Monday, October 31, 2022

Prithu (Peter Brinkman) "Love the Molester Messiahs"?

Prithu aka Peter Brinkman

Srila Prabhupada: All this will fail if there is no love and trust between the devotees.

Prithu das: Dear Giriraj Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Here is a story that I would like to share with you—an experience with Srila Prabhupada in Germany in 1974. At that time I was in charge of managing the festival of Srila Prabhupada’s stay in Schloss Rettershof. For organizing all the devotees, I used a magnetic board with all the names of the devotees on magnetic nametag holders. So, while I was in my office managing the temple, all of a sudden I felt that somebody was behind me.

It was Srila Prabhupada, who said in his deep voice, “What is that?” Naturally, I hit the floor and paid my obeisances, and Srila Prabhupada asked again, “What is that?”

“It’s a magnetic board, Srila Prabhupada,” I replied. Here I can see instantly all the SKT devotees on, the kitchen devotees, the hari-nama devotees, the deity department, the pot washers, the vegetable cutters, in short, all the devotees who are present here.”

While I was demonstrating the board to Srila Prabhupada, he became curious: “How does that actually work?”

“It’s a magnetic board, Srila Prabhupada. Every devotee is here with his magnetic nametag.

I can, for example, take this devotee from here to there, and another devotee from there to here, etc.”

“Can I try?” Srila Prabhupada said.

“Of course, Srila Prabhupada.”

Then he said, “Okay, let’s transfer this devotee from this department to that department, that devotee from that department,” and so on—altogether he moved about five or six devotees around the board. He was really into it, moving people around.

Then all of sudden he stopped, turned to me in a very grave mood, looked deeply into my eyes, and said with his deep voice, “All this will fail if there is no love and trust between the devotees.”

Wonderful Srila Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
Prithu das

[PADA: Wow. So Prithu Brinkman has been one of the biggest cheer leaders of the ISKCON GBC's homosexual and pedophile messiahs -- "God's guru chain from heaven" -- project, because self evidently he loves to see little children worshiping his homosexual and / or pedophile pals as the children's messiahs. Or what? 

It always amazes me when people tell me -- "Your love for Srila Prabhupada will be shown by how you cooperate." OK, read: cooperate with Prithu's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara. And love, trust and cooperate to help his program ban, beat, molest, sue and kill the family members of Srila Prabhupada and his children. What! 

Even Prithu's own son (Maddy) says that Prithu's program "burnt the ladhus" (i.e. the little children of ISKCON) by creating their hellish child molesting webs and nests infrastructure, which one victim told me created molesting "in every nook and corner of ISKCON." 

And Prithu is upset with us, apparently because -- we do not love, trust and cooperate with his molester messiah's worship program, which even his own kid says is torturing and / or burning up the little ladhu children alive. OK, if we "love and trust" the Prithu program that is burning up the children, then what happens to the children? Ok you don't want to know! The only thing you need to know is, Prithu loves and trusts the orchestrators of this mass molesting regime. 

And worse, we dissenters were banned, beat, chased with baseball bats, and had our friends executed, because we failed to love, trust and cooperate with Prithu's molester pooja process, which is burning up the children alive, according to his own family members. Yep. There is lots of love and cooperation, i.e. the molester pooja program loves and cooperates among its members, and it drives out anyone who disagrees on a rail. 

Even the karmi media people ask me, "What in heaven's name does so-called ISKCON's (Prithu's) pedophile worship program have to do with Krishna, India's culture and the actual original ISKCON? If the Prithu crowd likes to make homosexuals and pedophiles being worshiped as God's successors, why didn't they start their own pedophile pooja guru's movement apart from ISKCON? Why did they ban, beat, molest, sue and kill the citizens of ISKCON, and hi-jack Krishna's movement, to make room for their pedophile messiahs program"? Even ordinary Joe six packs people ask me that. 

Prithu evidently thinks the stated purpose of ISKCON is -- to force everyone to worship his homosexual and pedophile friends, and then ban, beat, molest, sue and kill people when they do -- not -- think this is the aim and object of ISKCON. And the secondary purpose of ISKCON, is to burn the laddus -- i.e. the little kids.

Oooops, and then -- how did you guess -- all sorts of children get molested left, right and center, and other people get banned, beat, sued and executed, thanks to Prithu's program promoting pedophiles as messiahs. And Prithu's program has been coercing children all over the world to bow down to worship their anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's process. 

Why does Prithu want children to worship his homosexual and pedophile messiahs project, which is creating child molesting in every nook and cranny of his society, and is thereby burning up the kids? The only good news is that Prithu's wife (Rambouru Brinkman) has started a therapy program for the victims of Prithu's molesting messiahs project, which one of the victims says -- sounds like a good business. 

One party creates the mass child molesting infrastructure project, and the other party then offers a "therapy cure" for the trauma of the molesting. Does it not occur to these people that worshiping a pedophile guru lineage is a bad idea from square one, and that is the root source of the trauma? 

Yep, the question we get all the time, why do Prithu Brinkman ilk folks advocate for children to worship their homosexual and pedophile's guru line -- as the children's living messiahs -- and later -- when Prithu's pedophile messiahs are dead, then the ISKCON children still get to worship these deviants in a big elaborate samadhi, in the holy dham. 

Meanwhile, same thing, karmi media folks wants to know "what is a pedophile in samadhi"? Well it is a concoction made by -- ok guys like Prithu. Pedophiles in samadhi. In the dham no less. One media person said they created "pedophile heaven" which fits right in with their pedophiles in samadhi project.  

And when Prithu saw one of our pamphlets -- advertising that people should worship Prabhupada -- and not his anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's process, he said "What is this sh**, and he ripped up the pamphlet and tore Srila Prabhupada's photo to pieces and then stomped on Srila Prabhupada's photo with his shoes. 

OK so Prithu openly shows in public, he hates Srila Prabhupada and he wants him to be ripped up and stomped on, and the reason for all that is -- so he can promote his child molester messiahs process, which he clearly thinks is superior to worship of the acharya. Prithu's mass molesting of children guru's program is superior to worship of the acharya? And Rambouru will give the victims of Prithu's program "therapy" -- after they had these bogus ideas drilled into them -- as a five year old child. Worship of a mass molesting guru program is superior to worship of the acharya. Who knew! 

Then, after five years old kids listen to Prithu, and worship pedophiles as their messiahs, the victims will need "trauma therapy." No kidding!

In sum, under Prithu's Gestapo Jackboots -- Krishna's children are molested and stomped on from his molesting guru project. And this creates burnt to toast trauma laden ladhu kids. According to, Prithu's own family!

Just like the photo of Prabhupada he stomps on, the children also get ripped up and stomped on. And then Rambouru comes up with a band aid to put on the fractured children's bones. Like that is really going to help the situation. Maybe if Prithu took off his giant Gestapo Boots, and quit stomping on Srila Prabhupada's photo with his Gestapo Boots, and he quit stomping on Krishna's children and burning the ladhus, things might improve.

OK so when Srila Prabhupada says "cooperate," he means to cooperate under the principles he is teaching. And he is teaching that Prithu and his pedophile guru programs are going to the most obnoxious regions of the universe, and the participants of their pedo-pooja messiah's project will be on hellish planets in lower species ... basically for eons of time ... and thus not even a shred of that process should be introduced into ISKCON. 

So lets work with Giriraja swami, another cheer leader of this regime. That is how to promote love and trust, we love and trust the molester messiah's program's leaders and cheer leaders. But how many actual citizens of planet Earth want to love, trust and cooperate with -- the worship of illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs, and in sum -- a pedophile messiah's project. Then, these people make pretend they do not know why -- ISKCON has become a ghost town? Well there is some good news, even the ghosts are disgusted with these guys, they too are vacating the premises! Hee hee! 

OK final question, this time from the media folks, does any senior devotee or leader of ISKCON publicly state that pedophiles are not gurus, were not gurus, could not have been gurus, neither such deviants could vote in more gurus. If anyone knows who agrees in public, let us know! 

Yep, if we love devotees, things will flourish, but if we love a child molesting guru cult that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas, things will fall apart. We will have an epidemic of burnt ladhu kids. Of course any sane person already knows that. ys pd  

ys pd

False gurus are like Putana
Dangerous for children.

Ishan Das on "The Ritvik Issue" (VIDEO)


Srila Prabhupada says, ”Anyone who comes to me for my help or wants advance in Krishna Consciousness, and whom I initiate and accept as my disciple, I must pray for him and his welfare always… I write at the end of my letters to my disciples, “Your ever well-wisher”, and as such, I cannot become otherwise than being ever well-wisher of my disciples, even though he may leave me.” ( Letter to: Janardana — New York 26 April, 1968)

Full Letter

Letter to: Janardana
New York
26 April, 1968



My Dear Janardana,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 12, and postdated on April 24, 1968, with enclosure of letter from Kirtanananda Swami dated April 7, 1968. I am so glad to learn that your examination in M.A. is successful, and I hope very soon you will have your Ph.D. degrees, both titles engaged in the service of the Lord. There are four things desirable in this material world, namely, good parentage, sumptuous wealth, sufficient education, and good beauty. These things are sometimes impediments in the service of the Lord because such persons with great parentage, wealth, etc., becomes materially puffed up, and thus deviates from Krishna Consciousness, but when they are employed in the service of the Lord, their value becomes many more times greater. Just like zero has no value, but when zero is placed on right side of one, the value of zero enhances to 10 times; similarly, our life, wealth, intelligence, and words become 100 times 100 greater and greater if they are employed in the service of the Lord. I shall always pray to Krishna that you may come out a successful and eminent scholar so that your writings and thoughts may be seriously taken by the mundane wranglers. Our only business is to present Krishna Consciousness to the ignorant mass of people, and if such people agree to hear in consideration of our important position in the material world, it is a great opportunity to place our submission, and thereby our mission is fulfilled. Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord. I sincerely bless you that your future hopes to present Krishna Consciousness in terms of French custom may be crowned with success.

Regarding the action of Bon Maharaja: We shall discuss the matter when we meet. For the present, you may know that this gentleman is very much materially ambitious. He wants to utilize Krishna Consciousness for his material name and fame. Sometimes he greatly offended our Guru Maharaja, and it so happened that at the last stage, practically Guru Maharaja rejected him. And the result, we can find that instead of becoming a great preacher of Krishna Consciousness, this gentleman has become artificially a head of a mundane institution. 

To become a very important man in the mundane estimation is not success in Krishna Consciousness. He was first deputed by my Guru Maharaja, along with our late God Brother, Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaja, to open a missionary center in London, and they stayed there for 3 years, but didn’t make any appreciable advance. Except that spent enormous money of my Guru Maharaja, and later on they were called back to India. 

So that is a great history; it is not possible to say everything in this letter, but for the present, be satisfied with these words, and later we shall talk more and more. On the whole, you may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities.

The statements of Thakura Bhaktivinode are as good as scriptures because he is liberated person. Generally the spiritual master comes from the group of such eternal associates of the Lord; but anyone who follows the principles of such ever liberated persons is as good as one in the above mentioned group. 

The gurus from nature’s study are accepted as such on the principle that an elevated person in Krishna Consciousness does not accept anyone as disciple, but he accepts everyone as expansion of his guru. That is very high position, called Maha-bhagavata. Just like Radharani, sometimes thinks a subordinate of hers as her teacher, to understand devotion of Krishna. A person who is liberated acharya and guru cannot commit any mistake, but there are persons who are less qualified or not liberated, but still can act as guru and acharya by strictly following the disciplic succession. 

It is the injunction of the sastras that anyone who sees the Deity in the Temple as made of wood or stone, or considers the acaryas and gurus as ordinary common men, and discriminates Vaisnavas or devotees as belonging to a certain group or caste, are called hellish. Your question about Bon Maharaja in relation with his disciple is very intelligent and intricate, and we shall discuss at long when we meet.

Regarding Kirtanananda’s letter, I may inform you that I always think of him and pray to Krishna for his good sense. That is my duty. Anyone who comes to me for my help or wants advance in Krishna Consciousness, and whom I initiate and accept as my disciple, I must pray for him and his welfare always. So Kirtanananda personally served me, especially during my illness, which I always remember. But because somehow or other he has misunderstood our activities that does not mean that I am no longer his well wisher. I write at the end of my letters to my disciples, “Your ever well-wisher”, and as such, I cannot become otherwise than being ever well-wisher of my disciples, even though he may leave me. 

So I was praying to Krishna that He may save Kirtanananda from his misunderstanding and if ever he chanted Hare Krishna at least once in sincere heart, I am sure Krishna would not allow him to go out of his influence. Therefore, I believe that he can never forget the Form of Krishna, neither he can deny His Personality. It is good news that he is trying to establish a new Vrindaban, which I suggested through Hayagriva Brahmacari, and if he is successful, in his attempt, certainly it will be considered a great benediction upon him by Lord Krishna. 

When I offered him Sannyas, I expected such great achievements through him and if Krishna desires, he will come out successful in his great attempt. Yes, I expressed my desire to go there through Hayagriva Brahmacari, and if I am invited, to go there, by Kirtanananda Swami, it will be my great pleasure to see the place and enjoy his company.

On the first of May I am proceeding to Boston. Last night we had a very nice meeting at Temple University at Philadelphia, and there were nice kirtanas and speeches, and questions and answers from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. They paid us $150.00 for transportation charges and my lecture fees, and on the 30th of April we are going to hold similar meeting in Long Island, at the State University of New York, at Stoney Brook. They also have promised to pay us $200.00. Similar meetings were held in different parts of San Francisco and Los Angeles, when I was there. So there is great possibility of spreading our Krishna Conscious movement, and if we work conjointly, with serious sincerity, we are sure to come out successful in this great adventure.

I expected to meet you here in New York by this time, but I do not see any indication in your letter under reply. Anyway on receipt of your letter I am very much satisfied and I shall be glad to hear from you I think at Boston. Hoping you are well.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Happy Halloween Everyone! (PADA)

 krishna1008: Trick or Treat: Hari Sauri Halloween

PADA: Yep, wherever the ISKCON GBC guru's Halloween monster's ball gang is found, one will also find -- their alleged messiahs from heaven -- who are maybe "engaged in illicit sex with men, women and children." And anyone who does not bow down and join them in their program of worship of their illicit sex, drugs, Vodka drinking, porno swamis (etc.) "messiahs in a chain of gurus from God" is summarily -- banned, beaten, molested, sued and maybe -- killed. Any questions? 

OK it is really a Halloween late night nightmare channel 44 movie, posing as a religion. Anyone who forces others to worship their pedophile friends as messiahs is going to the planets of pedophile messiahs, where they will have to be forced to do unmentionable things on that planet. It really amazes -- even the "karmis" -- that anyone would want their own society's little children to worship their pedophile friends as the messiahs of those children and that society. 

Now they have "requested" their pedophile guru friend Lokanath not to visit the EU. Yep, they cannot just come out and say, he is a rat, and he is not welcomed here. "We humbly request you not to visit," because we just cannot admit that pedophiles are not messiahs. ys pd 


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam » Canto 1 » Chapter 18 » Text 33:

(Sri Suta Gosvami to the assembled sages in Naimisaranya headed by Rsi Saunaka):

[Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a Brahmana Boy.]

Sage samika's son (srngi) to King Pariksit:

अहो अधर्मः पालानां पीव्नां बलिभुजामिव ।
स्वामिन्यघं यद्दासानां द्वारपानां शुनामिव ॥३३॥

aho adharmaḥ pālānāṁ
pīvnāṁ bali-bhujām iva
svāminy aghaṁ yad dāsānāṁ
dvāra-pānāṁ śunām iva


aho--just look at; adharmah--irreligion; palanam--of the rulers; pivnam--of one who is brought up; bali-bhujam--like the crows; iva--like; svamini--unto the master; agham--sin; yat--what is; dasanam--of the servants; dvara-panam--keeping watch at the door; sunam--of the dogs; iva--like.


[The brahmana's son, Srngi, said:] O just look at the sins of the rulers who, like crows and watchdogs at the door, perpetrate sins against their masters, contrary to the principles governing servants.


The brahmanas are considered to be the head and brains of the social body, and the ksatriyas are considered to be the arms of the social body. The arms are required to protect the body from all harm, but the arms must act according to the directions of the head and brain. That is a natural arrangement made by the supreme order, for it is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that four social orders or castes, namely the brahmanas, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas and the sudras, are set up according to quality and work done by them. 

Naturally the son of a brahmana has a good chance to become a brahmana by the direction of his qualified father, as a son of a medical practitioner has a very good chance to become a qualified medical practitioner. So the caste system is quite scientific. The son must take advantage of the father's qualification and thus become a brahmana or medical practitioner, and not otherwise. 

Without being qualified, one cannot become a brahmana or medical practitioner, and that is the verdict of all scriptures and social orders. Herein Srngi, a qualified son of a great brahmana, attained the required brahminical power both by birth and by training, but he was lacking in culture because he was an inexperienced boy. By the influence of Kali, the son of a brahmana became puffed up with brahminical power and thus wrongly compared Maharaja Pariksit to crows and watchdogs. 

The King is certainly the watchdog of the state in the sense that he keeps vigilant eyes over the border of the state for its protection and defense, but to address him as a watchdog is the sign of a less-cultured boy. Thus the downfall of the brahminical powers began as they gave importance to birthright without culture. 

The downfall of the brahmana caste began in the age of Kali. And since brahmanas are the heads of the social order, all other orders of society also began to deteriorate. This beginning of brahminical deterioration was highly deplored by the father of Srngi, as we will find.

(Synonyms,Translation and Purport by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedantaswami Prabhupada reproduced herein by this menial servant.)

"And they're not, that... I cannot control even my tongue and control my genital, and I become spiritual master? This is nonsense. This is nonsense. You learn first of all. Try to control. Become first-class controller, dhīraḥ. 

That is called dhīraḥ, not disturbed by any urges. Etān vegān yo viṣaheta dhīraḥ. Dhīras tatra na muhyati. This word is used, dhīraḥ. Dhīraḥ means very sober, fully controlled. That is called dhīraḥ. Dhīras tatra na muhyati. Unless you become dhīraḥ, you cannot understand what is spiritual life. That is not possible. 

Therefore Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā, tathā dehāntara-prāptir dhīras tatra na muhyati [Bg. 2.13]. Dhīras tatra na muhyati. So you cannot understand even. Unless you become a dhīraḥ, you cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is spirit. It is not a bogus thing that I manufacture something, concoct something, and do something, and I become a leader, I become a spiritual master. This is all nonsense."

Shrila Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.16.20
Hawaii, January 16, 1974

DD: PS: Almost all the 'dandas' seen around the Acharya ... fell very badly into rajo and tama guna .... they became involved in criminal and illicit activities ... as predicted by him in 1976! "If I manufacture." And they are manufacturing acharyas all day long, but their whole acharya factory is a concoction ... so it is failing. Their acharya factory is producing rotten products ... and everyone knows that by now, except a few illiterate and ignorant village people in India, like the disciples of Bhakti Vikas swami, Jayapataka, Gopal Krishna etc.

PADA's Krishna Art Moving Ahead

[PADA: Wow pilgrims. I posted the top one on the 24th and on the 30th it already has 27K likes, 355 shares. Also getting many "likes" in other forums.

Pretty pleased with the (not expected) results. Never really thought my art would have that much support. What this means is, there are a lot of Krishna fans out there -- and that is why I lament mostly they are not participating in ISKCON -- due to the politics there. 

Anyway, many artists are only famous after they die, at least I am getting a little appreciation now, to encourage me to do some more. This is good meditation for me in any case, and hopefully it will also be for others as well. 

Some devotees wrote to ask if they can use my art for their preaching leaflets since the BBT harassed them over copyrights, and I said sure, why not. Anyone can use them for non-commercial preaching purposes. Sri Krishna Jayate! 

ys pd]   


Krishna taking a soul back home. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Prayer Request for Naranarayan Das


He just went into the hospital today. He's at Kaiser hospital in Culver City. They are going to admit him to the main hospital, and run some tests. What took him to the hospital today was that he was coughing up mucus / blood.

For those of you who don't know. Here's some background.

Two or three months ago, on a routine visit to the doctor, Nara Narayan Das Prabhu was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer (which means it has spread to other regions). The doctor's gave him one year to live. They can't operate at this stage, so he's been riding it out. 

Maybe some type medicine could have caused him to slow down. But he's still zooming around doing all sorts of things -- for his condition. He was found unconscious twice already. Once this week.

He's in a lot of pain, but never will admit it (you all know him) nor is he taking anything for the pain. He's going about as usual. But I'm noticing that he's a lot more slower than before. A definite decline.

His son Krishna Murari Dasa (Kuvalesvara Das) is at the hospital by his side right now. They will only allow one person to be with him at this time. His daughter Shakuntala Devi Dasi told me to tell all of you, that she is requesting all the devotees who know him, if they can send in memories of him while he's still alive. 

Don't wait until he passes, if and when that time comes. Shakuntala wants to read the memories and pastimes you may have of her father to him, while he's still with us. She's requesting if everyone could please pray to Krsna to allow her father to live and make a full recovery. 

She and Krishna Murari (Kuvala Das) are going through a lot in helping their father through this illness. They could also use another helping hand, if anyone competent would like to volunteer their time. Please contact her directly.
Thank you dear devotees of the Lord. All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

[PADA: My first experience with Naranarayan das was around 1970. I had just joined the San Francisco temple for a few weeks and was recruited by Madhuvisa swami to help paint designs on the Ratha cart. So I was sitting on the lowest part of the frame painting designs when all of the sudden something whooshed just inches by my head and plunked on the ground with a big thud. 

It was a big huge hammer. Naranarayan das was way up -- just above me and he yelled, "hey you, give me back my hammer." And I said, "wait, you just almost killed me over here, watch out." And he told me, "shut up and be quiet. I am the senior person here." Ummm yep. So that was sort of my rasa with him ever since. He can do some good and helpful service, he can also do a lot of damage. He also believes he is my senior advisor all the time. Maybe he is? Hee hee.

That sums it up, NNV has been a help and a hindrance to me personally ever since. He did help me a lot with the book changes issue, and he at least offered some sympathy to me on the poison issue, but for some reason he vehemently opposed me helping the molesting victims -- despite I told him the victims were committing suicides at the time. Ok some good help, a little sympathy help, and no help. And in some cases -- giving me insults and grief. Because! He is my senior advisor. Same thing every time! 

In any case, he is still my God brother and I am his well wisher. I hope he gets his health issues settled. Doctors only recently discovered his cancer because he is maybe not getting regular health care tests etc., like a lot of devotees. Many of them simply cannot afford health care, so they avoid doctors, to their peril. 

And once again, it is a devotee with cancer, which seems to be part of an overall Krishna devotee epidemic. So in sum, let us hope for the best. My main feeling is, whether he lives and stays, or he leaves us soon, I don't wish suffering on him and hope he gets something resolved one way or other soon. Cancer is a real bear and I know of many devotees who went through it and departed, and some who are now going through it. Not a good situation for sure.

Thus whatever happens, God speed spirit soul. 

I will post updates here when and if we get them. ys pd]    


Mahesh Raja:

[PADA: All these things might help. But if there is an epidemic, I would say that my nurse friend is correct: something psychological / mental is going on among devotees. Perhaps there is an excess of repressed emotions, causing stress on the system which then becomes toxic. 

She has no horse in the GBC guru race and is a Mormom actually, but she believes there is a toxic condition caused by mental distress going on, and I believe her because -- it makes sense to me. Unless the underlying psychological issue is resolved, other cures may or may not work. Of course any attempt with natural or even Western medical medications should also be applied, I am for that as well. ys pd]  

Dear Srila Prabhupada (from Manu)

Dearest Srila Prabhupada,

I wasn’t even born when you left this material world, but today on the 45th anniversary of your disappearance day (Tirobhav Tithi), I cannot help but reminisce the unparalleled contributions you’ve made in raising human consciousness.

On your birth, a distinguished astrologer, after analyzing your birth charts declared that you were a person capable of building a home in which the whole world could live peacefully and happily. And as a matter of fact, years later, you did create that house which now exists, open for all. It is like an extension of the original abode of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Goloka Vrindavana. 

At an age when one usually thinks of retreating into the cocoon of a retired life, you circled the planet non-stop for 12 years to bring the science and spiritual process of Krishna Consciousness to all the people of the earth.

There is no way I can ever express my gratitude for bestowing upon all of us the unconditional mercy and boundless love of a realized devotee who is completely one with his object of devotion. You gave your whole life for the true benefit of mankind. When I think of you crossing the ocean in a small cabin of Jaladuta and having survived heart attacks at such an old age while being on the ship, at once I become overwhelmed by strong emotions of immense gratefulness and love for you. 

It is thanks to your one-pointed focus, relentless commitment and unalloyed devotion that millions of lives got totally transformed. What you’ve offered to humanity is not just another physical space, temple, ashram or farm community, what you’ve offered us is far bigger than any physical space can accommodate, you’ve offered us the eternal reality existing in this transcendental sound vibration, which originally emanated from the lotus lips of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. 

You’ve offered us the remembrance of Krishna and His sublime pastimes, you’ve offered us the very possibility to transform our sensations and emotions to such a higher pitch that we’re able to transcend the limitations of our senses and consequently create a divine resonance within us and even around us.
It is through your causeless mercy that I’ve had the opportunity to tap into an exuberant experience of oneness and resonance with Radha-Krishna and their extraordinarily beautiful creation; only to enter a state of unbounded love and joy. 
Two things that your life’s work and mission have taught me are: Nischalatatvam and Guru Nishtha which means unflinching devotion and unwavering attention to what truly matters to you along with unshakeable faith in Guru.

Here, at your birthplace, under the infamous jackfruit tree, I bow down to you, not just in reverence, but in utter heartfelt thankfulness, hugging your lotus feet and thanking you for bringing me closer, in essence, to the juice of human life, to my everlasting beloved Sri Sri Radha-Madhav.

Forever in service to the cause of alleviating human suffering through Krishna Consciousness,

Your Dāsānudāsa,


Book Changes with Ramesvara and Govinda Dasi

DGD: Thanks for posting this, regarding the book change to the first page of Srila Prabhupada's Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta (CC) page 1. Certainly, that change might better be termed, "adulteration". And, in my correspondence with Jayadvaita Swami and Dravida Prabhu about this, back in 1999, they did straightforwardly (I appreciate their honesty) acknowledge that the main reason they made that change was because Srila Prabhupada's use of the term "initiated" did not conform with the understanding of the term by the ISKCON GBC. 

So, rather than consider that perhaps they have something to learn from Srila Prabhupada they changed Srila Prabhupada's words to fit their (ISKCON institution's) understanding. Of course, everyone is entitled to write a book and express their views. But, to change Srila Prabhupada's wording, and philosophy, in order to serve a particular philosophical agenda that is not Srila Prabhupada's- well, that seems ethically very questionable. 

Below I share a brief piece about this topic that I wrote more than 20 years ago. If anyone is interested in the complete correspondence between the BBT representatives and I about CC page 1, I welcome you to write to me at 

Hare Krsna. Jaya Srila Prabhupada... Caitanya-caritamrta- Page 1

On the first page of the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila, Srila Prabhupada wrote "The direct disciple of Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami was Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, who accepted Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti as his servitor. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura accepted Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji, who initiated Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who in turn initiated Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji, the spiritual master of Om Visnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, the divine master of our humble self."

It is of course noteworthy that Srila Prabhupada, following Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami’s song Sri Guru-parampara, lists a disciplic succession wherein several of the spiritual masters did not receive formal initiation from their spiritual masters. Perhaps even more noteworthy is that Srila Prabhupada uses the word “initiated” to describe parampara relationships where no official initiation occurred, in reference to the relationships between Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and between Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji.

In the recently published edition of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta the editors deleted the words “initiated” in the two cases cited above. A representative of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust explained that the weightiest argument in making this change to Srila Prabhupada’s words was the following: ”Leaving one or both ‘initiated’s will strongly imply that the use of the phrases ‘direct disciple’ and even ‘accepted [as his disciple]’ indicate formal initiation as we know it in ISKCON, which is far from the truth.”

Of concern is that the explanation for deleting the word “initiated” seems to be largely based on the understanding of the word “initiated”, “as we know it in ISKCON”. Perhaps when Srila Prabhupada used the word “initiated”, he did so deliberately, and the meaning of the term as it has come to be understood Srila Prabhupada in ISKCON is incomplete. That is, instead of making changes in this passage based on what we think Srila Prabhupada may have meant, it may be fruitful to consider that the current conception in the organization of the word “initiated” is not perfectly consistent with Srila Prabhupada’s understanding of the concept.

One way that this could be true is by referring to the definitions of initiation provided above. Perhaps was referring to initiation in the sense of “transmitting transcendental knowledge” when he used the word “initiated” to describe the relationship between Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura.

(Ramesvara) Robert Grant: This unauthorized editing has become unbearably painful, and anyone who blindly follows, based on false untruthful propaganda that these changes are authorized is being led astray. The current BBT trustees are wobbling on a precipitous path. None of them ever had direct instructions from or conversations with Srila Prabhupada about editing and about not changing his words. They are close to failing in their most important BBT service as fiduciary trustees to preserve Srila Prabhupada’s words

Your aspiring BBT servant

Ramesvara dasa

RSD: Who is are the current BBT trustees? The BBTI is a fake and bogus non sense organization. Why did you help create it?

Robert Grant: Thank you for your loving forgiveness as I try to make up for it.
I’m sorry when you send a comment without knowing the actual facts- something that often happens with so many FB posts. The BBTI has nothing to do with me. It was created after I relocated to NY at the end of 1986. Your emotional comments are misdirected.

RSD: You know everything! You did a lot of damage to the movement and orchestrated things behind the scenes. 
Let’s not get into it here.

Govinda Dasi: Robert Grant Too late. They already failed.

Srila Prabhupada Disappearance Tribute (VIDEO)


Srila Prabhupada's Arrival Speech at Vrindavana - India - 17th May 1977.

"Today is a very important day in ISKCON history. So I chose to come to Vrindavana . If death happens, let it happen here. So, nothing new to be said. All I need to say, I've spoken in my books. Now you try to understand them and continue your efforts. Whether I'm present or not, it doesn't matter. As Krishna is living eternally, in the same way, every living being also lives eternally.


But: kīrtir yasya sa jīvati "Whoever served the Lord lives forever. “So you were taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna we will live forever. Our life is eternal. Na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre - Bhagavad Gita as it is, 2,20. A temporary disappearance from this body, no big deal. The body is destined to disappear. Tathā dehāntara-prāpti - - Bhagavad Gita as it is, 2,13. So live forever by serving Krishna.

***Today 28/10 we remember Srila Prabhupada's demise from this mortal world.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Pope Addresses Priests and Pornography


A vice so many have’: Pope admits nuns and priests not immune to porn
Francis urges use of social media to promote Christian message but says vice of pornography, even among clergy, allows devil to enter

Pope Francis

‘It is a vice that so many people have,’ says Pope Francis of digital pornography. 

Angela Giuffrida in Rome

Wed 26 Oct 2022 12.20 EDT

Pope Francis has warned seminarians against the “devil” of digital pornography, while admitting that watching online porn is also a vice of priests and nuns.

The pontiff made the remarks during a convention with seminarians in Rome on Monday, in response to a question about how a new generation of clergy immersed in social media can use digital tools to “share the joy about being Christian, without forgetting our identity or being too exposed and arrogant”.

In the full text of the event, published by the Vatican on Wednesday, Francis urged the seminarians to use social media “to advance, to communicate” while warning them about the dangers, namely digital pornography.

“I will not say, ‘raise your hand if you have had at least one experience of this’,” the pope said. “But if each of you think you have had the experience or temptation … It is a vice that so many people have. So many laymen, so many laywomen, and also priests and nuns. The devil enters from there. And I’m not just talking about digital pornography like that of child abuse, this is already degeneracy. Dear brothers, pay attention to this.”

Despite having 64.3 million followers on Twitter, the pope, 85, said he did not use social media tools “because I arrived too late”. A team of people manage the pope’s various social media accounts.

In late 2020, the Vatican was left in an embarrassing predicament when it was forced to “seek explanations from Instagram” after Pope Francis’s official Instagram account liked a photo of a Brazilian model, Natalia Garibotto.

The “like” from the pope’s account was visible on the photo on Garibotto’s page for several days before being unliked. Nevertheless, Garibotto’s management company, COY Co, made the most of the publicity and reposted the image on its own Instagram account with a message saying that the company had “received the Pope’s official blessing”. Garibotto, who has over 3.3 million followers, joked: “At least I’m going to heaven.”

The Vatican said at the time that “we can exclude that the ‘like’ came from the Holy See”.

[PADA: Porn is like any other addictive drug IMHO. It gives people some sort of apparent happiness and relief, but only for a short time. Then there is remorse, guilt, shame -- the same as with any other addictive drug. Never mind what happens when the wife inspects the computer search history log!  

Of course there are those who say porn is creating an impetus for violence and crimes against women, and in some cases it may be what causes such events. Then again crack heads are famous for violence and such, so it is safe to say ANY addictive behaviors can lead to worse behaviors. 

In general, Srila Prabhupada is correct, either we are either thinking of Krishna or we are thinking of maya. At the same time neophytes will waver around in between these realms and go back and forth, hopefully going forth more than back. 

The main problem I see for ISKCON is that people who have mundane desires, even very lusty desires, includes porn addiction, or even pedophile lusty desires, are being advertised as gurus. By the principle of "you become what you worship" that will take other people backwards, they will adopt the degraded qualities of the degraded people they worship, and it has happened that way in many cases. 

Some people eventually recognize that their guru is bogus and they switch over to focus on Srila Prabhupada, and that is good, but it should not be through a process of trial and error that they come to that stage.

Meanwhile this is actually a good admission. We have to admit the neophytes are prone to failure, and so we -- should not ever -- worship a neophyte. Yep I know, Bhagavad Gita says we should forgive the people who stumble on the path, and try to pick them up, dust them off and get them back on the road again. 

OK fine. However, the people who fall off the road and into the ditch over and over -- are not gurus. That is what some devotees fail to understand. In sum, ISKCON needs to come clean and admit its clergy suffers from many of the same issues as clergy folks anywhere else, and make an honest platform for the ISKCON society. 

Yes as a matter of fact, we should say our clergy are priests or ritviks and not messiahs. And moreover, some of them might be fallen into pornography, or worse, because priests are not on the absolute platform.

ys pd

Urmila Devi Dasi is ISKCON's "Senior Advisor"

ISKCON's Five Years Old Children
Selected the wrong gurus for ISKCON?
And the children annointed this guy?

Back To Prabhupada, Issue 69, Vol 2, 2021

The GBC's Sastric Advisory Council ("SAC") is a body of "senior, trusted and proven brahmanas that offers input to the GBC Body according to scripture, philosophy and realization" (GBC Resolution 604, 2002). The Chair of this GBC advisory body is Urmila Devi Dasi ("UDD"), and thus she is effectively the GBC's seniormost advisor. In an interview on 27/2/21, UDD revealed that the GBC guru system in ISKCON is a hoax. All emphases added.

We have a guru hoax

"Srila Prabhupada spoke on so many things. If Srila Prabhupada wanted us to have the kind of authorization system that we have, which has changed, I think, at least 15 times since 1978 – which in itself indicates something [wrong] – he would have said so, but he never did."

UDD speaks here of the GBC-authorised guru system which exists in ISKCON, stating:

1) This GBC guru system is unauthorised because Srila Prabhupada did not order it.

2) The fact that it has always been changing since Srila Prabhupada's physical departure is indicative of this lack of authorisation.

UDD states that the GBC admit they just "figured out" and created the guru system themselves because Srila Prabhupada did not give it:

"And it's like, well, we're just supposed to figure that out. [...] Why would Prabhupada have left something that crucial for us to figure out? [...] they'll say "Well, Prabhupada didn't instruct us how to do it." [...] they're thinking, "Well, it has to be centralized and bureaucratic [...] Prabhupada didn't give it, we have to create it." "

Guilty of cover-ups

UDD also points out what a failure the concocted GBC guru system has been:

"we've already had a lot of bogus gurus, you know [...] when your fallen guru is an "authorized ISKCON diksa guru" it makes the whole GBC look bad, it makes all of ISKCON look bad. It makes the GBC very reticent to correct that person or expose that person, so you'll have cover-ups going on for 10, 15 years, which is much worse than whatever falldown the person did."

UDD accuses the GBC of covering up guru falldowns for periods of over a decade, a deceit that we have covered in past BTP issues. Such deceit, she states, is worse than the falldown itself, and is caused by the need to support the GBC's unauthorised guru system.

The solution

Having exposed the current guru system in ISKCON as being unauthorised, UDD then explains what Srila Prabhupada did authorise:

"maybe the whole premise is wrong. Maybe it doesn't have to be centralized and bureaucratic at all. Prabhupada says the system is whoever is the siksa guru becomes the diksa guru generally."

Yes, this is Srila Prabhupada's statement:

"generally the siksa guru later on becomes the diksa guru."

(SB, 4.12.32, purport)

And she explains that Srila Prabhupada is this siksa guru for everyone in ISKCON as it is his instructions that sustain the movement:

"Membership in ISKCON is much, much, much, much more about whether we take Srila Prabhupada as our preeminent siksa guru [...] One of the main functions of the GBCs and the temple presidents is to preach Prabhupada's message without deviation from official ISKCON centers, to widely print and distribute Srila Prabhupada's books and lectures and conversations"

UDD states that the siksa guru for everyone in ISKCON, who is "preeminent" – which means "above all others" – is Srila Prabhupada. Thus, the siksa guru that generally becomes the diksa guru, for ISKCON, must be Srila Prabhupada – as he is the supreme or main siksa guru who is "above all other" potential siksa gurus.

No order from Srila Prabhupada

However, unfortunately, instead of concluding that Srila Prabhupada should continue to remain everyone's diksa guru, UDD then succumbs to the same thing she accuses the GBC of doing: proposing something not based on a specific order from Srila Prabhupada. She proposes a "free-for-all" succession theory:

"You just don't have any official ISKCON diksa gurus [...] Take diksa from whoever you want to take diksa. [...] let the disciple judge because scripturally that's where it should be, that's what Srila Prabhupada explains."

[PADA: Yep, many of the former gurukuli school children are infuriated when they hear that they "did not study the scriptures -- so they made the wrong choice of guru" at age five. A child who is five years old should be conversant with the scriptures and choose his guru? 

Why aren't the adults like Urmila studying the shastra and making sure the children have a good guru? All this does is poke a stick in the eye of the ex-children victims, blaming them for the GBC's bad gurus. This is really blaming the victims -- even when they are children -- again. In any case this makes no sense, let us make the five years old children in charge of the guru policy of ISKCON.]

But UDD doesn't cite any order from Srila Prabhupada where he states he was to be succeeded as the diksa guru of his movement, and thus the system for succession becomes irrelevant. She tries to justify her free-for-all theory with the following reference from Srila Prabhupada:

"Prabhupada talks about having hundreds of thousands of gurus"

However, this does not talk about successor diksa gurus, but assistant siksa gurus operating alongside Srila Prabhupada:

"we require hundreds and thousands of gurus. But not cheaters. This is the time when required hundreds and thousands of gurus."

(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, 7/4/76)

Because the above order was meant to be acted on immediately whilst Srila Prabhupada was still acting as the diksa guru in ISKCON, since the order states "This is the time". Srila Prabhupada does not state that "we will require" these gurus only sometime in the future 'if I have given up acting as the diksa guru of ISKCON, and also physically departed.'

Hence, UDD is also not following the "Srila Prabhupada would have said so" standard that she accused the GBC of not following, since she does not produce a specific diksa guru succession order from Srila Prabhupada.

No order from Srila Prabhupada

Another example of UDD not producing an order from Srila Prabhupada is her claiming that a bona fide diksa guru can fall down:

"If your diksa guru has had trouble you take shelter of a siksa guru and you go on with life, according to our tradition."

She supports this fallen diksa guru system by invoking what she claims is "tradition", rather than the "Srila Prabhupada would have said so" standard that she demands from the GBC. Indeed, Srila Prabhupada actually teaches the opposite of what UDD puts forward:

"A bona fide spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from time eternal, and he does not deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord"

(Bg., 4.42, purport)


UDD correctly exposes the GBC's guru system as a hoax. However, she proposes an equally unauthorised alternative. 

[PADA: It seems like Urmila is responsible for a lot of the criminal mayhem going on because she is the senior advisor of the molester messiahs program that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills the Lord's vaishnavas. That means she is producing this result with her bad advice. "Judge a thing by its result." Now she is blaming the five years old children for "selecting the wrong guru," when her program selected these gurus, not the children. ys pd]

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Philosophy of ISKCON Bangalore (VIDEO)


Ravindra Svarupa Dasa - Wikipedia

[PADA: Hah hah. Ravindra Swarupa (William Deadwyler III) sent Madhu Pandit all sorts of materials to convince him that ISKCON needs to promote their illicit sex with men, women and children acharyas, who are seeing visions of hell as we can see from their artworks. 

Some say the GBC has become dysfunctional. I would said it is functioning very well, you have to worship their sexual predators, drunks, drug addicts, disorderly if not criminal gurus system, or get banned, beat, molested, sued or killed. Any questions?

There is good news, Ravindra Swarupa is reported to be now hanging out with his main acharya, Satsvarupa Das Goswami, who says he is -- the guru of pills. The vision of Vaikuntha for Satsvarupa's Vaikuntha acharya? Behold his art below:]

This is God's Vaikuntha. Umm, ya think?

KMD: It is a FACT that our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad established the Ritvik System of Initiation in Iskcon & wanted the same to continue even after His physical disappearance. Many senior devotees who knew this fact were either thrown out of Iskcon or were threatened by the gang of first 11 ritviks who later became the unofficial / illegal / non-bonafide diksha gurus in Iskcon. Even some were killed by their gang. 

It's also a fact that 28th May 1977 room conversation at Vrindavan was only on the appointment of ritviks. When HH Tamal Krishna Goswami & HH Satsvarupa Das Goswami trickfully tried to take out from Srila Prabhupad's lotus mouth, permission for becoming the diksha gurus, Srila Prabhupad frankly said, "When I order, You become guru, he becomes regular guru. That’s all. He becomes disciple of my disciple. That’s it." 

However! Srila Prabhupad didn't order any of His disciples to become the diksha gurus. Later, this statement of Srila Prabhupad was confirmed by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami on 3rd December 1980 at Pyramid House, Topanga Canyon, "Actually Prabhupada never appointed any gurus. He appointed eleven ritviks. He never appointed them gurus. Myself and the other GBC have done the greatest disservice to this movement the last three years because we interpreted the appointment of ritviks as the appointment of gurus." 

Hence it's a fact that our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad didn't order any of His disciple to become a diksha guru. The first 11 ritviks went to BR Sridhar Maharaj, Godbrother of Srila Prabhupad to get the permission / authorisation for becoming the diksha gurus. Srila Prabhupad warned all His disciples in His final pastimes, not to take any instruction or even association of His Godbrothers, but the first 11 ritviks broke this order of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad by taking the permission from BR Sridhar Maharaj for becoming the diksha gurus. 

This is spiritually illegal & offensive too. "Phalena parichiyate." Everyone knows what happened to all first 11 ritviks who later became the illegal diksha gurus. I am not repeating the sad history of Iskcon, after the disappearance of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad.

Many senior disciples of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad tried their best to reveal the facts about the Ritvik System of Initiation established by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad. Later, IRM played a very important role in this matter. My Special thanks to all those to supported & advocated the Ritvik System of Initiation established by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad.

Today, unfortunately the brain washed GBC Gurus sycophants started barking like Junglee Dogs on the Supporters & Advocates of Ritvik System of Initiation established by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad to satisfy their deviant & power crazy fathers. They are forgetting that, they are entering the territory where their big fathers 'Hridayananda' & 'Jayadvaita' got smashed.

As far as pure devotees are concerned, Srila Prabhupad made many pure devotees who are humbly performing their devotional service & preaching the glories of Supreme Almighty God Shri Krishna. They neither have any personal ambition nor they are interested in becoming the diksha gurus.

To support the statements made by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad which are mentioned in the attached photo, I am attaching the 2 important links. I request the readers of this post, to read the details mentioned in the following attached links:-

I humbly request the Admin to add H.G. Gauridas Pandit Prabhu in this Group. He is a very important person & a personal witness who heard directly from Srila Prabhupad on 5th July 1977, "Tomorrow I will announce some ritvik acharyas who will initiate disciples on my behalf when I leave the planet.”

Jai Jagad Gurudev Srila Prabhupad
Hare Krishna

Pritaa Devi and Hare Krishna At Home

 Bhakti Yoga At Home (

[PADA: Well yep, we are down to having most devotees living independent and at home, because the movement became uninhabitable. OK especially for a lot of women, who could not fight the gay saffron mafia -- as Sulochana called them. Even the GBC are saying that they need to focus on the outside community, since most devotees are now outside. 

Of course Srila Prabhupada was not in favor of most people living independent on their own. And he said -- if the devotees are scattered -- they would suffer and not be able to follow properly. And yet the first rattle out of the GBC box in 1978, was -- to scatter the devotees. Anyway we are where we are now, and most PADA readers are also independent home dwellers. So we can just struggle along as best we can and try to think of Krishna where we are now. 

Pritaa is correct, there has been a lot of "men devotees" cherry picking certain quotes to use as a lever to force women to be "more submissive" -- in order to exploit them. Not good pilgrims. 

First of all, we are not this body, thus neither are these women their body, so we should not be exploiting anyone's else's body for our own benefit. We have to operate on the platform of "aham brahmasmi," i.e. everyone is a spiritual spark from God. Otherwise, seeing others as their body, and especially as objects for our exploiting, will keep us stuck onto the wheel of samsara. 

ys pd

False ISKCON Gurus Book Editing Agenda (Adridharana dasa)

[PADA: We got into a kerfluffle with Adridharana when he told me he was "alarmed" in 1977 when Srila Prabhupada complained of poison. Later on he told others -- he never said that to me. But he did. 

It appears that he was one of the people who knew about the poison complaint in 1977 and he -- covered it up. That being said, he is correct on the book changes issue. 

I just think it is ALSO important that we know there has been more than a few people who were aware of the poison complaint, including Bhakti Caru swami, Adri and others, who kept a lid on it, just like a lid was kept on the molesting issue and many other -- evidently criminal activity -- issues. 

Oddly, later on Adri helped Krishna Kant "defeat the poison complaint." Sorry, no one has defeated Srila Prabhupada, his complaint has been verified on many layers. And then the IRM lost most of their senior people when they switched over to helping PADA on this issue. In sum, the book change issue is important, but so are all the other issues. Anyway this is a good analysis. ys pd]  

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was INITIATED by Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaja 

- Yasodanandana das

Confirmed in BACK TO GODHEAD - March 20, 1960

“The direct disciple of Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami was Srila Narottama dasa Thakura, who accepted Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti as his servitor. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura accepted Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji, who initiated Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who in turn initiated Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji, the spiritual master of Om Visnupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, the divine master of our humble self.” [Chapter 1, Volume 1, Adi Lila, Caitanya Caritamrta, 1974 Edition]

From Goswami Krishna Das Kaviraj the direct disciple is Srila Narottam Das Thakur who accepted Viswanath Chakrabarty as his servitor. Viswanath Chakrabarty accepted Jagannath Das Babajee from whom Srila Bhaktivinode Thakore was initiated and Srila Gour Kishore Das Babajee the spiritual master of Om Vishnupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupad-the Divine spiritual Master of our humbleself.

[Identity of Lord Chaitanya, Back to Godhead Magazine, Volume 3, Part 16, March 20, 1960]

BBT Admits Books Changed to Fit GBC Philosophy

The BBT could not allow Srila Prabhupada to teach that Jagannatha Dasa Babaji actually *initiated* Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, for that would indirectly sanction Srila Prabhupada *initiating* for many generations to come simply via his transcendental knowledge, with the 'formal initiation' administered via the Ritvik system that he set up. IRM Adridharana Dasa (01-02-09)

We highlighted previously in newsletter No. 20, how Bhakti Caru Swami's Bengali translation of the Srimad Bhagavatam had omitted a very key verse from Srila Prabhupada's original version. The omitted verse in question would itself have destroyed the GBC's position that they were duly authorised to be Diksa Gurus in ISKCON. This of course was shocking, since it showed that Srila Prabhupada's books were being 'edited' not to bring them closer to the originals as claimed, but rather doctored to prop up the GBC's bogus Guru philosophy.

Though we had also been aware of many other controversial changes made to Srila Prabhupada's books, the BBT had always claimed that they were made to actually correct 'errors' made by Srila Prabhupada's 'hippie' editors. 

Thus, they were not actually changing Srila Prabhupada's books, but Hayagriva's 'incorrect version' of the books, and thereby actually RESTORING the books BACK to how Srila Prabhupada actually wanted them. However, thanks to the diligent efforts of His Grace Dhira Govinda Prabhu, the Chairman of the ISKCON Office of Child Protection, we now have evidence that the current BBT, which is controlled by GBC supporters, are making changes motivated slowly by the desire to doctor Srila Prabhupada's books so that they fit in with whatever happens to be the prevailing view instituted in ISKCON by the GBC.

Some time back many devotees had noticed that the new 9 Volume edition of the Caitanya Caritamrta had made a deliberate change from Srila Prabhupada's original version, not unlike the one made by Bhakti Caru Swami mentioned earlier. Srila Prabhupada's Caitanya Caritamrta states the following:

"Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura accepted Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji, who *initiated* Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who in turn initiated Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji."

(C:C, Chapter 1) In the new BBT doctored 9-volume edition, the same passage reads:

"Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura accepted Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji, the spiritual master of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who in turn accepted Srila Gaurakisora dasa Babaji"

In other words, it has been decided that contrary to what Srila Prabhupada states, Jagannatha Das Babaji did not really INITIATE Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura after all. Now the reason for the BBT changing Srila Prabhupada's teaching here is very significant since the GBC maintain that the relationship between Jagannatha Das Babaji and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura was based not on 'formal initiation' but rather only on the transmission of transcendental knowledge'. 

Once it is accepted that the transmission of divine transcendental knowledge ALONE constitutes INITIATION - then the objections made by the GBC to the Ritvik system of initiation crumble, since Srila Prabhupada could also *initiate* us with transcendental knowledge.

Thus, the BBT could not allow Srila Prabhupada to teach that Jagannatha Dasa Babaji actually *initiated* Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, for that would indirectly sanction Srila Prabhupada *initiating* for many generations to come simply via his transcendental knowledge, with the 'formal initiation' administered via the Ritvik system that he set up. In any case the teaching given by Srila Prabhupada above is totally consistent with what Srila Prabhupada has taught about Diksa and initiation in the Caitanya Caritamrta itself:

"Diksa actually means *initiating* a disciple *with transcendental knowledge* by which he becomes freed from all material contamination." (Madhya-lila, 4:112, Purport)

Of course, just the very fact that the BBT is deliberately changing the main legacy left by Srila Prabhupada - his teachings - is horrendous enough. However, the fact that it was done specifically to keep the positions of the GBC within the crumbling Guru system intact, is totally shameful.

But just when you though it could not get any worse, it does. For the BBT have now become so arrogant in their campaign against Srila Prabhuada's teachings, that they have even tried to JUSTIFY this change. Dravida Das, the BBT editor, upon being asked by Dhira Govinda Prabhu to justify the change, first sums up the reason for NOT changing Srila Prabhupada's teachings as follows:

"On the side of not changing the "initiated" phrases we have the strong bias against changing the books unless absolutely necessary and the fact that Srila Prabhupada did indeed say that Jagannatha das Babaji initiated Bhaktivinode."
(BBT Editor, Dravida Das)

Please note that Dravida clearly ADMITS that Srila Prabhupada "DID indeed say that Jagannatha das Babaji initiated Bhaktivinode".

To any sane person, this would be the ONLY reason required to NOT tamper with Srila Prabhupada's teachings in any manner whatsoever. But hold on. Dravida Das has a reason that far outweighs a mere detail such as what Srila Prabhupada himself actually taught. Rather he states we must change Srila Prabhupada's teachings to ensure they conform with what is currently understood within ISKCON in regards to initiation:

"Leaving one or both "initiated"s will strongly imply that the use of the phrases "direct disciple" and even "accepted [as his disciple]" indicate formal initiation as we know it in ISKCON, which is far from the truth." (BBT Editor, Dravida Das)
Dravida then adds that this reason was paramount in justifying the change:This last was the weightiest argument, in my view, for changing the passage.(BBT Editor, Dravida Das)

Thus, to summarize, what Dravida is saying is this: That whenever Srila Prabhupada's teachings differ from the way 'we know it in ISKCON', then they must be changed to conform with the way we DO 'know it in ISKCON'. And of course, the way 'we know it in ISKCON' is dictated by whatever ridiculous philosophy the GBC happens to be preaching at the time.

So, the fact that we have had a bogus Guru system imposed on us in ISKCON by the GBC means that even though we may find that Srila Prabhupada teaches something else, we must modify Srila Prabhupada's teachings to agree with the way things are understood in ISKCON. Instead of changing the practices and understanding of ISKCON to conform with Srila Prabhupada's teachings - which of course is what a spiritual society based on following Srila Prabhupada would do. 

Not only is it bad enough that ISKCON is NOT run according to Srila Prabhupada's teachings, but now Srila Prabhupada's teachings must also be changed to fit in with the way we happen to be doing things in ISKCON.

What makes this shocking state of affairs even more ludicrous is that the way things are 'known in ISKCON' are themselves constantly changing anyway.

1) Thus from 1978-onwards, in ISKCON we 'knew' one thing in regards to the process of initiation - that you could ONLY take it from 11 people, and then ONLY whichever of the 11 people 'owned' your geographical area.

2) Then from 1986 we 'knew' something else about initiation - that you could take it from many others providing they had received the necessary number of votes.

3) Now we 'know' something else - that whoever you get initiated from, do not forget that you must not worship him too much and that Srila Prabhupada is also doing some important things, and indeed maybe even more important than the person who does initiate us.

4) And what's the betting that this 'understanding' will also change in the next year or so?

5) And just because we happen to 'know' at the moment that initiation must mean the 'formal ceremony', therefore any teaching in Srila Prabhupada's books that imply otherwise must be doctored.

And this is a very sinister development for yet another reason. For this justification is laying the ground for making ANY further change to Srila Prabhupada's teachings that the GBC deems fit. Thus, in the future if it is 'known in ISKCON' that 'women are as intelligent as men' say, then we will be able to alter all of Srila Prabhupada's statements where he says that women are less intelligent, since then it would not conform with the way things are 'known in ISKCON'. Or if in the future we begin to 'know in ISKCON' that Lord Siva is just as worshipable as Krishna say, then whenever we encounter the word 'Demi-God' in Srila Prabhupada's books, then all those instances must be changed. And so on.

Of course, someone may argue that the philosophy as 'we know it in ISKCON' will never change and will always be faithful to Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and the above fear is unfounded. (Of course, Pigs May Also Fly).

If the last 23 years is anything to go by, the only thing we can say with certainty is that the GBC will ALWAYS be deviating from Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and the ONLY SAFEGUARD WE HAVE IS SRILA PRABHUPADA'S TEACHINGS.

And once we change Srila Prabhupada's teachings to fit in with whatever nonsense we happen to believe, then all will be lost - as seems to be happening now.

How much longer must we put up this with this madness that is leading to the destruction of Srila Prabhupada's movement. No wonder devotees, life members and members of the public, are turning to support the IRM in their droves.
From: Adridharana Dasa, [former] Temple President ISKCON Calcutta