Tuesday, May 31, 2022

ISKCON Has No Services for their Dead? (Gaura Hari Dasa)

PADA: Oh great. This guy does all sorts of service to ISKCON. And when he passes away, there are no funds for his cremation? Can we get one of the GBC gurus to give up six months of their health club membership, and $20 health drinks at the health club's juice bar, to donate to this guys' cremation? 

No rest even for the dead. Sheesh. My neighbor took better care of his dead dog than these GBC leadership guys take care of their people. The leaders self evidently and overall did not take care of the devotees, the children, the farms, the temples, the disabled, or the dead, but they always seem to be quite capable of taking care of themselves? Odd huh? The good news is, Gaura Hari Dasa himself is no longer here to have to tolerate these bone heads anymore. ys pd  

Home | Southcare (south-care.org)


Hare Krishna Dear Devotees,

Obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As you may have heard, Srila Prabhupada’s beloved disciple HG Goura Hari dasa left this material world on Saturday, May 28th during the Brahmamuhurta hours surrounded by Srila Prabhupada chanting. He was 80 year old. Goura Hari prabhu became an initiated disciple in 1969 and gave his life to serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission. 

He served in Gita Nagari, New York, Alachua, and the West coast. He was a humble and simple devotee, never accumulating much, and his family has also followed in his footsteps.

Now we are faced with giving Goura Hari prabhu a send off fit for such a surrendered devotee. We are waiting for sufficient funds before we can cremate his body. We would also like to hold a nice memorial and feast in his honor. 

The memorial is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022, pending his son’s arrival into town. It will be a combined live and Zoom event at the Alachua ISKCON temple.

If you are able to contribute anything towards this, please use the link below. The arrangements are being made through Southcare, a 501c3 non-profit organization set up to do End of Life Care, Devotee Care, and Meals on Wheels for now in the Alachua-Gainesville area. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to the Vaishnavas!


Dhanesvara das: Several days ago my dear friend and godbrother Gaurahari Prabhu departed from this world. We met and worked together at the Gita Nagari Farm in 1977. After he moved to Alachua, FL I would visit and stay with him when I came through. He was always a pleasant and enthusiastic devotee, and I enjoyed his association greatly. 

Several years ago he lost the use of his legs and was wheelchair bound, but he got a lot of love from the many devotees who would stop by to visit, read shastra with him, bring him prasadam, etc. Since I returned to Florida six months ago I've been staying with him. 

Every night a group of us would read Srimad Bhagavatam before retiring for the night, and we did so the last night he was with us. Please send your blessings to him and say a prayer for his continued devotional service to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna. In the picture below with Srila Prabhupada he is wearing the black sweater. Sriman Gaurahari Prabhu ki Jaya!

Devotee's Report from the Ground in Ukraine

PADA angel108b@yahoo.com

Gandharvavati Madhur Das:


Right now, at the very moment I make this publication, the Russian terrorist army, sent by the new Hitler Vladimir Putin, has again begun wild artillery shelling of the city of Gulyaipole, the village of Orekhovsky district and the city of Orekhov.

I am now, at this very moment, an eye witness to this next mass murder committed by manic sadist-killers wearing the uniform of Russian army soldiers. It is quite possible that at this very moment, a small child and other civilians are killed again. 

Because now I personally see how large-caliber shells arrive into our city, capable of killing many people in an instant. And these shells are now falling into peaceful homes, where ordinary people who have never held weapons and have done nothing wrong to Russia live.


In whatever religion you worship the One God, please help with your prayers, to stop the genocide and mass terror that Russian fascist troops are now doing in Ukraine!

Once again, I want to remind you that if the Russian fascist Reich invades Ukraine, the Russian terrorist army, which very much likes to kill, rape and rob civilians, will come with fire and sword to your countries and homes, and will commit such grand terror and violence that even Adolf Hitler never did it. Because dictator Vladimir Putin has very huge invading ambitions, and for all 22 years of his rule, he has constantly launched war against neighboring countries and other countries. He, his special forces and military are responsible for the cruel deaths of so many people in different states.


JND: I have seen a video of two old ladies standing in front of their apartment, one very old with a walker, when an explosion suddenly tosses both of them up in the air like rag dolls. I do not know if they survived, but they were certainly severely wounded. It is very strange that Russia army claims that an old woman in a walker is a military target. 

That means Russian soldiers are trained that an old woman in a walker, babies in a hospital, pregnant ladies etc. are a military asset. What kind of army trains their soldiers that old women and babies are the target, and you have to kill them?


TD: There are some Ukraine college students making a video of the drones they make by themselves, making their own 3-D printed parts and assembling by themselves. Then they put bombs on the bottom and send their drones over to bomb the Russians. Their last video said, oh good! Russia is sending in the 50 years old tanks ... now that we destroyed their newer and better tanks. 

The 50 years old tanks are very slow, we can really target them more easily now. The faster newer tanks were harder to target when moving. These slow ones will be sitting ducks, and the armor is less thick. I hope they keep sending in more of these tanks, we need to get rid of them as well. After that, they will have no more tanks. And we will keep making better and better drones. 

[PADA: Well the whole thing is a mess. The Russians might be thinking by now, hmmm, maybe this was not such a good idea? The best made plans of mice and men. Many military leaders in the past went into a war thinking -- this is going to be won in no time, maybe three days! 

Ooops, and it was not won so fast. And many times, it was not won at all. Even if Russia "wins" bombed out hulks of cities full of dead bodies, how many people will consider that an actual victory? You killed it, and that is how you won it? They will try to clean up their image after the war, but it is unlikely to be of much use, they already made their bed, now they have to lie in it. 

Russia could not maintain a long time guerrilla war with the much less sophisticated Taliban, but these Ukraine guys are far more sophisticated and have access to much more powerful counter weapons. And guerilla wars can go on for decades and decades, so Russia has really bit off a lot to chew on here. 

Meanwhile, there are some college kids here in the USA making drones that can sharpshoot sniper rounds, and they are going to be making them and sending to Ukraine. So when Russia said -- no problem here, piece of cake, this is a three day affair, well maybe, but they might also be looking at a three decades affair instead, or maybe even longer.  

Yes, this is karma, but the people who give harm to souls that were previously harming others, still have to get harmed themselves later on. Karma is called a chakra (wheel) for a reason, you don't get free of karma even if you harm a person who deserves bad karma. You are implicated. ys pd]  

Govinda Dasi / Baradraj / Ameyatma / Malini etc.

From: Govinda Dasi <prabhupadas.govindadasi@ gmail.com>

Date: Mon, May 30, 2022 at 2:41 PM

Subject: Fwd: Lying and saying this what Prabhupada's said

Dear Malini, Prabhuji,

Pamho, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Wow. My heartfelt obeisances to Ameyatma Prabhu. I have been receiving your mails that I know of. You may share this also.

Yes, I know this and much more. Too much more. Because I know several others who were there at that time, Baradraj was one of them, but others that were not in his direct association, all told me about the meetings in the rooms where they were carving up the assets, the temples, the properties of the movement, and planning to engineer it according to their design.

They hijacked Prabhupada’s Iskcon. There is no nice way to say it. And 90% of his disciples were driven out, or left Iskcon, within the first few years. But that is what they wanted. They wanted to be Guru and wanted only THEIR disciples around. They felt threatened by their godbrothers. Pradyumna’s famous letter, still available online, says it all. And of course he was “tarred-and-feathered” and sent out of Vrindaban without remorse.

Once, in the past 20 years, I was in Vrindaban. And an old Prabhupada disciple came up to me and talked. He was there also at the time of Prabhupada’s departure. He knew that Prabhupada sent a telegram to the west asking all the devotees to come. And Satsvarupa was sent to Mathura to send the telegram. This old disciple told me he met Satsvarupa at the road when he came back from Mathura on rickshaw, and asked him, “Did you send it?” And Satsvarupa said, no, I didn't send. Poor Satsvarupa. He couldnt stand up to the Big Boys, weak man that he was. Now just see his sad condition of insanity.

I still remember the lie that was told in LA. I was staying at the apt of Rukmini and Baradraj, and there was a note on the door that Prabhupada had agreed to stay 10 more years. I remember feeling happy about that. I could have flown to India, I had the money and the passport. Why did I wait? I often kick myself. 

But later, when I was in Vrindaban for the yearly date of his disappearance, and was crying so hard I could hardly stand up and had to slide down the wall in his room, thats when I knew Krishna did not want me to be there. I couldn't have handled it. I was too attached.

BUT if I HAD gone, and smelled what was going on, there would have been mass murder at my hands. I would have finished them all off without a tear. A few months later, when I was in Vrindaban, I went to the Bengali Ayurved doctor Vanamali Kaviraj. He began to say loudly to me, “What did they do to him?! What did they do? He was well when left here for the west. What did they do to him????!!!”  

[PADA: Several Kavirajas thought that Srila Prabhupada was being poisoned. The Vrndavan Kaviraja took a urine sample from Srila Prabhupada and he found traces of blood and bone marrow in the urine, which he said, is a symptom of heavy metal poisoning. "What did they do to him"? Indeed that is the question. 

A lot of people in 1997 told me -- the idea of promoting the poison complaint case is going to be viewed as "more rantings from the crazy guy." Ummm nope, more and more people believe this is indeed what happened.]

Being in grieving, I began to cry. The Kaviraj then said, “Never mind. Never mind.” He saw I did not know what had happened. Now I know. Not everything. But I know enough.

The rakshasas embedded themselves in our movement, and infiltrated the minds of weak persons like Rameshvar and others. The demons saw this movement is a threat. And they still see it. Now they are taking over the world. With the last eclipse, in Scorpio, the war will begin in July/August. The demons have also now gotten laws passed that will enable them to control the whole world by the WHO, thus enabling them to lockdown whole cities. 

[PADA: Ramesvara and Satsvarupa were not weak minded people. It took a lot of will power, a lot of coercing, and no small amount of secret meetings, endless phone calls, fax letters, and so on, to lie that Srila Prabhupada had appointed 11 gurus. Hansadutta said Satsvarupa was the main organizer of their secret meetings and he guided and coaxed them in how to argue with the Prabhupada devotees. "Satsvarupa was the ring leader brains of the meetings."] 

The cities will become like prisons, but the foolish leaders are not smart enough to get the devotees out of the cities and to the safety of farm communities. Prabhupada foresaw everything and told us what to do, but they have forgotten. Now time is short, because Prabhupada told us the whole western civilization will be finished “within fifty years.” There is very little time left to get prepared. Soon there will be starvation in the cities, riots, and dangerous conditions. Get out while you still can.

We don't know to what extent the coming war destruction will be. But these demons have stopped the street sankirtan, and that is the ONLY ANTIDOTE FOR THIS KALI AGE AT THIS TIME. The foolish leaders of Iskcon have sided with the demons, under the banner of “medical care” and are poisoning the devotees with horrific so called medicines. For money. Being paid by the likes of Pharma and friends. 

The only hope at this time is to KEEP THE KIRTANS GOING—even if you are alone, play Prabhupada singing Hare Krishna LOUDLY. The Hare Krishna mantra will keep circling the globe eternally, it will give strength to the devotees and will rain like ammunition on the demons. 

Devotees, please wake up. Our divine Master came to warn us of this time that is now arrived. Please get out of major cities, and chant Hare Krishna as much as possible. Even you dont have a farm, go to smaller towns or locations outside the cities. Because the cities will become prisons, like Shanghai. Very soon.

“Civilization will collapse very soon, all over the world. It will collapse. Either you may bring this ism or that ism, this civilization will collapse. People will become mad, being harassed in so many ways. When on is harassed in so many problems, he commits suicide. That that position is coming.”

“Yes, when the government cannot adjust, they start a war.”

NOV 29, 1975 Morning Walk in Delhi

Your servant and sister, Govindadasi acbsp

Malini, can you please send the ZYTO clinic attachment to me?


Dear Mother Govinda- Hare Krsna. It doesn’t seems that you received my emails even when I respond to your emails. I am trying again here again, and wish for you to let me know if you received my email.

Recently I came across this excerpts of letter from Ameyatma prabhu. It is clear from his and thousand’s of other followers of Prabhupada that the young ambitious leaders of Prabhupada’s movement at the time of Prabhupada departure were lying and saying thing in the name of Prabhupada that were not Prabhupada’s words and in fact were the opposite of Prabhupada’s instruction/ desires/ wishes. How many more lie have they told is the question we need to ask ourselves.

When one tell a lie, it needs an other lie to cover the first one, then lying about Prabhupada’s words became a culture and a way of moving Srila Prabhupada’s movement without Prabhupada.

Please share the following if you want and also let me know what you think.

With much affection, your servant, Malini d.d.


Excerpts from Ameyatma’s letter

I finally found out what the dark- horrible feelings were all about that prevented me from getting involved. Back in 77, just before SP's disappearance, we knew it was getting to the end, Bharadarj had left to be with SP. I finally decided I also had to go and see SP one last time. I was collecting money to go. Several big book distributors had bought tickets and went, and many in LA were talking of going. Then, all of a sudden Ramesvar showed up. He had been in Vrndaban,  and he left SP's side and came to LA.   

He came with a message. He told us, SP had sent him to tell us NOT TO GO TO INDIA. SP said he wanted us all to STAY in America. I cried that day. I wanted more than anything to go see SP one last time. I wanted to be with him. I cried.  I wanted to go, but, Ramesvar told us that SP asked us Not to go.   

It tore me up. But, i told myself, this is what SP wants, so, I have to accept, I have to stay. Then, a week or so after SP departed Bharadraj came back and for weeks he would tell us all that he experienced leading up to SP's departure. He told us about the Markadvaj medicine, so many things. But, one day he told us that he was with SP and SP asked that he wanted ALL of his disciples to come and be by his side. WHAT??? That isn't what Ramesvar told us. Bharadraj went on to say that some days later SP asked, Where are they? Why they aren't coming?    Bharadraj said SP was disappointed that all his disciples hadn't come to be with him when he departed. 

I was shocked. The next day after SB class outside the temple I confronted Ramesvar. I told him what Bharadraj told me...   and asked him if what Bharadraj said was true. Ramesvar looked around to be sure no one else could hear him,  then told me, 'Yes, what Bharadraj said is true, come to my room and I will explain". Ramesvar then told me, "I saved ISKCON",  and told me that it was his idea to come back and tell everyone NOT to come. He said that just before SP made that request that several of LA's big book distributors showed up in Vrndaban.    

They told him most of the Sankirtan devotees were holding back on collections saving to buy tickets, that so many in LA were talking of coming. Ramesvar thought if they all come the temple will no longer have any income. SP's health was fluctuating, he would get worse, then better. Ramesvar told me that he was thinking SP may go on living for months...   What would happen to the temples if all the book distributors came to India? In LA they would not have any income,   they properties would all go into foreclosure. There wouldn't be anything left by the time SP left us.    

Then, he heard that SP had told that he wanted everyone to come. Rather then Ramesvar doing what it took to try and carry out SP's last dying personal request, instead, he met with TK and a few others and Ramesvar suggested he come back to LA to stop everyone from leaving. He told me, if the devotees here found out that SP wanted everyone to come, the LA temple would have become deserted,  everyone would have left, and the temples would have gone into foreclosure.   

So, when he came back he purposefully LIED to us, telling us that SP had sent him and that SP instructed us NOT TO GO. Ramesvar told me this in a proud way,   that HE Saved Isckon. Saved ISKCON from what? Saved ISKCON from SP???     When he told me all this, I was totally stunned.  

I had such strong feelings,    I couldn't say a word. My emotions swelled inside.    HE LIED to me, on Prabhupad's name, he lied to me, and rather then he taking SP instruction and trying to fulfill it, rather than he doing whatever he could to see SP last personal dying request be fulfilled, he lied to see that SP's last personal request was denied him.  

I was so full of emotions, I didn't know what to do. Ramesvar was our GBC, he was now our ultimate authority. Yet, he just lied to us in SP's name. I was bewildered what to do. I couldn't just write a letter to SP and tell him what happened and ask him what to do. But, this thing stuck in my chest like a rock.    Then,  after the GBC meetings in Mayapur, 78, we were told that Ramesvar was one of the new 11 Acharyas. I could not accept it. No way, SP could not have done this. How was it that SP named this man to become the next acharya in our disciplic line? This offender who had thwarted SP's last personal request and just lied to his own god brothers in Prabhupad's name? But, I was left with a choice.  Either go along and accept what the GBC was telling us, or???? What? Leave?  

Leave ISKCON? Leave SP's mission? I could not do that either. But, how to stay and continue to accept that such offenders and liars are now worshipable gurus,  and our leaders? And, how to reconcile that SP actually allowed this? I just had to block it out of my mind. I had to block in out that this man lied to us, I just had to block out the whole guru issue from my mind, or I could not remain in the current ISKCON. 

Every time the issue surfaced in my mind, I had the choice to either take to the path of calling a spade a spade and speaking out against the gbc, or I had to block the whole thing out, and just not allow myself to think about it. Everyone who spoke up against the GBC were being kicked out. So, the only way for me to stay and keep doing my service was to block everything out. And that is why it was so hard for me to confront this issue, even decades later.   

It took years to finally face the issue again.  

[PADA: Yep, that is what a devotee told me after he tried to commit suicide. "Most of the problems in ISKCON are because the devotees are in denial. They are just going along with the program knowing it is fully bogus, just to keep their place in the GBC's false society. That is one reason I tried to kill myself, there is no support for people like me who wake up and see all the delusions going on."]

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Pancadravida Swami Depicted as Clown By Opponents (+ notes)

Pancadravida / Janardan Maharaja is now saying that if some devotees of Srila Acharya Maharaja want to put the photo of Niriha Maharaja on the altar, then they can do that, but I am not going to do that because my altar is overcrowded with photos of too many Gurus already.

PADA: Wow, so no one knows who gets the bhogha offered to whom? OK we know already -- offer the bhogha to anyone, as long as it is not the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada. You can put this photo / or that photo on the altar, same thing Sridhara Maharaja did after 1936, and later after 1977 in ISKCON. All sorts of photos on all sorts of altars, no standards for whose photo should be there.  


PADA: Pancadravida maharaja aka Janardan Maharaja now depicted as a clown by his opponents in the Sridhara Maharaja mission. Unfortunately, none of the Sridhara Maharaja people ever explain why SM has been promoting conditioned souls as acharyas after 1936 and post-1978? Now they are fighting among themselves over who is the actual successor. 

Meanwhile none of them wanted to confront Paramadvaiti swami when he went off the rails into scandals. "Not my problem." Sorry! If the gurus in their math are deviating, it is their problem. But scandals, sexual predator acharyas and exploiting of disciples is not the real problem, who is the successor is the real problem. So if there is a guru in their process who is known to be a sexual predator, no one does anything, and that sets up more innocent people to become victims of their process. 

It is their duty to challenge a sexual predator guru in their process, or they have the blood of innocent victims on their hands for failing to take proper action to rectify this mess. But if someone is claiming to be king of their guru hill, no expense -- and time and effort -- are spared to deal with that crisis.

The major problem is ignored, the minor issue is the whole focus. So they will make huge propaganda among themselves over who is the acharya, but do nothing when there is someone sexually aggressing and exploiting disciples. Told ya! ys pd 


M Dasi. Yes, Alachua is a grave yard ... for the old retired Prabhupada devotees. One foot in the grave, and they still have a pedophile like Lokanath being worshiped as the guru there ... even by the children of Alachua. "Biggest Prabhupada disciple community in the world," where they still worship pedophiles as Krishna's gurus. 

First, after 1977 the Prabhupada devotees made their children worship pedophiles as "the new gurus of ISKCON," and most of their children got molested. Did they learn anything from that? No. They are still making the children worship pedophiles ... to molest the children's brains.

And they don't have enough brains to understand ... pedophile worship is NOT authorized. AND it destroys children. AND it destroys ISKCON. One foot in the grave ... one foot in the pedophile worship society. Not where I would like to be.

PADA: Yes, we have been interviewed again by some secular media people and they are astonished that a place like Alachua would continue the pedophile worship program, even after thousands of their kids were molested. It means they have no clue what is right and what is wrong, i.e. they never understood Krishna's teachings. Krishna sends members of pedophile guru guru cults to hell, do not pass go and collect $200, they are finished, end of story. Even the secular media people agreed, that is correct, pedophile worshipers are condemned by God.]


PADA: Yes, Lokanath program sued Bangalore in the Delhi Supreme Court to try to remove hundreds of Prabhupada devotees from the temple. This has back fired on them spectacularly. They ended up having their guys charged with fraudulent documents, bribery, stealing from the Bangalore temple to attempt to sway the court with false evidence, contempt of court, making threats etc. Not going well for them and their point man is very sick now and he has to get two blood transfusions per week, so they are trying to get the court to let him off the hook for health reasons. 

Bhakti Caru swami was recruited to collect money for their lawyers and he came to the USA to collect funds, and he died of the virus here. Overall, they wasted $20,000,000 for nothing. Meanwhile notice they say they do not have $100,000 to fix the plumbing at New Mayapur. Then the Jayapataka people wrote me a terrible letter saying I was the cause of ISKCON losing $100,000,000 by my helping the molesting lawsuit, Bangalore lawsuit, BBT lawsuit etc. Wow, they went out and hired million dollar lawyers and then they blame me for their own actions? ys pd


PADA: Varnasrama starts with the foremost head of the society. And the foremost head of the society is the acharya, namely Srila Prabhupada. So all the bhogha, the disciples and etc. should be offered to the acharya. Not what happens in ISKCON, they offer bhogha to conditioned souls left, right and center. And Srila Prabhupada told me personally that unless the bhogha is offered properly, it remains bhogha. So if people do not even know what is bhogha and what is prasadam, then their entire college idea is based on false principles. And now they are saying their gurus are getting sick and falling down from taking karma, exactly correct. Srila Prabhupada told us if we neophytes take sins we will get sick, fall down etc. It is forbidden for neophytes to take karma. So first of all, they need to follow the acharya, otherwise a college that teaches the wrong things has no factual value. ys pd

Kavicandra swami? There it is! Come get your Spiritual Knowledge. And what is the Spiritual Knowledge? You'll have to worship illicit sex with men, women and children and pedophiles like Lokanath as your messiahs from heaven, or you will be banned, beaten, sued, molested and maybe -- taken out permanent like! Any questions?

Yes, and how many women even want to volunteer?
Hee hee, not a lot of volunteers!


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Gaura Hari Dasa Departs


End of Life Care Alachua

Dear Devotees,

It is with mixed feelings of great sadness and joy that we acknowledge the rejoining of His Grace Goura Hari Das ACBSP with his beloved spiritual master and guide, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. Goura Hari Prabhu left this mortal world in the Brahma muhurta hours of Saturday, May 28, 2022, surrounded by the chanting of Srila Prabhupada. 

The night before he read Srimad Bhagavatam in the company of three other devotees as he regularly did. He was 80 years old and had multiple health problems.

Herb Bressack became Srila Prabhupada's initiated disciple in September of 1969 and became known as Goura Hari dasa. He served in many capacities, most notably as a pioneer of the Gita Nagari project in Pennsylvania. Because of his entrepreneurial abilities, he was involved in many projects such as the Yogi bar factory in Gita Nagari, and business ventures such as his yearly Christmas games booth in Gainesville where he employed many devotees.

Goura Hari prabhu was always very particular about keeping Krsna and Srila Prabhupada in the forefront of his consciousness. He maintained personal deities of Lord Jaganatha, Baladeva, and Subhra and Srila Prabhupada. He participated regularly in reading of Srila Prabhupada's books both individually and in groups. 

He lived and ate simply. Never complained. He is survived by his daughter Jaya Sri, and sons Siddhabhava and Arjuna. He was deeply affected by the untimely death of his son Guru Prasad das a little over a year ago.

We offer our sincere condolences to his sons, daughters, grandchildren, Prafulla Mukhi dasi, his brothers and all other family members. Vaishnavas are glorious whether they are here on earth to grace us with their association or gone back to join Srila Prabhupada in the spiritual world. May Lord Krishna always protect him. All glories to HG Goura Hari prabhu!

[PADA: We wish him well on his future spirit voyage. God speed spirit soul. 

We had a young friend who was looking for a wife and he spent one year living in Alachua. Then he suddenly left there, very disappointed with the situation. He told me it is like a retirement home for the old time Prabhupada devotees. 

He said they have a type of Prabhupada memorial society there -- sort of like the old folks home for WW II veterans. They all remember the war time, and discuss their memories of the war, but the war is over and done with a long time ago. What future is there for the young folks? 

Not much available. Maybe they can get a job working as a cash register clerk at the stores in Gainesville, but there is not much of a functioning society for the devotee youth. And he said the ladies there who are his age are pretty much --  not interested in the Prabhupada focused idea, and there is a lot of compromise with various bogus gurus etc. And a lot of people are just paranoid about speaking up, lest they become shunned outcastes. 

Worse, he said people who try to bring up the fact that bogus people cannot be gurus are not too welcomed overall. So it is sort of sad that the people there are clocking out of here one by one, without many of them making the point that the false guru process is bogus and we need to do something different. Hardly no one wants to shake up the status quo, even when they know they are leaving. 

Anyway, I wish all of them well. But people who go along to get along with bogus guru programs are entangled in that karma, and it will not be very nice at least in the short term. That is why shastra says -- false gurus, and their supporters, enablers, acquiescing groupies, compromisers etc. are -- condemned. I think they will be eventually saved, but not immediately. It is the duty of the followers of a guru to speak up and protest deviants sitting in their guru's seat, especially when thousands of people are being banned, exiled, removed, sued, and -- worse. That process needs to be protested, or one is implicated in acquiescing.

ys pd]


Friday, May 27, 2022

Dallas Navina-Shyama Jani Dasa Voted For A Pedophile Guru?

[PADA: It has been reported to PADA that this Navina Shyama Jani fellow was one of the helpers of the India ISKCON ICC Bureau who wanted to keep a known pedophile (Lokanath swami) in the post of guru / messiah for ISKCON. I'd like to know if anyone has anything further to add to this story. Can anyone verify this one way or other? 

And! Can anyone explain why ISKCON is training its children to worship pedophiles as its messiahs, at all? And! Can anyone explain why anyone from Texas would support a TKG academy, after we had Tamal sued for $400,000,000 for mass children abuse IN TEXAS. 

Why would anyone worship the founder father of a pedophile acharya's club, that has to be sued for mass children abuse? According to Jayadvaita swami their gurus are sometimes found -- engaged in illicit sex with men, women and perhaps children. And Lokanath is one of the people voted into that parampara. 

Anyone with more info can write: angel108b@yahoo.com]   

Navina-Syama Dasa

Navina-Syama Dasa (Navin Shyam Jani) grew up going to ISKCON temples, first in Cleveland, Ohio, and later in Laguna Beach, California. He became serious about spiritual life while studying at Stanford University, and after graduation he spent time in several North American temples and farm communities. Later, he traveled to India with his wife, Krishna Priya Devi Dasi, where he earned a Bhakti Shastri degree with High Honors from the Mayapur Institute of Higher Education. He ultimately found shelter at the feet of His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami, from whom he has taken first and second initiation.

Navina-Syama has a passion for Vedic culture. He is particularly interested in the ancient Indian art of spatial design, Vastu Veda, on which he has conducted research at the University of Florida and the University of California, Irvine, and for which he offers freelance consulting services through his website, 


He lives in ISKCON's Radha Kalachandji community in Dallas, where he is an attorney with the United States Department of Labor and where his daughter attends TKG Academy.



I previously postulated Champakalata was the GBC Ad Hoc Panel’s deciding vote to close Lokanath’s child molestation case “with no further action.”

I was wrong.

Last August, the GBC assigned 5 members to an Ad Hoc Panel to review Lokanath’s child molestation case:

1. Mahaman das, part of Indian leadership who had previously petitioned to have Lokanath’s child molestation case dropped: VOTED TO CLOSE CASE

2. Bhaktarupa das, part of Indian leadership who had previously petitioned to have Lokanath’s child molestation case dropped: VOTED TO CLOSE CASE

3. Navin Shyam das, lawyer: VOTED TO CLOSE CASE

4. Tamohara das, previous CPO Director: VOTED TO GIVE CASE TO CPO

5. Champakalata dasi, previous CPO Director: VOTED TO GIVE CASE TO CPO
It is puzzling why the GBC felt their Panel was appropriate, with two members openly biased in favor of the perpetrator. It was predicted Mahaman and Bhaktarupa, longtime leaders of ISKCON in India, would vote to close Lokanath’s child molestation case, and they did.

It has been confirmed Navin Shyam was the third vote recommending Lokanath’s child molestation be closed, with no further action, and that despite sexually abusing a child, Lokanath remain an initiating guru in ISKCON. It is nebulous why Navin Shyam was chosen by the GBC to be part of the panel as he has no background in child protection.

For CPO Review Panels, members must undergo basic child protection training. 
This was not a requirement for the GBC’s Ad Hoc Panel to review Lokanath’s child molestation case. In fact, only 40% of the panel members had a background in child protection. Is it a coincidence the only panel members who voted to have the case handled by the ISKCON Child Protection Office had child protection training?

Multiple sources said that Navin Shyam was the deciding vote to swing the majority in favor of closing the case. I asked Navin Shyam, twice, if this is how he voted, and as of this post, he has refused to answer.

It’s been over a year since the GBC Executive Committee promised to let their Child Protection Office handle this case. We are still waiting for this to happen.
The GBC's Ad Hoc Panel summarized here:

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Vrndavan Chandra Mandir Vrndavan Site


PADA: More Prabhupada devotees and programs are being made in various areas. ys pd

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Southern Baptist Abuse Apocalypse

ISKCON's Pedophile Messiah's Club
Same Pattern, Trend and Tendency as These 
Southern Baptist Guys?

'Ignored, disbelieved': Southern Baptist Convention sexual abuse report details cover up, decades of inaction (yahoo.com)


Names of abusers to be published:

This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse

The abuse investigation has uncovered more evil than even I imagined.


This Is the Southern Baptist Apocalypse

Image: Courtesy of Baptist Press / Edits by Mallory Rentsch

They were right. I was wrong to call sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) a crisis. Crisis is too small a word. It is an apocalypse.  Someone asked me a few weeks ago what I expected from the third-party investigation into the handling of sexual abuse by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee. I said I didn’t expect to be surprised at all. How could I be? I lived through years with that entity. I was the one who called for such an investigation in the first place.

And yet, as I read the report, I found that I could not swipe the screen to the next page because my hands were shaking with rage. That’s because, as dark a view as I had of the SBC Executive Committee, the investigation uncovers a reality far more evil and systemic than I imagined it could be.

The conclusions of the report are so massive as to almost defy summation. It corroborates and details charges of deception, stonewalling, and intimidation of victims and those calling for reform. It includes written conversations among top Executive Committee staff and their lawyers that display the sort of inhumanity one could hardly have scripted for villains in a television crime drama. 

It documents callous cover-ups by some SBC leaders and credible allegations of sexually predatory behavior by some leaders themselves, including former SBC president Johnny Hunt (who was one of the only figures in SBC life who seemed to be respected across all of the typical divides).

And then there is the documented mistreatment by the Executive Committee of a sexual abuse survivor, whose own story of her abuse was altered to make it seem that her abuse was a consensual “affair”—resulting, as the report corroborates, in years of living hell for her.

For years, leaders in the Executive Committee said a database—to prevent sexual predators from quietly moving from one church to another, to a new set of victims—had been thoroughly investigated and found to be legally impossible, given Baptist church autonomy. My mouth fell open when I read documented proof in the report that these very people not only knew how to have a database, they already had one.

Allegations of sexual violence and assault were placed, the report concludes, in a secret file in the SBC Nashville headquarters. It held over 700 cases. Not only was nothing done to stop these predators from continuing their hellish crimes, staff members were reportedly told not to even engage those asking about how to stop their child from being sexually violated by a minister. Rather than a database to protect sexual abuse victims, the report reveals that these leaders had a database to protect themselves.

Indeed, the very ones who rebuked me and others for using the word crisis in reference to Southern Baptist sexual abuse not only knew that there was such a crisis but were quietly documenting it, even as they told those fighting for reform that such crimes rarely happened among “people like us.” When I read the back-and-forth between some of these presidents, high-ranking staff, and their lawyers, I cannot help but wonder what else this can be called but a criminal conspiracy.

The true horror of all of this is not just what has been done, but also how it happened. Two extraordinarily powerful affirmations of everyday Southern Baptists—biblical fidelity and cooperative mission—were used against them.

Those outside the SBC world cannot imagine the power of the mythology of the CafĂ© Du Monde—the spot in the French Quarter of New Orleans where, over beignets and coffee, two men, Paige Patterson and Paul Pressler, mapped out on a napkin how the convention could restore a commitment to the truth of the Bible and to faithfulness to its confessional documents.

For Southern Baptists of a certain age, this story is the equivalent of the Wittenberg door for Lutherans or Aldersgate Street for Methodists. The convention was saved from liberalism by the courage of these two men who wouldn’t back down, we believed. In fact, I taught this story to my students.

Those two mythical leaders are now disgraced. One was fired after alleged mishandling a rape victim’s report in an institution he led after he was documented making public comments about the physical appearance of teenage girls and his counsel to women physically abused by their husbands. The other is now in civil proceedings about allegations of the rape of young men.

We were told they wanted to conserve the old time religion. What they wanted was to conquer their enemies and to make stained-glass windows honoring themselves—no matter who was hurt along the way.

Who cannot now see the rot in a culture that mobilizes to exile churches that call a woman on staff a “pastor” or that invite a woman to speak from the pulpit on Mother’s Day, but dismisses rape and molestation as “distractions” and efforts to address them as violations of cherished church autonomy? In sectors of today’s SBC, women wearing leggings is a social media crisis; dealing with rape in the church is a distraction.

Most of the people in the pews believed the Bible and wanted to support the leaders who did also. They didn’t know that some would use the truth of the Bible to prop up a lie about themselves.

The second part of the mythology is that of mission. I have said to my own students, to my own children, exactly what was said to me—that the Cooperative Program is the greatest missions-funding strategy in church history. All of us who grew up in Southern Baptist churches revere the missionary pioneer Lottie Moon. (In fact, I have a bronze statue of her head directly across from me as I write this.) Southern Baptist missionaries are some of the most selfless and humble and gifted people I know.

And yet the very good Southern Baptist impulse for missions, for cooperation, is often weaponized in the same way that “grace” or “forgiveness” has been in countless contexts to blame survivors for their own abuse. The report itself documents how arguments were used that “professional victims” and those who stand by them would be a tool of the Devil to “distract” from mission.

Those who called for reform were told doing so might cause some churches to withhold Cooperative Program funding and thus pull missionaries from the field. Those who called out the extent of the problem—most notably Christa Brown and the army of indefatigable survivors who joined that work—were called crazy and malcontents who just wanted to burn everything down. It’s bad enough that these survivors not only endured psychological warfare and legal harassment. But they were also isolated with implications that if they kept focusing on sexual abuse people wouldn’t hear the gospel and would go to hell.

Cooperation is a good and biblical ideal, but cooperation must not be to “protect the base.” Those who have used such phrases know what they meant. They know that if one steps out of line, one will be shunned as a liberal or a Marxist or a feminist. They know that the meanest people will mobilize and that the “good guys” will keep silent. And that’s nothing—nothing—compared to what is endured by sexual abuse victims—including children—who have no “base.”

When my wife and I walked out of the last SBC Executive Committee meeting we would ever attend, she looked at me and said, “I love you, I’m with you to the end, and you can do what you want, but if you’re still a Southern Baptist by summer you’ll be in an interfaith marriage.” This is not a woman given to ultimatums, in fact that was the first one I’d ever heard from her. But she had seen and heard too much. And so had I.

I can’t imagine the rage being experienced right now by those who have survived church sexual abuse. I only know firsthand the rage of one who never expected to say anything but “we” when referring to the Southern Baptist Convention, and can never do so again. I only know firsthand the rage of one who loves the people who first told me about Jesus, but cannot believe that this is what they expected me to do, what they expected me to be. I only know firsthand the rage of one who wonders while reading what happened on the seventh floor of that Southern Baptist building, how many children were raped, how many people were assaulted, how many screams were silenced, while we boasted that no one could reach the world for Jesus like we could.

That’s more than a crisis. It’s even more than just a crime. It’s blasphemy. And anyone who cares about heaven ought to be mad as hell.

Russell Moore leads the Public Theology Project at Christianity Today.

Southern Baptists Refused to Act on Abuse, Despite Secret List of Pastors

Investigation: SBC Executive Committee staff saw advocates’ cries for help as a distraction from evangelism and a legal liability, stonewalling their reports and resisting calls for reform.


Message From Poland to PADA

Pamho, jaya Prabhupada !

Here Polish devotee, born in the 70's, joined in the 90's. When living in France few years ago came across your blog. Thank you for publishing info about Ukraine, FFL charity etc.

Some stories which you publish are too long, like the one about Hayagriva in tee shirt shop! But interesting anyway. Aware of the rotting of ISKCON, but still with the "blind uncle": metaphor used by Srila Prabhupada.

Prabhu, Ukrainians and Russians are the extreme of slavic mentality ... they are very brave, but also naive. It is horrible to see how now some of devotees from UA / Russia criticize and argue with each other's yatras, instead of taking lessons from the war and rise towards the transcendental platform.

And about the war: there are war crimes on BOTH sides, Prabhu...

From here in Poland I cannot say which ones are the worst: nazi obsessed Azov batallion or sick post-communist Russians with occult red banner ... best if such "beigs" kill each other, annihilate one another completely.

Ukrainians were very extremely cruel to the Polish during 2nd war, Volyn massacre. Russians killed Polish officers in Smolensk etc. So Polish are not now much happy with "settling" of UA refugees: which is false flag, like covid 1984 hysteria and propaganda was...

I feel sympathy for the refugees, and send money to FFL and Parasurama Prabhu's charity "Food for All" but ... Westerners do not understand much of about our karma with ukraine. This is settling of refugees into Polska from a nation which was rarely friendly to Polish.

Difficult karma, collective, yes. Also Ukraine being country of very heavy karma, and controlend by Zionistas, as Russia is. NWO in full swing, Prabhu.

Greetings, Hare Krishna !

bh M

[PADA: Thanks prabhu. Yes, there is a lot of karma coming together here, and both sides are not angels. I am really not taking sides per se, however I do believe that bombing civilians is not a proper war time activity. It is basically a type of genocide -- and that is forbidden in Vedic war rules, and even karmi war rules. 

And now they are burying the people they kill in shallow graves, which is making the bodies leach out toxins into the ground -- and produce all sorts of poisons that are flowing out from the gravesites -- and is polluting the ground water etc. for miles around. This is the old technique of putting dead animals in the village well to poison the water, except it is being done on a mass scale all over the Ukraine area. 

It seems to me that Russia's real goal here is to make the whole Ukraine area an un-inhabitable wasteland, which means all sorts of beings will suffer from all the mess they are leaving behind there for decades to come. So that is not a military objective, that is a means of making land unfit for habitation, so the people and animals cannot come back to that land and live there again. 

Animals and people will drink the poisoned water and die, agriculture will not be possible etc. Nevermind it looks like they are intentionally trying to make cholera and other plagues go on there, as a means of killing even more people.  

And this is simply a few examples of the mess they are making there on purpose. OK this is all karma at the same time, I get that. However, people who dish out karma to others are accumulating their own new wave of karma for themselves. A cow may have the karma to be made into a hamburger, but the people who make the cow into a hamburger have to go to hell anyway. This is called karma chakra. 

In any case, we have to just wait this one out and see what happens. It does not look like it will end well, and when it does end, there is going to be one giant mess to clean up. And many people and animals will be dead because they did not survive the whole situation. So that will create a big new wave of animosity and desire for revenge etc. and that will go on for decades as well. Overall I do not think Russia will end up as big winners here. They might win eventually, and inherit a self-made wasteland of dead bodies and blown up buildings. That really does not make a lot of sense. 

Meanwhile a devotee from Russia says he can access the outside news by using some computer tricks, but most other people cannot. Those people are being told the war is going great, victory is at hand, and the Ukraine people are loving to have the Russians liberate their land. In other words the Russian people are not getting the correct news. All this is similar to ISKCON. We are doing great preaching! Ok we first of all had to ban, beat, molest, sue and kill people, but other than that, we are making good progress! So there is a lot of propaganda going on. 

Anyway, lets hope the world survives all this without it escalating into a nuclear conflict. That would not be good for any party. Thanks for your input. ys pd



"Sins of the Amish" Now Streaming on Peacock

[PADA: Wow! Pedophilia, rape, or incestuous relations. 

Say is isn't so pilgrims!

Busloads of Amish came to defend their rapist brethren in court. And busloads of Hare Krishna gave me all sorts of hell, like banning, beating, suing and assassinating my associates, when we reported rapes of children. It is Deja Vu all over again pilgrims! It does seem like victimizers will victimize, when they know they can exploit a weaker person in a particular situation, and the elders and leaders are compromised with the victimizers. 

If anyone watches this and they want to send me a review, that would be helpful. 


ys pd]

‘Sins of the Amish’ Reveals Bombshell Allegations of Cyclical Rape, Incest, and Physical Abuse (yahoo.com)

‘Sins of the Amish’ Reveals Bombshell Allegations of Cyclical Rape, Incest, and Physical Abuse

Fletcher Peters

Tue, May 24, 2022, 2:03 AM

There is little to no coverage about the horrors that happen with Amish communities. Head to the “Amish” Wikipedia page and you’ll find detailed descriptions about the founding of the religion, the various factions that fall under the title, about their clothing and their food. But you won’t find a single “Controversies” or “Sexual Abuse Scandal” tab on the page—nor any mention of pedophilia, rape, or incestuous relations.

Apart from a handful of articles from years ago, the Amish and Mennonite people have managed to sweep most of the darkest stories surrounding their communities under the rug. When we think about Amish TV shows, we think about Breaking Amish, a reality show about Amish folks leaving their sheltered community and gleefully heading to New York to experience the debauchery of the Big City. That is, until now, with the release of Peacock’s Sins of the Amish, which aims to shatter any pristine image of Amish and Mennonite religions there may still be.

The series follows four women from a variety of different Amish backgrounds. Some are highly conservative and don’t even use electricity, others featured their Amish family photo shoots. Sins of the Amish works to uncover patterns of sexual and physical abuse, alongside a handful of incestuous relations. Meg, Mary, Misty, and Audrey (their last names aren’t revealed in order to protect their privacy) come together to share their experiences within the Amish community, how they worked to get out of it, and the trauma they still encounter today.

Amish Teen Who Went Missing After Church ‘Suffered Harm’ After Kidnapping: DA

By far the most damning piece of the puzzle is the way some Amish leaders brainwash their youngsters to believe that nightmares like rape and incest are not just normal, but always the girl’s fault. While unpacking some of her old Amish materials, Mary uncovers one of her old sex education pamphlets titled “To the Girl of Eleven,” one of the only informative resources she had.

“This sex urge, once it is awakened and active in a young boy at the age of puberty and beyond, can become a powerful driving force within. Every decent girl will do her best to help him, and not make it harder for him. Even in your own home, if you have brothers in your teens, you should be mindful of this,” she reads. “Your brother innocently coming upon you and seeing your partly uncovered body may suddenly have strong sexual desires aroused within him. His intentions were not bad, but he suddenly finds himself a victim of your carelessness in the lust of his own body.”

The pamphlet also encourages young girls not to appear in scanty nightclothes or climb up ladders around their male family members, to keep their dress closed, and to close their door at night so that their brothers do not feel inclined to molest their sisters if they spot them half-naked in bed.

Still, a closed door didn’t prevent Mary’s brother from raping her in the middle of the night. She says she used to sprint to her room before he could catch her, but locking the door wasn’t enough.

“He would take off the hinges,” Mary tearfully recalls. “I remember him grabbing me and then I remember instantly splitting into two people. Like I wasn’t even there. When I came back, the door was closing, and he was gone.”

Mary eventually left the community and took her two abusive brothers to court. It would be hard to argue there was justice. Her elder brother Johnny, who confessed to raping Mary upwards of 200 times, was given one year in jail with the ability to leave and work, and 10 years of probation. Along with that, busloads of Amish people arrived at the hearing to defend Mary’s rapist brothers.

“I have a feeling she is doing this out of spite more than anything,” Mary’s own mother wrote to the judge. “Ever since I learned to know Mary personally, she had a habit of making things sound worse than they really are.”

Why the flurry of hate towards Mary? There is the belief that speaking out against rape is actually a worse sin than the rape itself. To publicly accuse an Amish brother of such an act is to ruin his life, so you must forgive him instead of going to the police or spreading gossip.

On top of this abuse, “the Lord commands” that physical discipline must begin at 3 months old, meaning Amish fathers are expected to beat their children from infancy. One woman recounts how her father used to ask her baby sister to clap and smile, and when she inevitably didn’t—babies can’t understand words—the father would beat the baby.

There are many horror stories in Sins of the Amish, but one of the worst comes near the end of the two-part series. Audrey, a mother of five who recently exited the community, remembered passing on the sex education that she had received to her two eldest daughters when they dropped a bombshell revelation.

“She opened up and asked me if it’s normal for dads to touch their daughter’s butts. I remember sitting there, frozen, all of a sudden understanding that this picture was a whole lot bigger than I even imagined,” Audrey recalled. “I was brainwashed into thinking it wasn’t abuse, it was discipline, and that’s what God wanted to do, because that was his place in the home.”

But Audrey worried about losing custody if she brought the case to court. After all, one woman who left the community says, criminals have received more time in prison for burglary and drug possession than anyone from the Amish community has for raping a child for 15 years. Still, with her two daughters fighting beside her, Audrey took her ex-husband to court, resulting in some justice served.

But as the horrors within the Amish community continue to surface—the series recounts an astonishing number of similar stories—Sins of the Amish hopes to shed light on the cycles of abuse within the community.

Sins of the Amish is now streaming on Peacock.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Another Ukraine Devotee Killed in War

[PADA: This is very sad, they kill the unarmed civilians, surrendering soldiers, children, babies, etc. As we reported before, they bombed the apartment complex of my India nurse student lady friend, and she said she only survived because she was in the bathroom. The rest of her apartment was full of metal shrapnel that "chopped up everything" and sent sharp metal pieces through the side of her refrigerator. 

If she had been out in her living room, she would have been shredded to pieces, but then -- so would any other person present, whether men, women, children, babies etc. anyone who would have been present there would have died, or suffered horrific wounds. No one came to check and see if the building was occupied, they just started shelling and so on -- knowing it is a fully occupied building.

She said, that is clearly how Russia's army treats unarmed young nurse ladies, they try to chop them up into teeny pieces, what to speak of others. So now they shot this soldier, but perhaps that was the better outcome. I don't think I'd prefer to be captured and put into one of their gulag camps. 

Meanwhile, Russia is itself is losing lots of soldiers on their side. It looks like this thing is going to grind on for quite some time. Ukraine's own plan now is to arm 1,000,000 civilians into an ad hoc militia. And that does make sense from a material point of view, it might be their best bet option. Fighting a one million man militia will not be easy. 

The Russians are already struggling with a much smaller force. 

Anyway, it is a mess. And it is not likely to get much better over the short term. The original Russian plan to turn the entire Ukraine into a bombed out wasteland of empty piles of bricks with mass graves of dead people is still going ahead in some sectors. Evidently, not much care is being conducted on the mass burial sites -- and so thousands of gallons of bodily fluids from mass graves are creeping into the ground water and into the well water system, so the water will not be usable for decades. Great way to start a plague! And starve people of drinking water. 

Of course if Russia could start a nice giant plague -- like cholera -- they would love to have another few more million people die from that process. Anything that will kill millions of people is a giant plus for their program. It is another form of biological warfare. 

Oh oh! M Dasi says this is the same type thing that happened in ISKCON. The leaders made a formerly nice movement into a bombed out empty and dead wasteland. They did not care who died or not, just empty the place out so we can take over. And then they have to struggle with bankrupted places etc. 

OK! In the end, let us hope for the best for this spirit soul. God speed! ys pd 

God is on our side!
Not -- the other guy's!
Well great, but everyone says that!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

About the Poison Issue (Naveen Krishna Das)

A supplication by former ISKCON GBC member, Naveen Krishna Das.

Dear Prabhus.

Please accept my humble bows. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I suggest that all followers of Srila Prabhupada examine the evidence of alleged malicious poisoning of Srila Prahupada with a skeptical but attentive mind, especially the words of His Divine Grace on this subject on Nov 8 from 1977 and later. There are at least 13 times that Srila Prabhupada and his assistants have discussed this matter -- which would be a case of criminal poisoning. 

A small translation from Hindi and Bengali is needed, but it has been done during many investigations in the past.

The forensic work of recognized experts and professionals is additional material for careful study. Whispers, as well as hair samples showing arsenic and cadmium must be carefully studied and verified by all followers of His Divine Grace.

There is a lot of philosophy to support something like this happening, aiming to glorify Srila Prabhupada and be a catalyst for her mission to flourish like never before. All other topics like book changes, initiation system (ritvik, official acaryas, new gurus etc. ) are merely a cause of distraction from this key issue and should not be a factor in the study of this issue. 

[PADA: All the other negative issues are rooted in this issue. If they would poison Srila Prabhupada, then why would they not also poison his books, his devotees, his children, his society etc. by mistreating them as well?]

There is also no need to discuss whether Srila Prabhupada succumbed to the poison OR was not affected by it and left because he and Krishna decided to. Remember he said in late 1977 that Krishna had told Srila Prabhupada that it was up to him when he wanted to leave. You may see this as a transcendental pastime of His Divine Grace with many purposes served..

We just need to examine with a cold, clear head whether the poison was maliciously administered; then, if the answer is yes, a discussion about cause and opportunity can take place. If there's no evidence then case closed. 

But use your own intelligence and don't allow others to induce or mislead you into this very serious matter. Once again, on November 8, 1977 and later there were at least 13 times that this matter was discussed by Srila Prabhupada and her assistants in Vrindavana as a matter of intentional criminal poisoning. Please study and understand for yourself using your own intelligence.

Read BBT conversation book number 36 for these dates, listen to the audio you can get from the BI files, and see where it takes you. Read forensic reports from authorities and experts. The GBC won't support a study of this themselves. I was a member of the GBC corps when this issue came up in 1997. 

I helped Balavanta Prabhu in the initial research and I know this matter very well. I resigned from the GBC body in 2000 because the issue was essentially covered up by influential GBC members and the rest of the GBC was misinformed to handle it properly. In the mood of service to Vaishnava community and with good intentions for all.

Naveen Krishna Das
Started disciple of Srila Prabhupada since 1975

He served as Temple President, GBC North America Member, Iskcon Global GBC Member, Founding Trustee of Iskcon Foundation and Chairman, Global Minister of Administration and Finance of GBC Iskcon. I quit GBC in the year 2000 because of the deceptive cover-up of this issue that I refused to support.

I have kept my sadhana practices and my vows rigidly since 1974 till today, if that matters to you. 

[PADA: Many devotees, even many so-called ritviks, were not happy when we released the poison tapes in 1997. Sorry, it is what it is. The history of the post-1977 movement afterwards -- sort of confirms the root of all these troubles. People even tell me that, "I would have doubted the poison issue except, what happened after is best explained by having poison at the root. In fact, the poison issue explains just about everything else that ensued subsequently." 

ys pd 



Mahesh Raja: Hare Krsna!

Naveen Krsna das : "....initiation system (ritvik, official acaryas, new gurus etc. ) are merely a cause of distraction from this key issue and should not be a factor in the study of this issue"

Mahesh: Ritvik a distraction???? What a load of nonsense! No motive for poisoning???????? Anyone with even a slight common-sense can tell you poison case MEANS there IS A MOTIVE.

Getting rid of Srila Prabhupada's Ritvik July 9th 1977 Order was THE poison MOTIVE which allowed bogus gurus to take-over steal Srila Prabhupada disciples, properties, money and assets and therefore change / manipulate his books as a COVER-UP to HIDE that they were NEVER authorized as Initiating gurus--- in the first place.

[PADA: Right, what is the motive for poisoning Srila Prabhupada? It is so -- they could then: exile, remove, ban, beat, molest, sue, and kill the people in his society; change his books; bankrupt his mission; stop his harinama samkirtana program; ruin his gurukulas; ruin his varnasrama idea; ruin the name of his mission -- etc. -- which is what they did subsequently. Everything is connected. 

They poisoned the founder, so that they could then poison his entire mission. We cannot subtract one issue from the other. Agreed. Every crime has a motive, and that is the motive, so they could smash and grab and plunder his society, just like burglars kill the shop owner so they can then ransack and loot his shop.]