappy, by making His movement into a criminal operation. Could easily be the case. We need to clean this up for our own sake, and for the sake of the planet. ys pd]